PraiseTheSun 48 Posted January 24, 2020 (edited) Please just focus on the optimization of the game performance and the engine update before doing all sorts of projects, which nobody is really waiting for. This prevents any delay as things tend to go wrong if something is touched. Edited January 24, 2020 by PraiseTheSun 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PepeHands 50 Posted January 24, 2020 On 1/22/2020 at 7:20 PM, Solamente said: seems pretty contradictory Like...more cars? It's 2020 and this game still has like 10 or less cars...GTA:O used to get more per year Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neophobia 216 Posted January 24, 2020 (edited) 19 minutes ago, NoobQueen said: Like...more cars? It's 2020 and this game still has like 10 or less cars...GTA:O used to get more per year "10 or less" lol i mean less than 10 reasonable to use, sure, but there's a bunch more. not comparable to gta - but same goes for their budget plus, i don't even think that's necessarily a good thing, i mean choices are cool but i couldn't keep track of all of my vehicles etc. plus, having 40 sports cars that basically perform the same and look similar... i'd rather have them focus on other stuff. Edited January 24, 2020 by neophobia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fortune Runner 796 Posted January 24, 2020 19 hours ago, FluffyCat said: I'm with you on this , Dont touch cars ~ cars feel like they are sliding on glass. it would be nice if that was reworked 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ExoticZ 131 Posted January 24, 2020 2 hours ago, Fortune Runner said: cars feel like they are sliding on glass. it would be nice if that was reworked Could you show an example of what you mean? It's an "arcady" third-person shooter after all. It's not meant to very realistic, if that's what you're aiming for. I dont know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoesntExistAnyMore 144 Posted January 24, 2020 3 hours ago, Fortune Runner said: cars feel like they are sliding on glass. it would be nice if that was reworked From this concept .. Yea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spillra 135 Posted January 24, 2020 On 1/22/2020 at 10:17 AM, N66 said: - Don't touch the cars pls........ you'll ruin our fun, the only thing we ever wanted regarding cars was more speed if possible, and certainly more variety. I'm not sure who you are or what type of player you are, but car gameplay is ruining the game I M O. It sucks all the fun out of a mission. There is no fun playing against it and its no fun to car gameplay. Sure EMP's might be a counter in the future but let's be real, based on what we know at the moment no one will use an EMP over a conc. Until then cars like the Vegas, Pioneer and Espacio or the vehicle mods needs to be nerfed in one way or another. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PotatoeGirl 220 Posted January 24, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, ExoticZ said: Could you show an example of what you mean? It's an "arcady" third-person shooter after all. It's not meant to very realistic, if that's what you're aiming for. I dont know. He means that the cars feels terrible to drive for anyone coming from another game that has cars. Also they are not very "arcady" considering that the handling is kinda complex. Just try to run over someone and you will know what I mean. Edited January 24, 2020 by HawtGirl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M72_LAW 6 Posted January 24, 2020 The cars behave in insane ways indeed. It mostly has to do with how friction is calculated and whatever external forces are at work. Not to mention that a car like Bishada Rapier can go only 82,8 km/h at max (23 m/s * 3,6). A car could go above 400 km/h in NFS: Underground 2, an arcade racing game from 2004. But a funny idea I got is that if an EMP grenade is added, there could also be a slower old car that is resistant to it. For example, a diesel powered UAZ-469 with a mechanical fuel pump, and a manual crank for ignition. It needs no electricity you see. Of course mods like radar tower would still go out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrackSmack 38 Posted January 24, 2020 "Starting off this year with a BANG, we have a bunch of information for your regarding our goals for APB in 2020!" - clicked the link to find almost no information regarding your goals. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted January 24, 2020 2 hours ago, CrackSmack said: "Starting off this year with a BANG, we have a bunch of information for your regarding our goals for APB in 2020!" - clicked the link to find almost no information regarding your goals. maybe they have almost no goals :^) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N66 101 Posted January 24, 2020 On 1/23/2020 at 2:52 PM, Revoluzzer said: Modifying the Bounty system to keep you from getting "Heat 5" in missions Meh. I know some people dislike this mechanic, but it's there for challenging players who perform excessively well in a mission. It's one of the remaining mechanics that remind you of the open world, open conflict nature that the game tried to create. Though I agree with how it's frustrating to lose a mission due to bounty, I still agree more with how you put it, as balancing punishment in addition to open world feel, hopefully there will be a better solution than to remove it On 1/22/2020 at 8:20 PM, Solamente said: seems pretty contradictory There is a difference between adding more cars and ruining them, and the speed boost is not a "buff" or balance, by that I meant a more realistic speed than 80km/h top speed for sports cars, which is not possible due to the latency and the tick rate mainly. On 1/23/2020 at 5:54 PM, FluffyCat said: I'm with you on this , Dont touch cars ~ and bring back the features that the ammo box used to have , its totally ruined after this nerf ~ This... every orange mode is useless now that you have to keep a field supplier on, or if you think you'll keep your vehicle next to you this often, then all blue vehicle mods are useless. 20 hours ago, Leefekyn said: Cars just need the lower tiers slightly tweaked to bring them more in line with the high end, but to mess with them before getting player feedback on the upcoming emp grenades would be shortsighted. This is what I disagree with honestly, I don't see how making low and high end cars equal makes sense, I don't see vehicles the same as weapons in term of "balancing". And since I'm posting anyway, I hate the balance of "low yields", they're useless now, they explode in a radius and damage of a popcorn, and I get bored of how many nades I have to toss under parked cars for them to explode. or how you can't flush people out of cover with them now, as covers usually are big enough, and damage is low enough.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fortune Runner 796 Posted January 24, 2020 57 minutes ago, N66 said: This... every orange mode is useless now that you have to keep a field supplier on, or if you think you'll keep your vehicle next to you this often, then all blue vehicle mods are useless. try to work with your team and adjust accordingly , since most of what APB is would be team fights. Merged. 4 hours ago, ExoticZ said: Could you show an example of what you mean? It's an "arcady" third-person shooter after all. It's not meant to very realistic, if that's what you're aiming for. I dont know. most people coming from other games would never like APB car handling. period. And because of that , new and old APB players do complain and do not enjoy it at all. If APB is to grow and get rekindled (if possible) then things have to be adjusted so that APB is more fun , and people like the game play , so that they stay and we have new players. APB cant fund itself to stay online if we do not grow since there is a cap on what can be bought , and many veterans are getting closer and closer to that. if a racing instance could be made after cars are worked on then it could really help since it is a popular " to do " to be added to APB that would not work too well if cars still slide around so easily with poor handling. I'm not just thinking about a little thing like personal preference about car handling , but how to make APB funner as a whole with what the community has said for years of what they would want added. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PepeHands 50 Posted January 25, 2020 13 hours ago, neophobia said: "10 or less" lol i mean less than 10 reasonable to use, sure, but there's a bunch more. not comparable to gta - but same goes for their budget plus, i don't even think that's necessarily a good thing, i mean choices are cool but i couldn't keep track of all of my vehicles etc. plus, having 40 sports cars that basically perform the same and look similar... i'd rather have them focus on other stuff. Dude this game is now over 10 years old. Not many if any new players will pick it up and old players won't come back for updated graphics and maybe 1-2 new cars. If they do then not for long. This game has big potential to be content rich but instead it's still a skeleton with 2 maps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted January 25, 2020 6 hours ago, N66 said: There is a difference between adding more cars and ruining them, and the speed boost is not a "buff" or balance, by that I meant a more realistic speed than 80km/h top speed for sports cars, which is not possible due to the latency and the tick rate mainly. look at what adding more weapons has done to balance lol i'm of the opinion that cars go exactly as fast as they need to, any more and the districts would feel even smaller than they already do not to mention how much it would effect game balance to have vehicles blasting around at 100/150/200 mph 6 hours ago, N66 said: This... every orange mode is useless now that you have to keep a field supplier on, or if you think you'll keep your vehicle next to you this often, then all blue vehicle mods are useless. how awful that now players have to choose between on the fly inventory access (via field supplier), indestructible cars (via blowtorch), and a legitimate wallhacks (via spotter), truly the game is broken when different mod choices have consequences 6 hours ago, N66 said: This is what I disagree with honestly, I don't see how making low and high end cars equal makes sense, I don't see vehicles the same as weapons in term of "balancing". vehicles are weapons in apb, i think that alone justifies treating them like weapons but other than that why wouldn't you balance vehicles? not balancing them is what we have today, where 3 cars are used and everything else is just a money trap for new players that don't know better yet and then you want to add more vehicles, if we're not going to fix the current ones and they remain better than every other option those new vehicles are going to go right in the dumpster 6 hours ago, N66 said: And since I'm posting anyway, I hate the balance of "low yields", they're useless now, they explode in a radius and damage of a popcorn, and I get bored of how many nades I have to toss under parked cars for them to explode. or how you can't flush people out of cover with them now, as covers usually are big enough, and damage is low enough.. loyos arent meant for vehicles in the first place i find them to do just fine at complementing aggressive play pretty sure more people would use loyos if concs weren't basically mandatory to deal with the awful car balance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AgentWatson 85 Posted January 26, 2020 On 1/25/2020 at 11:28 AM, Solamente said: vehicles are weapons in apb, i think that alone justifies treating them like weapons but other than that why wouldn't you balance vehicles? not balancing them is what we have today, where 3 cars are used and everything else is just a money trap for new players that don't know better yet and then you want to add more vehicles, if we're not going to fix the current ones and they remain better than every other option those new vehicles are going to go right in the dumpster This makes a lot of sense to me, not sure why everyone is always against balancing the current vehicles in the game? Personally I'd like to see car mods completely disappear and instead replace it with car customization instead that includes customizing much of the functionality of the car. Defer a lot of those car customization modifications to contacts and have unique mods for each car so there isn't a meta for modifications but each one gives their own flavor. I would understand peoples apprehension to my suggestion here given that adjusting vehicles on the fly is such a popular thing mid battles and for chase missions. However that system pretty much defeats the purpose of having the availability to much of the cars in the game, people will most often only choose 3-4 cars with rare exceptions so it's just those 3-4 cars with mods varying very little. I want a system instead where on a given mission you should have to think about changing the car you want for the missions entirely. Right now speed and acceleration seem to be the meta with durability trailing perhaps 3rd in preference for a lot of people when it comes to characteristics people find desirable in a car, I think a more in-depth car customization will make cars quirky and fun again. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hexerin 1149 Posted January 26, 2020 On 1/24/2020 at 4:28 PM, Solamente said: vehicles are weapons in apb This is something people just can't seem to grasp the concept of. The absolute strongest stat in the game, above all others by a hilariously massive margin, is mobility. Vehicles are the highest contributor to this stat, as they literally determine the baseline for how long it takes you to get to an objective. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PotatoeGirl 220 Posted January 26, 2020 5 hours ago, Hexerin said: are the highest contributor to this stat, as they literally determine the baseline for how long it takes you to get to an objective. And if you are going to camp or get camped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen of Love 455 Posted January 26, 2020 -Remove Bounty System in Mission: will be just a gift for the detreathers and the toxic tryhards with the current Matchmaking ( Gods vs lab mouses) and with the low population, without P5/N5 active in mission there will be no chance to balance the mission gap. the bounty was the only breath of fresh air during sistematic stomping of newbies or low skilled players. Removing it is the best way for have a carnage continued that will stress playerbase. -Rank restrictions. I guess prototypes district could be more interesting. But Why not add directly a fight club map with all these prototypes instances? -Balance Items: Highly Risk. Dont touch nothing, just add a benefit for lower car (like more blue Mods equipable togheter, so also a Calabria could be interesting with ability to have +togheter) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gazzzzzz 3 Posted January 26, 2020 ruining an already ruined game was difficult but LO is doing it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted January 26, 2020 10 hours ago, AgentWatson said: This makes a lot of sense to me, not sure why everyone is always against balancing the current vehicles in the game? Personally I'd like to see car mods completely disappear and instead replace it with car customization instead that includes customizing much of the functionality of the car. Defer a lot of those car customization modifications to contacts and have unique mods for each car so there isn't a meta for modifications but each one gives their own flavor. I would understand peoples apprehension to my suggestion here given that adjusting vehicles on the fly is such a popular thing mid battles and for chase missions. However that system pretty much defeats the purpose of having the availability to much of the cars in the game, people will most often only choose 3-4 cars with rare exceptions so it's just those 3-4 cars with mods varying very little. I want a system instead where on a given mission you should have to think about changing the car you want for the missions entirely. Right now speed and acceleration seem to be the meta with durability trailing perhaps 3rd in preference for a lot of people when it comes to characteristics people find desirable in a car, I think a more in-depth car customization will make cars quirky and fun again. there will always be a meta, it’s inevitable when trying to equalize so many unique items i disagree with a tuning system that has lots of variability much like weapons, a player should be able to see any vehicle and have at least a rough expectation of how it functions, consistency is key in ensuring that carplay is more easily counterable - not knowing that the opponent has extra acceleration or top speed tuning will cause players to mistime grenades and rockets, interfere with the already tight window most av guns already have, and mess up vehicle collisions now i don’t know how extensive of a system you had in mind so maybe these issues could be reduced by simply changing the vehicle modification list (shown when aiming at a vehicle ingame) to show what kind of tuning a vehicle has instead of what mods it has but my issue there is that imo for a tuning system to be worth implementing there’s should be quite a bit of variations and possibilities, at the very least the listed information would be harder to comprehend especially in the middle of a firefight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fortune Runner 796 Posted January 27, 2020 10 hours ago, gazzzzzz said: ruining an already ruined game was difficult but LO is doing it buying armas guns with joker tickets is not a bad thing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PotatoeGirl 220 Posted January 27, 2020 6 hours ago, Fortune Runner said: buying armas guns with joker tickets is not a bad thing Eh? That was a thing even during g1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted January 27, 2020 16 minutes ago, HawtGirl said: Eh? That was a thing even during g1 under g1 jt weapons weren’t permanent, or even a good lease option tbh, and the selection was incredibly limited that said, i have no idea why the joker store was brought up in response to orbit ruining the game since it’s one of the few things they’ve done (mostly) right Share this post Link to post Share on other sites