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Everything posted by gogol

  1. I would say not yet, until they get the packet loss sorted out and battleye actually starts banning people. It is looking VERY promising though, I had lots of fun playing again, even more that the population is slowly going up
  2. yesterday i think the packet loss started at around 2 pm central in jericho, i tried playing again past midnight and it was still just as bad
  3. do ddos attacks start when there's 650-700 people online in jericho?
  4. yeah packet loss is pretty crazy atm, yesterday i think they said it was because of ddos mitigation. are the servers trash or there's actually someone insane enough to ddos them literally for years? two years ago or so, last i played somewhat actively, they also blamed it on ddos attacks
  5. oh man hoplon prices were the dream, i remember wonder if it was a smart move from LO to metion the armas pricing changes.. a lot of people is probably not buying stuff waiting for said change, and who knows how long it's actually going to take also i always appreciated blizzard's way of pricing by region, but that's just dreaming, company is not that big neither apb is as massive as any of the blizzard games
  6. I guess we all experiencing packet loss? is jericho on mitigation or something
  7. same, especially the packet loss, it's pretty annoying
  8. I would say they had no obligation to unban everyone to begin with and they just deployed a new anticheat so they have a lot to work on. therefore:
  9. you guys really need to chill
  10. losing apb$ and joker tickets as a punishement for cheaters seems pretty dumb tbh, no punishment at all. it is however pretty lame for the people that got banned for no real reason anyway good luck with the patch
  11. is this still a thing? just tried to log into social 10 mins ago and it was full, no social 2 either had to refresh for a few mins to get in
  12. game is going uphill because of our hopes and dreams, and not wanting to let apb go tbh. not because LO did anything other than having fluent communication with us (which is a lot, considering where we come from, but should be somewhat normal in any other case) that said, i think less than a month is too soon to judge them then we'll complain about them not communicating/giving info
  13. you should probably delete the OP and just wait for a mod to close this
  14. damn, i'm late and i don't understand
  15. you might want to disable dumptrucks for the day it's a really fun idea, one of you should stream too have fun my dudes, hope it goes well
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