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Everything posted by gogol

  1. at this point we should be opening threads only to announce when jericho is working fine, since this is happening so often xddd
  2. i got mine for free, so it ok, nerf it if you want
  3. is it just me or the servers are still poop? tried baylan 5 minutes ago and there was a lot of rubberbanding
  4. Removing items from ARMAS is no bueno, if anything, bring back the items G1 decided to remove and also account bound clothes? thx everything else sounds neat
  5. you just need to wear purple edit: my bad, almost forgot: UwU
  6. yikes, i was about to log in
  7. first thought: too long to read I read and now just cringe OMG EVERYONE CHEATS I SHOULD START CHEATING TO DO SOME JUSTICE jjejeje XD
  8. Appreciate it. You guys might want to consider something like PayU for LATAM countries maybe? Blizzard uses it and it seems pretty decent
  9. Hey buddy, do you know if Argentina is a valid country to use that method? I tried using the option called "Dinero mail", which redirects me to a blank paymentwall option
  10. No, I don't think you can get banned for that. While your frustration is understandable and golds shouldn't be farming bronzes, it's kinda lame to just bail on your teammates like that tbh, a better approach would be to just leave so they can at least call backup or something.. or convince your entire team to not face the golds, if anything lol. Sure maybe backup won't do them much good since it's still a bronze server, but honestly a gold that needs to farm bronzes can't be that good to begin with, so a decent silver should be able to beat them
  11. b-but i didn't get to see what it was
  12. Oh man, the legendary blood legion, I remember that clan. Jericho's pop is increasing a bit, it certainly is much better than last time I tried to play (a whileeeeeee back). But they're still having issues with server performance. I'd say it's not a bad time to start playing super casually to catch up to weapon changes and stuff, that's what i'm doing. Granted i'm getting shit on all the time and it's a tad frustrating, but I'm hoping by the time they start improving things I will stop playing like a silver
  13. Ahhhhh okay, okay. I thought he was just calling it rare nano because it's a legendary weapon (i never got one of those btw ) Well, I assume the reason is what I said before. If they do it for one person they might have to do it for everyone, and that could get a lot of tickets to ask for transfers plus might trigger a bunch more of people regretting the transfer and wanting to move it back.
  14. Am i being completely derp and not understanding the OP? I mail legendaries to my alts all the time? just gotta refurbish them first
  15. Do you mean he wanted to transfer a nano to a character on a different server? I imagine it would be such a hassle for support to have to transfer weapons per request, even if most of us were granted only 1 request
  16. To me proper servers is the core of everything, then fps. Without those two the rest of the options don't matter much since one won't be able to enjoy them New contacts to level up on servers with constant packet loss? doesn't sound right
  17. how was E3 my man? can't be all just business, do some vlog
  18. never love apb again, just appreciate it. this is what i do and it seems to be working fine
  19. servers being super poopers tonight. dc'd again
  20. im in for a riot if they actually kept the mod squad, they are awful. new CM should be accompanied by new mods, to clean the bad image and ways tiggs and her mods had. like i said a while back, a true fresh start. @Lixil could you be so kind to clarify this pretty please
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