Ketog 1034 Posted April 25, 2019 (edited) Posted in OTW feedback section : Edited April 25, 2019 by Ketog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtz 496 Posted April 25, 2019 1. How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? My very first match revolved around me getting flung into the game with four people I've never seen before, not knowing where to go (the radar icons helped a lot though), and kind of just getting wiped by someone I couldn't see. The next matches, though, went a lot better, because I had my first experience and knew what to expect. It's definitely something new for the game. Even though I have a dislike for the battle royale genre as a whole (I find it fundamentally flawed), I honestly didn't mind APB's spin on the formula. However, I can't personally compare Missions and RIOT. It feels like apples and oranges in terms of objectives you pursue. 2. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? I probably would. I'd say the biggest entry point is that the game is free to play, so they don't lose anything from trying it out. 3. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? Pretty much battle royale with APB's combat mechanics and the ability to control how quickly the playing field shrinks. I wouldn't try to sugarcoat it. 4. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? The spawn system. Getting respawned within range of your killers can lead to instantly losing the last-chance life. 5. What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? The ability to control the pace at which the playing field shrinks. I think it's a nifty idea. 6. What about RIOT do you like the least? I'd say it's the fact that red names are hidden. If the match takes place during in-game night, or in a dark area, you WILL die to edgelords wearing full black. (But that's mostly their fault, the schmucks who lack a fashion sense :^) ) I'm still not sure how I feel about the inclusion of battle royale in the game in general. On that note though, now that I've tried it for myself, I honestly don't hate RIOT. I think it really could become a full-time gamemode in All Points Bulletin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMessiah 430 Posted April 25, 2019 videos cant be posted?wanna see it.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FluttershyI 52 Posted April 25, 2019 How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? It feels like a more standalone/seasonal event, not sure how well it would fit the game/stay popular if it's not being changed and updated regularly Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? Depends on the final gameplay and changes, might be fun once in a while What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? The gamemode desperately need some kind of mini-fightclub or objectives in the contaminated area for the players that have died! This game mode will die out very fast due to a lack of action, sometimes only 2 fights and 20 minutes of waiting. This would be acceptable for a short term event, but will decrease any changes of succes for this new game mode in my opinion. Certainly since it's aimed for newer players aswell to enter APB (players wich are less good), we have already seen what happends with those during the stress test. They do not stand a chance... What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? Weapon pick-ups/diversity What about RIOT do you like the least? Lack of action/gameplay (and grenades) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExoticZ 131 Posted April 25, 2019 (edited) Hey! Some feedback from yesterdays' stress test. - How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? There is in no way you could compare this game mode to anything that is currently in APB:R. The gameplay is a lot slower than what other game modes are. APB is advertised as a fast-paced shooter with action at all times. I did not get that feeling while playing RIOT. - Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? At the current state of RIOT, no. Perhaps in the future once its gotten more improvements and QoL changes. - How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? I would describe it as a "hybrid" Battle Royale game mode. Where the players control how, which and when the gas "squares" are going to be danger zones. You pick up money randomly around the city which can be used on weapons, ammo, extra life... You can win in two different ways. - Have a lot of money at the end of the round and deliver it to the bank truck, once the timer runs out the team with the most money in the truck wins. - Kill all remaining players and be the last team standing. - What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? Give everyone the effect of the Clothing Agent 2/3 modification. Currently while trying to recover health, it feels like it takes a million years. Letting people have the modification will allow for more fast-paced gameplay. - What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? I love the "money system", where you can purchase, ammo, extra life, weapons... In the future there could be more options with the money, we've already seen other games do this. - What about RIOT do you like the least? The waiting times... If your team dies at the beginning of the match, you're forced to sit there and wait. Which could take up to 15-20 minutes. It feels very empty and poor when you cant do anything during spectator mode, all you can do is move your mouse around and change camera angle. Oh, and not to mention. You get kicked for being AFK if you dont move your mouse around while spectating. Clip here (taken from Proxie's channel) Improvements Spectator - Be able to see the names of players currently playing - Be able to see how many kills/assists the current team you're spectating has - Be able to swap between his/her teammates perspective - Lock the camera to the players that is being spectated. Gameplay - Give players CA3 for faster pacing of the game. - Give players options as to which secondary to start with, or completely change it. Colby SNR is a very boring and random gun to start with. (PDW or Mountie Northwest are a few options) - Let players buy lives back for their teammates, bring back their teammates. (Max 1 time) - Be able to give your teammates money Overall, did I have fun playing the RIOT game mode? I had a decent time playing, it was not bad neither amazing. One thing for sure is that it felt like a breath of fresh air. - Exo Edited April 25, 2019 by ExoticZ 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ketog 1034 Posted April 25, 2019 (edited) Oh yeah , this happends too : On my second match that exact spawn bug happened . Now to the questions : Quote How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? Well honestly, riot doesn't feel like APB at all, it's just feels like another game, just with apb graphics. Quote Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? No i wouldn't, not at this state at least, to my eyes, the current mode felt empty, and none of the actions you do while playing, feels like it really affects the game, i also don't like how clunky the weapon system is, why do we randomly get a message to buy our own weapons, why can't we do it at any time with a dedicated UI to this ? Also there's not clear explaination on what you are doing, at start most people were activating the riot devices without even knowing what it does, they ended up all figuring out what it does at the end by seeing they block being filled with gas For now, riot doesn't seem polished enough to be a reccomendable game mode to anyone, i know this is a test and work in progress, but that's my thoughts for now. Quote How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? "Imagine a battle royale game, where you are the one closing down the zones, kind of an apocaliptic surival" Quote What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? One thing ?! Make us start with FBW not snub, or a kife. Quote What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? None, i actually don't like Battle Royal type games. Quote What about RIOT do you like the least? How unintuitive the UI was about it. Here's what i think about RIOT, while you (matt) said this mode would be unique, and use many BR elements, we clearly all seen that this mode IS in fact a battle royale mode. A simple way to say it is, if you don't like the battle royale genre, you won't like RIOT either. I am honestly very skeptical about RIOT, quite a big part of APB's community shared their thoughts on the BR genre which are mostly negative (they wouldn't be playing APB if they loved that genre of gameplay so much). No gonna lie, this mode being so far from APB's roots and core gameplay, i think there's very slim chances that this mode becomes successful in the long term, people play apb because it's unique and different, and this mode, is completely the opposite of it. Knowing you guys are going to dedicate so much effort (Battlepass, In game progression+ rewards ) into something that isn't resamblant to apb's roots seems like a very risky choice . I hope im wrong, i really do, but from a long time player's perspective, RIOT mode doesn't seem like a very good move. Edited April 25, 2019 by Ketog 1 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pufty 113 Posted April 25, 2019 How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? I could say it's an upgrade from the contamination event which would be the closest thing to compare to R.I.O.T. in APB. It's new and comes in strong as something New. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? I could outline the first issue, which is that I am a random. I play solo and my experience strongly varies from those who have friends. I never did figure out how to play selectively with someone I would know, so I had to play with randoms. I feel like if there were more pointers and UI elements to show exactly WHAT is going on right now, I'd feel safer to try and encourage a friend to try RIOT. I played only twice and could only do so because I was stuck spectating and not knowing what to do, I waited. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? It's something new to APB and it excites me. So, you know how APB's missions are team vs team? Well, RIOT is when every team is vs every team. It's fresh and needs work, but I think it'll turn out in a cool survival pack game. You gotta survive by matching with a team you start off with and staying close to survive further. The city has gone down to shit and your team's goal is to survive. The map has a bunch of guns scattered, money and RIOT bombs. There's too much to get into right now, but to get the basic idea, it's a BR with it being cops n robbers vs cops n robbers. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? This is very divided, but I would NOT like to see the ability to use your own loadout. I hope RIOT to be something new, where players are pushed in a different experience than APB's mission districts, which means I would not like to see everyone run NTEC or ATAC. I don't have a vendetta for these guns, but when everyone is left in the mercy of the scattered guns, it's much more interesting on the 'survive the game'. I get that a lot of people would disagree with me and have their loadout be different, but that still means that whoever did not have enough cash for their own loadout will be completely wiped by the guy who's been running his same fav guns since 2015. What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? I can't judge so well, but I believe I could return to this. I like survival. I like fighting for the scraps. There were moments of silence, but at points of interest, when you see a small group nearing the same items you want, it turns to a game of actually taking cover, pushing and trying to get around the enemy to kill them and get the items you wanted. It would be interesting to see more items of utility around with indicators to encourage planning of attacks in the game. To choose whether to try and run for those items and risk being wiped, or go further and look for different options. What about RIOT do you like the least? There wasn't much of any pointers around of what I CAN and can't do. I really loved the loading screen being a tutorial for the general gamemode, but I would like UI pointers towards organising a team, having their death displayed by what weapon. Seeing who you are spectating and seeing more of (M) elements appear on the radar as the zone blinking to be in danger etc. It's great as it is intuitive at many points, but I do get confused a lot of times. I generally didn't like that I couldn't understand much of whether can I reconnect and join a new match, or could I selectively make a group of my own, could I spectate more than that 1 player I was forced to spectate etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mitne 725 Posted April 25, 2019 (edited) 1. If RIOT would be gamemode in any other game I would probably compare it to what GTA SA:MP Battle Royales modes offer. It's as lifeless as this gamemode. The closest I can compare it to any gamemode in APB? At current only FC. 2. I'm not really sure RIOT at current state would be selling point for my friends... 3. BR where you choose which zones are locked out. 4. Spectator mode which is utmost boring state. BR shouldn't be boring because you died - you should just jump on new match and do your own thing. 5. Insane map. (All it misses is some atmosphere - like constant gunshots in background, yells, explosions etc. - something which you would hear in real life widespread active civil war) 6. All... that... waiting! (Waiting to join district, then waiting to have another chance to play. Ugh. It doesn't help me learn or enjoy this gamemode at all. This is first gamemode where I felt genuine boredom). Edited April 25, 2019 by Mitne Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnm2206 0 Posted April 25, 2019 Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? after some tweaks and fixes yes 100% How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? kind of like apex legends with out a inventory What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? i would make it so you have to loot your attachments for your guns with a small inventory system What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? The ability to buy stuff but i would remove the pop ups and put the boxes on the map so people have to run to them to buy there guns a lives all so make it so you can buy ammo from the joker boxes What about RIOT do you like the least? How the zones work i was in a game and the last 2 zones laster about 10 to 15 mins with me and 2 other teams but i was alone and there had 3 man teams and was camping on a roof so i did nto push them and it made the last 2 zones go on for waaaaaay to long Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spillra 135 Posted April 25, 2019 How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? I would say that it's a bit slower than normal apb. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? Not as a solo player but as a team of 4. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? APB mixed with PUBG. more or less What is your favourite aspect of RIOT? There wasn't really anything that struck me. everything was somewhat mediocre, everything got potential but as someone who doesn't play BR's but I can't say how it could improve What about RIOT do you like the least? The spawns. Definitely, since during some of the matches yesterday I spawned next to several teams with gear. Also the lack of weapons, usually when you respawned you ran around for some time before you found weapons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanilleKeks 746 Posted April 25, 2019 How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? The mode itself is fine for what it is. At the moment it's still tough loving but that's expected from a new release. With proper polish it can become a fun alternative for when you have done one too many missions in a day. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? I would encourage them to try the mode, yes. However in its current state, unless they are already familiar with APB I would not recommend the game until 3.5 How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? The simplest explanation for me is to call it a BR like game-mode. The rest can be explained mid gameplay. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? I would remove player load-outs. Not always getting the best guns is a part of what makes BR games so interesting to me. Winning duels or even games with a "bad" gun is a lot more rewarding. Weapons such as the OCA and N-tec should be legendary drops on the map if anything. The inherent spice you get from BR RNG is just completely lost when everyone just equips their N-tec using the prompt. To balance this, rework the loot of the weapon crates to include B-S tier weapons with semi-rng modifations. Essentially, make sure I don't get Hunting Sight on a shotgun etc. but do have a little bit of RNG. What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? The map changes are probably the most refreshing thing so far. Just the fact that it's new content is probably enough for most of the community. I can't tell you my favorite thing after just one test though. What about RIOT do you like the least? Probably the waiting times. Something has to be done about the large amount of downtime in between games. Even on live servers I doubt we will have the population that allows me to simply jump and start a new game after I die consistently. Perhaps limiting the amount of lives you can potentially buy would be a good way to reduce the overall time of one round. All though. maybe disabling the purchase of extra lives overall is the better idea. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iTzBlackout 139 Posted April 25, 2019 (edited) How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? I cannot really compare RIOT with the other APB gamemodes except the events we had in the past. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? With a few changes I would definitely encourage my friends to play RIOT. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? Battle Royale with different gameplay mechanics. You able to earn cash to buy for example your own loadout. But don't waste all your cash, you need it later! You can also influence which part of the map fall. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? It's definitely the spectator cam. In my opinion spectating should be a optional thing. Add a lobby and give dead players something to do like jump'n'runs, add ramps and let them spawn their vehicles in a restricted area or maybe even a little PVP area. Those "lobby" activities should give a little reward too. Players should keep able to join/leave while a round is going on. (as long as they are not in the round) What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? Beside the map objects which I really like, my favorite aspect is that players can take part in which of the areas get contaminated. I wish to try out more but I didn't survived that long because I was so impressed by the map! Hope to see more in the upcoming tests. What about RIOT do you like the least? Since I already listed spectator cam above I gonna say something else here. While running around the district it was kinda quite. In my opinion it needs a few sound effects and atmosphere sounds. But thats just my opinion. My wishes: Lobby - Here player can wait for the next round and do different things in the meanwhile. Jump'n'Runs, Driving or a small PVP area as well as the opition to spectate the currentlly running round. Just don't force everyone to spectate! Sound Effects/ More Atmosphere - Maybe a voice talking to you to inform you about how far capturing is going or how much teams are left. Pickup sounds for items. And generally environment sounds. While nobody is shooting it is pretty quite. Tutorial - Yes, I know there is a tutorial for riot. But the current tutorial system isn't really efficent in my opinion. I would like to see a overhaul. For example big arrows in the middle of your screen that showes you what you have to do step by step. Example: Grab money (highlights a money marker), pickup a weapon (highlights a weapon marker), ... Edited April 25, 2019 by iTzBlackout Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrandonBranderson 672 Posted April 25, 2019 Apologies for not posting this sooner, I had an appointment last night and was pretty tired afterwards. 1. How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? It's definitely interesting and I can see a lot of potential in the mode, but it needs a lot of work if it's going to be up to standard with the rest of the game. 2. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? I'd encourage them to try it out, but currently it just doesn't feel finished enough and I don't feel like they would stay very long. Also needs more direct tutorials. The new loading screen is cool and explains the basis of it, but what if some people load in too fast? They might miss like half of the instructions. The tutorial window should include more pictures of the items unique to this event on their respective tutorial window pages. 3. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? A Battle Royale mode where the players decide which areas become out of bounds. 4. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? The spawn system. Dear god the spawn system. This happened a couple of times last night: I die, then I respawn between two enemies already having a gun fight that are literally 10 feet apart and I instantly get melted in the crossfire. I'd recommend setting a minimum distance that you can spawn away from an enemy. Like 30m at least. 5. What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? This mode adds a LOT of new stuff I never thought I would see in APB, Changes to Financial being the biggest. I saw that you guys changed Central park in the screenshots from before, but I didn't expect the changes to extend across the entire map. Very well done, it feels like a different map. 6. What about RIOT do you like the least? The burnt out shells of cars don't have physics. This makes it extremely hard to drive anywhere when you actually manage to get a hold of one of the very few cars scattered around. Not enough drivable cars in general. Not enough weapons scattered around. Al in all, it was pretty fun once you got the hang of it, and the different atmosphere it gives from the main game is definitely welcome to break up the monotony of the past 8 years. There's for sure some work to be done before it's up to snuff with the rest of the game and I'm excited to see where it goes by the time it's done. I'll try my best to attend the next tests but no guarantees because the hours are kinda off for anyone working a 9-5 job in the US. Only reason I was able to attend the stress test was because I had a dentist appointment so I only had a half day at work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted April 25, 2019 How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? A fresh take on APB for sure. I'm still a mission purist, but I have been having a lot more fun than I expected with RIOT. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? I already have, and shall continue to do so. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? Your basic team based BR with the added quirk of irregular map collapse that can be controlled by the players themselves. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? Separate districts for premade groups and solo players. (Honorable mention for removing player bought loadouts as well as the fixing the terrible respawn system) What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? Snub vs Snub battles... that shit's hilarious. What about RIOT do you like the least? The spectate system. If Im going to be stuck watching, at least let me choose whom Im going to watch, and maybe give me some HUD info... who is killing whom, radar, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneekface 87 Posted April 25, 2019 (edited) Was fun to test this, was even in team with Androvald the first round The good: - Map changes: All the added blockades, scaffolding etc. looked really cool. Seems like you can easily find cover, and also some spots like certain rooftops are now reachable - Tutorial in loading screen This is a good idea, gives you an idea of what to do when you get in. For me it was bugged and only displayed the first time though. After my game crashed it reverted to the standard load - Always something to do The cash, hazmat suits, guns and devices for turning on the bombs are scattered around the map pretty well, so you can always find some without having to walk too far. -Its better than fightclub RIOT is way more involved than fightclub, which has always been a lazy type of gamemode - 100 players Nice to see a mode with 50/50 players that seems pretty stable The bad: - Its BR in APB In PUBG for example, the gunplay is kinda wonky. Its more of a heavy, slow type of handling. Everyone is kinda on the same level and RNG plays in alot. APB on the other hand, is super responsive and precise. Therefore, APB vets who have played it for 5 years + can demolish newcomers since they are used to the fast gunplay and movement. It really doesnt suit APB that well. Also, usually the maps are outdoors on islands or so. APB is in a city environment, and the city blocks getting greyed out instead of a circle are way less intuitive. Its not easy enough to figure out where to go to escape the dead zones. - Sound ambience Like others have pointed out, it gets eerily quiet without traffic or pedestrians running around. Some ambient music or sound effects would make a big impact on how it feels i think - Weapons Not sure about the weapons available in this mode. Osmaw and true ogre were really common in the 4-6 rounds i tested. Also, spawning with the snubnose is really annoying when everyone around you are heavily geared up -Colors APB has always had a certain estetic, the street style, with realistic looking assets and graffiti on the walls. In RIOT, there are glowing colors everywhere. All the items are loke glowing pylons in red, yellow, green etc. Also the gaswalls everywhere looks a bit cartoony and unrealistic. I know some seasonal events like valentines with the crates and guns also has this more colorful styles, but those are just short events, not how the game looks permanently. I know this was a very early look and just a stress test, but those are my thoughts about the mode so far anyway. ps. if we are not allowed to share screenshots i can remove them Edited April 25, 2019 by sneekface Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M4Ni4C 18 Posted April 25, 2019 How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? For me it felt like playing Helloween 2018 and Xmas Event 2018 event mixed with BR elements. Definitely a completely difference for me so far. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? Yes, if they liked the events mentioned above and if they kinda like BR games. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? Slowish teambased BR game mode with APB themed quirks and features. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? Remove personal loadouts and vehicles. More Weapon and Ammo drops around the map so you can pickup another gun. Maybe Joker vending mashines could drop random Weapons and stack up or refill your ammo. Also when you got killed the first time, you are very most likely in a bad spot with only a Colby SNR 850 equiped (Obeya FBW would probably a better choice as a RIOT starter weapon). Another aspect is that alot of players will only use meta weapons as personal loadout. RIOT could also break that pattern by forcing players out of their comfort zone and trying new loadouts and tactics. Finnancial isn't that big of an district so cars aren't that nessesary. Also car gameplay is sadly a thing in mission districts. If players could still spawn their "personal tanks" and force enemys to waiste their ammo on it. This puts the car gameplayer in a advantagous spot and would be a mechanic that kills RIOT game mode. What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? Teamplay is quite relevant in this gamemode. Well rehearesed Premade teams have definitely an advantage. The ability to lockdown areas is the most unique mechanic in this game mode and adds also a stratigic element. Another thing I like is disabled character mods, makes it fair for everyone. What about RIOT do you like the least? When I was spectating, for me it felt like that the end game needs to be more engaging. The guys I've whatched stand around a lot. What Bugs I have experienced? When I was in spectator mode, I received the extra live pop up. I was able to kill 2 players in one round but during spectating stats switched to 0 kills and at the resumption there was also 0 kills. What things I would change or improve and some random Ideas The environment felt a bit too quiet in my opinion. Some patrolling policemen or other random events would be nice. Things like Do a spray point, deliver a package, destroy or hack something and get a reward. Speaking of random events I would like to see random events that have influence to gameplay something like random drops of very good equipment, money or maybe malfunctioning gas containers that make areas unavailable or available again. Some mini missions would be nice like A more detailed mini map would be convenient. Extra rewards for most kills, damage dealt, collected money or most done objectives. Not sure if additional RIOT exclusive consumables (like hazmat suit) would be beneficial. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sirdoggy45 5 Posted April 26, 2019 I would like to see an addition to the kill feed. Right now, when a player that isn't in your group gets killed, he still shows up in a green font in the kill feed. It would be nice if that would be changed to red. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramell 14 Posted April 27, 2019 (edited) Most of my points are covered by other’s threads. I would like to add only one more suggestion. 4. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? It would make the gaming experience more interesting if the corpse of the eliminated players can stay where they are and not disappear so that existing players can use them as a hint to find the rest players hiding nearby. This can also accelerate the game process, making hiding more difficult. Edited April 27, 2019 by ramell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WitchQueen 316 Posted April 27, 2019 (edited) 1. How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? At the moment it plays like a BR when you decide to jump into a low populated area to avoid dying. Much slower paced than either missions or fight club. Actually it kinda plays like Fight club on NA at 2 in the morning. 2. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? Sure I think everyone should try new things. 3. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? APB does BR but with elements similar to CS:GO's blackout. 4. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? So hard to choose one thing this early. I think sound effects. This mode needs a LOT of sound effects to add tension. 5. What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? New objects placed in the district. 6. What about RIOT do you like the least? Weapon loadouts being based on your own locker. - Very new player unfriendly 'I'd like to purchase my FBW and STAR please'. I'd like to re-iterate a few points made by others and expand on them a bit... I liked Rose's idea of going into the 'stunned' position when you get shot so friends have time to heal you up. I wonder if you could add really slow movement to this so you could maybe crawl out of harms way. I really hate the idea of respawning as I think in a mode like this, once you're dead you're dead. Which means the stun thing could work really well. The opposing player would then have to shoot you again (maybe a few times) or even arrest/immobilise you out of the game to earn more cash. As I said up there ^ the loadout idea is new player unfriendly. I think the loud out screen should actually give you access to either a selection of weapons or every in game weapon. That way the mode would actually be a good way of trialling weapons too and give the people who hate the idea of a BR style mode, a reason to try it. Sound effects: As people have said the mode sounded very dead. I think there should be city alarms going off. I think tannoy announcements saying things like 'RIOT device initiated' 'Evacuate the area immediately' '10 teams remaining' '5 teams remaining' and cool stuff like that said a by a cool robotic sounding voice (you know the one). When Riot gas is released near you I wanna hear that BOOOOOMMMMM noise like from Inception. Basically this mode needs to be really cinematic. Humans are psychological beings, they need this stuff. On death: 'WitchQueen has been eliminated' then a replay of the few seconds leading up to your death from your Killers POV immediately leading into you spectating them. But now I want NO control over the camera. I wanna see how they play and what they do with the camera. People can learn a lot from that stuff. Either no control or the option to have their POV, free cam of them etc. And also let us switch players. When the last team wins I wanna stick with them for a bit and see what silly celebratory emotes they do. Initial spawn points. I don't want to be parachuted in but I reckon a map with a load of spawn locations (just like you do with FC and missions) would be good at the start. Do we want to spawn right into notorious hotspots or do we want to play it safe on the outskirts? Also the team doesn't necessarily have to spawn in the same spot but we have a few seconds to see what their choices are. Initial map size. If there's not so many people playing the initial map size could be smaller. Last area. Again I agree with Rose that this last block is still pretty large. I reckon by this time, the gas is fully surrounding the players and should gradually be encroaching on the play area forcing people closer and closer. There's some other stuff that I'd mention but I know is going to be addressed (wait times etc) but all in all I found the mode to be very intriguing and I'm looking forward to the next test. Edited April 27, 2019 by WitchQueen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaos88 1 Posted April 28, 2019 The spectator mode should be locked onto what the actual player can see. Not floating around everywhere. This would not only make it easier to watch them and see how they play, but more importantly also help catch cheaters by seeing if they are twitching onto people ect. That's the biggest issue in Free to play games that needs to be fixed. This is a very good way to help find them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites