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What do you guys actually want?

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Some of you spent months begging for threat to be removed on districts and now you've got it you're still dissatisfied? 


Like you've even said you don't play the game anymore, you don't like it and you don't like LO or Matt Scott so why are you still here clogging up the forums and harassing staff? 


It's not his first APB was left to the wind by Gamersfirst. Determining the worth of a game by its number of players is stupid too, lots of games have large playerbases which suck through and through, having a small dedicated plethora of people is better than nothing. 


The updates are coming and I'm sure everyone is aware of what the problems are. Coding a game this old is not simple. 

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I used to have a choice. I could relax in bronze or sweat in silver. Players need the right balance. Now the choice of the enemy is too great. I can’t control who I’m fighting with.

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Be careful what you wish for.

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I am fairly certain that the threat removal was primarily asked for by NA players, which is completely reasonable. Although I am from EU, I used to main NA and even when I still played the game, it was only really possible on EU for several years. It sucked to see my main characters with so much personal history being essentially unusable. The reason why people complain now is because it was activated for both regions, whether it be a technical limitation or not. It might solve the problem for NA but it just turned EU into more of a mess.

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1 minute ago, VanilleKeks said:

I am fairly certain that the threat removal was primarily asked for by NA players, which is completely reasonable.

3 minutes ago, VanilleKeks said:

 The reason why people complain now is because it was activated for both regions, whether it be a technical limitation or not. It might solve the problem for NA but it just turned EU into more of a mess.

Basically, this. No one asked for it to be applied to EU and instead of letting us know about the technical limitations beforehand, they just went for it straight away. It threw EU into disarray and NA has only somewhat benefitted from it. Lower skill players are now trapped with the higher skilled players/cheaters and they are slowly but surely leaving the game at an even faster rate. This also dooms any new player from ever staying in APB from now on as they are more likely than not, going to get obliterated for a few missions in a row before they uninstall for good.


2 hours ago, Reprimand said:

The updates are coming and I'm sure everyone is aware of what the problems are. Coding a game this old is not simple. 

I would advise you to accept that APB is doomed and no significant updates are ever coming to it until we see a working, stable APB client running on Unreal 3.5 (or higher) that looks at least half-decent and runs at 150+ fps on modern hardware. Highly unlikely, but its less than the bare minimum for this game to ever see any increase in population whatsoever, even in the 100s.

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2 hours ago, Reprimand said:

The updates are coming

Are u kiddin me..what updates?when?U realize they are not ready even with social in this 2.2 version.This engine upgrade at this pace will never be finished.Not gonna say even in 2022 cause i dont see it happenin at all.This company cant do it-maybe they have the willingness to do it but obviously they dont have the potential/resources.On top of everything we r in situation where nobody else wants this game so the game is in checkmate

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2 hours ago, Flaws said:

Basically, this. No one asked for it to be applied to EU and instead of letting us know about the technical limitations beforehand, they just went for it straight away. It threw EU into disarray and NA has only somewhat benefitted from it. Lower skill players are now trapped with the higher skilled players/cheaters and they are slowly but surely leaving the game at an even faster rate. This also dooms any new player from ever staying in APB from now on as they are more likely than not, going to get obliterated for a few missions in a row before they uninstall for good.


I would advise you to accept that APB is doomed and no significant updates are ever coming to it until we see a working, stable APB client running on Unreal 3.5 (or higher) that looks at least half-decent and runs at 150+ fps on modern hardware. Highly unlikely, but its less than the bare minimum for this game to ever see any increase in population whatsoever, even in the 100s.

no such thing as a new apb player.

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1 hour ago, MonkaS said:

no such thing as a new apb player.

This is simply not in accordance with the facts. You can always find someone who's relatively or completely new to the game. Now, the question do they stay in San Paro and for how long is entirely a different matter.

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1 hour ago, Bambola said:

This is simply not in accordance with the facts. You can always find someone who's relatively or completely new to the game. Now, the question do they stay in San Paro and for how long is entirely a different matter.

noob ≠ newb

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1 hour ago, MonkaS said:

noob ≠ newb

I am well aware of that. I was specifically referring to the new players when I said "someone who's relatively or completely new to the game". 

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Just now, Bambola said:

I am well aware of that. I was specifically referring to the new players when I said "someone who's relatively or completely new to the game". 

no such thing

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I just wanted a crime simulator of sorts. Instead we have just a shooter, sure I have had my fun with it though.

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I want the old 1-10 threat system and also a girlfriend

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1 hour ago, gogol said:

I want the old 1-10 threat system and also a girlfriend

I’m afraid that first wish excepts the second 😄

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thers always 3 groups of people ... one who is going to enjoy it .. one who is going to be against it and those who don't care but we don't talk about those.


people don't like waiting ... for something. thats our biggest issue. people want new stuff. if no new stuff catches there minds and they feel like they got everything out of this game. than they wil automaticly leave. u only have stuborn people who stay. + this game is free to play ... says a lot of the people who stay. 

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5 hours ago, TzickyT said:

stuborn people who stay

 They ask me, Mack why U 255 n Bronze, n Why Mack U don't quit?

I have a major investment, not only monetary but Time. I have worked very hard, spent allot of money, and put up with tons of grief by other players for years. Plus I am highly cynical n when I'm Pushed i tend to Push Back. Oh I aint Leavin,

  I'm fittin to Glass Them Golds, I will find out what they eat, when they sleep, I will Study them, I will Learn from them,

   n then I will Tag n Bag Em.  Nobody Is Pushing Me Off The Block !!! 

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On 10/25/2021 at 8:48 AM, Reprimand said:

Some of you spent months begging for threat to be removed on districts and now you've got it you're still dissatisfied? 


Like you've even said you don't play the game anymore, you don't like it and you don't like LO or Matt Scott so why are you still here clogging up the forums and harassing staff? 


It's not his first APB was left to the wind by Gamersfirst. Determining the worth of a game by its number of players is stupid too, lots of games have large playerbases which suck through and through, having a small dedicated plethora of people is better than nothing. 


The updates are coming and I'm sure everyone is aware of what the problems are. Coding a game this old is not simple. 

Threat Segregation was the beginning of ruin for APB under G1... That said... it was when there were 20 other districts to swap too if I wanted to avoid sketchy players. Of course when thousands of players are removed from the game and only 2 threat districts existed... the hardass cheat crew tended to play more hardcore on silver districts and bronze remained... albeit trolled by dethreated golds, a more chill district.  I mean... no threat districts when there's only 40-80 people playing just means destruction of what's left of new or casual players.

Once upon a time, when there was an actual playerbase... threat segregation put a target on the backs of new/casual players by segregating them into a colored district... and that WAS a terribad idea that the incompetent G1 devs were unable to revert. But now... removing threat is a terribad idea because there's nowhere for new/casual players to play. Everything LO has done, was listen to the hardest core, most edgey, unbanned cheaters, and WTFPWN golds... and implement ruinous decisions that cost thousands of players when so many thousands were already lost when they bought the game.  What LO never did was learn WTF they were doing... or why the population asked for changes...

Imagine waiting 2 years to implement Threat district removal... and thinking it will somehow be what people want/need, so long after the game is fundamentally wrecked and population has fled... and the POINT of opening the districts to stop Golds from WTFPWNing new/casuals was gone since hardly any of them are even left playing... and logging into a district means nearly everyone is a hardass Gold and doesn't want anything to do with you... and you have nowhere to even find similarly lower skilled players to play with.  It's just so poorly implemented and reflects such a shitty lack of knowledge of the condition of the game... that it's extermination mode... as if LO wants the game to die even faster.

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 I Have to Admit, I was Wrong. 

  I would formerly have considered most golds and other Real Good Players as Hacks. 

Regarding recent deleted comments in this thread, I chose to come here. 

 My ability to judge a player as a hacker or not was challenged. And now I can see why, and again I was wrong.

Recently I replace my mouse and pad. First off i never used a pad, I used magazine with the glossy surface. 

I also used a logtech gaming rated mouse, with a max 1000dpi. The little feet were worn off n it would catch n grind the magazine-pad. Running a Nitro 5 Lptop and thinking it was regulated to 60 fps.

  So, I changed the smooth frame rate granting me 100fps, I bought a real mouse pad, and a steel series mouse with up to 18000dpi however im runnin bout 3k-dpi; and NOW I can see the frame rate play out better, I can move and aim better, and I 

can see, that someone with a decent mouse, decent pc and fps, and maybe years of practice using decent equipment, could Earn the Gold Honestly.  Had it bout a week n i think i seen one guy that i was pretty sure he might have been aimbottin, but just the one. Maybe he was just Gud.   PEACE

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The only problem I had with threat was that the bracket sizes made no god damn sense!

Green threat was such a small bracket of the lower skilled players that anyone who was green was basically a PVE encounter.

Meanwhile gold threat was just too large a bracket compared to silver and bronze.

Why has threat level never followed the bell curve?


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12 minutes ago, Someone said:

Why has threat level never followed the bell curve?

because global threat levels aren't dynamic, there is no mechanic that restricts a certain percentage of the active population to specific threat levels

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1 hour ago, glaciers said:

because global threat levels aren't dynamic, there is no mechanic that restricts a certain percentage of the active population to specific threat levels

Is that really necessary to achieve a bell curve threat level system?  Why can't the current mechanisms they use to determine threat bracket a minority of players as green or gold?


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1 hour ago, Someone said:

bracket compared to silver and bronze.

I agree.  One of the reasons, (in the past) that I would be suspect of golds.

because as a bronze it seems to only take doing 1, 2 obj's and or a couple kills n your silver, Yet getting gold seems some astronomical level.  I hear they used to have numbers, like say Silver 5 or gold 8 ect. Would be nice to have a Clue how far I was.

might give some temp satisfaction. More motivation to practice harder

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