Spillra 135 Posted August 4, 2022 (edited) Hello Hello, as some of you know i made a tierlist with most apb players. Well i wanna make it a bit better but i need some help since i only know like 100 players. So please fill in this form with 1 name at a time with. Please just use the name the player is most known for. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfecb2WRziGN1W6r1pJePmnEaX6_oVihI7AoD6cQrIH66XTZg/viewform?usp=sf_link if you post names in this thread i will just ignore them Thanks Edited August 11, 2022 by Spillra 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlienTM 138 Posted August 4, 2022 till 2015 the game have like 5m downloads..gl with the list 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spillra 135 Posted August 4, 2022 1 minute ago, AlienTM said: till 2015 the game have like 5m downloads..gl with the list yeah true, dont care about the nonames though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deadliest 388 Posted August 4, 2022 (edited) A tier list of all apb players? A subjective base opinion list, why bother. But if you proceed you need to be more specific like what server of the player’s names you want to be on your list, so you actually familiar with these player who are currently actively playing. Edited August 4, 2022 by Deadliest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mitne 727 Posted August 4, 2022 You are aware people gonna input their own name like they are such big game? I'm 100% sure I will not know myself 99% of names listed there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spillra 135 Posted August 5, 2022 16 hours ago, Deadliest said: A tier list of all apb players? A subjective base opinion list, why bother. But if you proceed you need to be more specific like what server of the player’s names you want to be on your list, so you actually familiar with these player who are currently actively playing. Why not. people get mad and its just fun. Any server from any point in time. as long as someone can say "yeah i remember that guy" or " i know him, he is half decent" so semi known players Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen of Love 455 Posted August 5, 2022 Why the form need email? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MonkaS 215 Posted August 5, 2022 4 hours ago, Queen of Love said: Why the form need email? read Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotZombieBiscuit 3146 Posted August 8, 2022 (edited) Here you go weirdo. LordVegeta LAPDAlonzo Ray taylor Aeronaut/ABCedra Zombiebiscuit Smexii Tea Ohshii AbbyCakes Tranquility Scrublord Mushy Fapalina Sluttles Viollette Sword Evo Seiser OneLegitPubera OnlyByNature/baeture SunsetCrook Dbaby Willow/Meowies/Wicket Zelly/MaximumPlayer Grease Monkey Elara Elyx Desire USPStyle Monstro Superfuzz Indianola Eunoia ImAustria/Ebnko Skittles Saela EveDisaster/Gladwrapped Tele Turmoils Chev Richgang Zeals Griffith Sslick Dante Stevemcgarret StringTheory Inteoix AnActualCat Pimpsclan Dreamss Kimiko Elix Telepath Failues Kaprice Woogie Birrymays FASHA Kogey Xenonshift/Shokk Tempz Vestradah/Fang AshleyNeko AshReloaded Kteku Kasull BlueRobin Reddragons/papasmurf ZroTheCrooked AcrobatSniper Hotcops Amanzia JusticeShepeard Laracroft Lucy Zubzero Propanity SABR Skrill/godiva pogotheclown Doland Sidewayz Comedian Manni Sadira RedPandaPrince Cheeball FreakingFerret Fur Dexem Gage Vulc Alibearz Kazoobles Gr3nadier En4cer Lusty Nzev Nekolin Tame Obsession Daggeris UnethicalPanda Mattskoii Hannibal BlastinFools/One Bobbyboy Pandy Bigbeam InifnitumX desolation/felid Lawss Movis Tracerbullet Redemption Snax Sulaman Sylvur Asylith Evrina Qualified Jobi Exilecard Haeling Desertrose Boswa Heshers Tev Lucifer ZoePayne Little Lucidy Cyndel Fuccdrop Skrux Ihope Innistrad LunaTikTunaLik Ruckus Sinfulprodigy Delta something (was in wasp) Temptations Th3Rock MichelleV Trauma Kaily Ethlyn Sup Alphabetic Heyiirawr Laser Pve Vaya Saela Avelle Nubcamps Tonedown Iry Firstdimension Phresh Thicc KudaOP PlushieTeddy Virtual BitsyKitty Haggins SlabJesus Brixxx Exultant Exile Hailkasa Mfwicy Pufferina Sicopet LuxyPunk Bigbragg RavenRoxie CTFxCFTW Atropine Isock LilyV3 Leah IIsland Vut Nyv Arato Laptop icallshotgun/tiff Aggression Hectorcrush Avalani Vitorax Baeofchoice/baekon roh1t Amancia Illgot Altamont Bombs ChrisL T0AST TabithaSammuals Ner4zza IcyBB ZombieBiscoitO lexySparks CaioSparks Ange1ofd4rkness Cakey PancakePower Itsmarissayolol NoLifeKid Sammistriker Vanillakeks Financial Coach Rapid99 Salek / racksmile Leotek Wingedarc Moneychixx Thelinux DrCapo Tyberious Lolita Brenton Eradic Metalcandy Voerman NSJDAWG Noko Chauklet/vop Zirrick Sephrase YoushallPerish Ionox Newtrick RainbowDash Sylv Zhiex Exona Radial Shizzy Difficulties Pajamalama Omgbees/eugenides ElGuapo Tko TGColCheese Faythe Faith Birdmanz Natalieholloway Raskul Vinylscratch Cindylouwho Dipper Grillsmash Krucifix Mstrix Nipze InfernalPaladin Vetian Agentv Nahtze BUKKAKEQUEEN Palin Tornhaze Temu FUCK LazyViper Afr0mang Cykoblast Poedgirl Noviihna TIMMEH Infinitumx Chooka Squidlips Smoothdomino Badtz Tonokon Newtrickk Rainbowdash LTgh0st Tallgeese Immortality Anarq Mikeytux CDAT June1 Jakemilano Chucks Fourwall withoutXeffort Wh0r3 NSFW Redbird Chirp Rhjhguihhfr Sylvur Quote DarlaCrowley DuffingOne BTATCOM Boltz BrIIcE BwallStreet ShaneInsane MicHelleV Kazumia Edited August 8, 2022 by NotZombieBiscuit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weaboos 89 Posted August 9, 2022 On 8/4/2022 at 8:38 PM, Spillra said: yeah true, dont care about the nonames though Ah yes the big names. Lemme check how many of them are on the FF ban list... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cowhorseman 442 Posted August 10, 2022 only names i can ever remeber here are zolerax magicskinflute robotskinflute and datpaper most people are just overly agressive man childern Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TzickyT 213 Posted August 10, 2022 i just wonder who is who like peopel have multiple accounts .. play on multiple characters ... like isn't it enough to have one character of one person than actualy having 10 different account names from 1 person ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spillra 135 Posted August 10, 2022 23 hours ago, TzickyT said: i just wonder who is who like peopel have multiple accounts .. play on multiple characters ... like isn't it enough to have one character of one person than actualy having 10 different account names from 1 person ? ok corvi - tzickyt - decimalnumber99 Merged. On 8/8/2022 at 11:28 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said: Here you go weirdo. put it in the survey dumbass Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TzickyT 213 Posted August 10, 2022 well if u are doing it on EU only there is stil Lollyrot and IzickyI 2 hours ago, Spillra said: ok corvi - tzickyt - decimalnumber99 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Westford 182 Posted August 10, 2022 (edited) On 8/8/2022 at 5:28 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said: Here you go weirdo. LordVegeta LAPDAlonzo Ray taylor Aeronaut/A /snip Yeah, I'm not real big on "tier" lists, taking into account many on the list have enjoyed the use of 3rd party tools. I thought that an Alphabetical list might provide more substance. and ease of use. I added myself and YooD , cause ,, well YooD ... ___________________________________________________________________ AbbyCakes AcrobatSniper Aeronaut/ABCedra Afr0mang Agentv Aggression Alibearz Alphabetic Altamont Amancia Amanzia AnActualCat Anarq Ange1ofd4rkness Arato AshleyNeko AshReloaded Asylith Atropine Avalani Avelle Badtz Baeofchoice/baekon Bigbeam Bigbragg Birdmanz Birrymays BitsyKitty BlastinFools/One BlueRobin Bobbyboy Boltz Bombs Boswa Brenton BrIIcE Brixxx BTATCOM BUKKAKEQUEEN BwallStreet CaioSparks Cakey CDAT Chauklet/vop Cheeball Chev Chirp Chooka ChrisL Chucks Cindylouwho Coach Comedian CTFxCFTW Cykoblast Cyndel Daggeris Dante DarlaCrowley Dbaby Delta something (was in wasp) Desertrose Desire desolation/felid Dexem Difficulties Dipper Doland DrCapo Dreamss DuffingOne Elara ElGuapo Elix Elyx En4cer Eradic Ethlyn Eunoia EveDisaster/Gladwrapped Evo Evrina Exile Exilecard Exona Exultant Failues Faith Fapalina FASHA Faythe Financial Firstdimension Fourwall FreakingFerret Fuccdrop FUCK Fur Gage Gr3nadier Grease Monkey Griffith Grillsmash Haeling Haggins Hailkasa Hannibal Hectorcrush Heshers Heyiirawr Hotcops icallshotgun/tiff IcyBB Ihope IIsland Illgot ImAustria/Ebnko Immortality Indianola InfernalPaladin Infinitumx InifnitumX Innistrad Inteoix Ionox Iry Isock Itsmarissayolol Jakemilano Jobi JusticeShepeard Kaily Kaprice Kasull Kazoobles Kazumia Kimiko Kogey Krucifix Kteku KudaOP LAPDAlonzo Laptop Laracroft Laser Lawss LazyViper Leah Leotek lexySparks LilyV3 Little Lolita LordVegeta LTgh0st Lucidy Lucifer Lucy LunaTikTunaLik Lusty LuxyPunk Manni Mattskoii Metalcandy Mfwicy MichelleV MicHelleV Mikeytux Moneychixx Monstro Movis Mstrix Mushy Nahtze Natalieholloway Nekolin Ner4zza Newtrick Newtrickk Nipze Noko NoLifeKid Noviihna NSFW NSJDAWG Nubcamps Nyv Nzev Obsession Ohshii Omgbees/eugenides OneLegitPubera OnlyByNature/baeture Pajamalama Palin PancakePower Pandy Phresh Pimpsclan PlushieTeddy Poedgirl pogotheclown Propanity Pufferina Pve Qualified Quote Radial RainbowDash Rainbowdash Rapid99 Raskul RavenRoxie Ray taylor Redbird Reddragons/papasmurf Redemption RedPandaPrince Rhjhguihhfr Richgang roh1t Ruckus SABR Sadira Saela Saela Salek / racksmile Sammistriker Scrublord Seiser Sephrase ShaneInsane Shizzy Sicopet Sidewayz Sinfulprodigy Skittles Skrill/godiva Skrux SlabJesus Sluttles Smexii Smoothdomino Snax Squidlips Sslick Stevemcgarret StringTheory Sulaman SunsetCrook Sup Superfuzz Sword Sylv Sylvur Sylvur T0AST TabithaSammuals Tallgeese Tame Tea Tele Telepath Temptations Tempz Temu Tev TGColCheese Th3Rock Thelinux Thicc TIMMEH Tko Tonedown Tonokon Tornhaze Tracerbullet Tranquility Trauma Turmoils Tyberious UnethicalPanda USPStyle Vanillakeks Vaya Vestradah/Fang Vetian Vinylscratch Viollette Virtual Vitorax Voerman Vulc Vut Westford Wh0r3 Willow/Meowies/Wicket Wingedarc withoutXeffort Woogie Xenonshift/Shokk YooD YoushallPerish Zeals Zelly/MaximumPlayer Zhiex Zirrick ZoePayne ZombieBiscoitO Zombiebiscuit ZroTheCrooked Zubzero Edited August 10, 2022 by Westford Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Datpaper420 16 Posted August 11, 2022 (edited) On 8/9/2022 at 7:36 PM, cowhorseman said: only names i can ever remeber here are zolerax magicskinflute robotskinflute and datpaper most people are just overly agressive man childern Ahaha! Very true. Good to see you still browse forums. KEKW ~Jesus ~Goat ~Hamburgler ~Rick ~scoredoggy (havnt seen this guy in a long time) ~sidewayzlife (yep 4x4 drifter) ~Norranda ~JakeFromStateFarm ~The walmart clan ( lotta names i forget ) ~DOUBLEY ~ikacake ~a bunch others but lazy and dont wanna type em all Edited August 11, 2022 by Datpaper420 Add to listing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MidnightQ 12 Posted August 11, 2022 Whats the purpose of doing this ? Also thanks zombie for not adding my name xD im selling your car then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotZombieBiscuit 3146 Posted August 11, 2022 20 hours ago, Spillra said: put it in the survey dumbass No? Merged. 2 hours ago, IssaDeku said: can i get a list of legit players this time? i'm tired of eseing FF bans on a list again. let's talk about ethug The day he got banned was the day FF came out We rejoiced. Legendary players?https://imgur.com/dNpnPgG Probably wouldn't listen to a person who gets slammed dunked. I got clips on clips. We all know who's doing it. Discs go in the basket. Guess who was bogie free today? Guess who shot the record over the 3 rounder? Guess who's going back to beat the score? Don't see y'all playing I see y'all posting Get out. Dam, that person is kinda shlt at apb. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spillra 135 Posted August 11, 2022 6 hours ago, IssaDeku said: can i get a list of legit players this time? i'm tired of eseing FF bans on a list again. let's talk about ethug The day he got banned was the day FF came out We rejoiced. Legendary players? Probably wouldn't listen to a person who gets slammed dunked. I got clips on clips. We all know who's doing it. Discs go in the basket. Guess who was bogie free today? Guess who shot the record over the 3 rounder? Guess who's going back to beat the score? Don't see y'all playing I see y'all posting Get out. Merged. At least deadly actually plays the game. But he avoids missions. Bro FC players versus Mission Players. E Ess Pea versus controled conditions. I ain't part of team backshootey. I actually like the duel. I live for it. Only a few players get it. Sorry but im gonna need proof that you aren't a delusional silver with less than 100h in game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iRawwwN 289 Posted August 11, 2022 (edited) 8 hours ago, Spillra said: Sorry but im gonna need proof that you aren't a delusional silver with less than 100h in game AndyJames is the best player NA has ever seen. Oscar legend, you could learn a thing or two from him, kid. Edited August 11, 2022 by iRawwwN 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cowhorseman 442 Posted August 13, 2022 On 8/10/2022 at 10:55 PM, Datpaper420 said: Ahaha! Very true. Good to see you still browse forums. KEKW ~Jesus ~Goat ~Hamburgler ~Rick ~scoredoggy (havnt seen this guy in a long time) ~sidewayzlife (yep 4x4 drifter) ~Norranda ~JakeFromStateFarm ~The walmart clan ( lotta names i forget ) ~DOUBLEY ~ikacake ~a bunch others but lazy and dont wanna type em all the forums are more fun then both these games combined Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VerreckDuSau 8 Posted August 13, 2022 VerreckDuSau is big Player Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neophobia 216 Posted August 13, 2022 On 8/8/2022 at 11:28 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said: Here you go weirdo. ray taylor [...] [more na players ew] [...] hexerin queenoflove ftfy, the only ones that matter no more gold hackers, only kevlar and horses 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IGeertI 47 Posted August 13, 2022 (edited) Here you got some names good luck Edited August 13, 2022 by IGeertI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites