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Everything posted by Gateron

  1. First the reason is why it's gonna be only in Asia probably is because mobile games are HUGE there. Its better that they go on with the 3.5 Engine instead of beginning all the way from scrap that gonna be a failure for sure. And why should it be unreal engine 4.0 anyways. Unreal engine 3.5 is capable enough of making a decent looking game and optimized if done right.
  2. There are enough other weapons that will destroy the shaw in its own territory. If they remove the random patootie spray pattern that randomly pulls to the left or right and give it a actually pattern that people can learn i would have agreed with you.
  3. Ever heard of the shaw? No one gives the oldest weapons any love 0 buffs since release only nerfs on car damage
  4. Said this for years brother they are not gonna do shit since the man that abuses everything you just claimed above has a word to say about the balances and weapons that come into the game. I won't say names but the real OG people know who i am talking about.
  5. its not about how dangerous it is but how easy it can spread. Young people can just sick it out and get immune against it. But imagine you infecting your grand mother or grand father and they die indirectly because you though the virus was nothing more then a flu and infected them. That is the scary part about the virus. These measures also keeps away that the virus spreads way to fast and to many people are hospitalized and that there is no resource available anymore for people that are in need.
  6. He means that shit will ruin the gameplay more than it already is.
  7. High risk high reward weapon you miss once and you are dead.
  8. Do you know how it feels to carry a team since they can't fight against the average players and then being killed on the last 10 seconds by a random silver with a star losing the mission, Because of a smart system that makes you vulnerable against everyone? No then don't speak its not only to punish good players but also players that carry there teams.
  9. nope we can't buy boxes anymore and if you had a code for a box and you do win a legendary its stuck on your char for ever.
  10. I won ogre a item from a golden box but its stuck on my r11 character. Little Orbit gave me the middle finger .l. and said because of rules blah blah we can't. I want to be able to trade/transfer it
  11. the problem is that Apb is third person so its hard to check if someone is closeting or not unless you can see his monitor.
  12. Silvers always fuzzy bunny when they get smashed but when they smash new/bronze players they don't say anything lmaoo. Hypocrites
  13. Gateron

    Name Glitched

    Nope it doesn't say anything and normally you can claim the name again after few minutes.
  14. I don't have that turned on. Turned it off rather keep the advertised speed i was promised :).
  15. Yeah years ago when the game actually still ran 2 times better then now. I also had a i5 2500k on 4.5 ghz and it did manage to stay between 115-120 Fp few years ago. The game runs like garbage i got my i7 6700k OC on 4.5 i get 110-144 FPS now.
  16. i5 9600k is a bit better then my i7 6700k in games. Don't expect to get i9 9900k performance with that CPU LUL.
  17. What can you do to many addicts in this game that think this game is gonna be E-Sport one day OMEGALUL
  18. When you have the OBT/CBT Title i mean it says it right in the title
  19. A example why the new Engine won't save the games since all the new players will get stomped by vets and leave.
  20. It's the weekend no one works. So this will probably get fixed on monday.
  21. Just fix the game and get more people to play it LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
  22. This weapon is for people that are bad at the game and need something easy.
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