JenzAmaka 260 Posted May 25, 2018 (edited) Hey! We figured we’d take this time to show off the more creative side of this community. And help those who want to do their own Renders too. Thread will provide tutorials and links to programs we use in said tutorials. Resources for materials, skeleton and other bunch of stuff that will help you. And finished works for people who’ve created albums of their stuff they’ve made for people so you can see their progress as well. Now start posting! Renders, ideas, projects. problems, instructions, Anything!Anti-Cheat in APB is blocking NinjaRipper Back to basic where we can only rip only our own characters. You need to rename APB_EAC file in the Binaries folder. Then you can start the game with NinjaRipper and rip your character in character selection. I recommend getting Tobii's Empty Login Alternative for easier exporting files. Tutorial Downloads - - - -AlbumsIf you want to showcase you renders album, PM link to your album and give banner that's size of 300 x 60 Some album links were removed due to them being empty because of Imgur's update. Artist's whose albums were empty Me, SkittyM, LilacToaster, Virtuoso - - - - - -Discord Rules With Little Orbit taking ownership of APB, the rendering are now being officially recognized and endorsed. This does come with a few rules, especially for posting art in general on the forums. 1. PG-13. This means no nudity especially. 2. Being payed for rendering is illegal as it breaches Little Orbit's copyright. 3. No stolen work. This is pretty self explanatory.4. Keep it APB! Tips # - My Avatar's glasses are broken? If you plan to remove doubles from a character that has glasses. Don't. Separate those Glasses from the character first, and then select the character and remove doubles. -JenzAmaka # - Textures are totally wrong! fingers are printed in the chest, and legs in the arms! You have to convert .rip files in noesis to .obj with UV flip ON -Queen of Love # - Half of face is gone! You have to search again in the noesis folder, you need 4 pieces; hair, eyelash,half face, body and face. -Queen of Love # - Black screen when using NinjaRipper!? Ninja ripper has always done that from what im aware of, have to run the game in windowed or fullscreen windowed. -SkittyM Don't forget to use -nosteam, or just disable Steam Overlay. Just make sure no other overlay software running like FRAPS etc. -JenzAmaka # - I need your help with the settings for the windscreens at my car. I always have this problem Image Try selecting the windows in edit mode and move them somewhere,more than likely that theres a z fighting issue with the glass because theres 2 sheets of it for each window. i had that problem until i figured out that i had 2 sets of glass for each window. Also, headlights/taillights may or may not have this issue, assuming they have glass on them(if they dont, then theres nothing to worry about) -SkittyM # - My character's jaws are wide and all wrong!? [This only happened when we were able to use Ninjaripper outside of character selection] You need to rip outside of character/clothing kiosks. Extra APB Speculars/Vehicle Emissions Now I'm about to write something that no-one will understand. Specular. When I discovered how Specular work on APB Avatars, I have to admit that the guys who made Character customization deserve more cookies. So, people who do renders probably know that APB only has 2 or 3 character texture images. Diffuse, Normal and Hair(Unless your avatar is bald). Those who've looked at Diffuse Image probably noticed this and was wondering what the hell is this. It's Specular image. I always knew it and I always edited and saved it as a separate file. Not the correct way. Correct way is to do it is with Node Editor. This is what the character looks like with simply adding Specular Image. It's obvious that it's meant for taking bits of pieces and give unique values. Using Color Ramps I could take certain value I wanted. After I figured that one out. I worked on it and tried to mimic game's specular in Blender. ---------------- Worked on Vehicle Emission materials and I found out that the Alpha Channel is exactly like Character's specs. It's bunch of shades of gray values you can use to switch lights on or off. Group Photo Projects The Biggest Obeya(Now known as Citadel) Group Photo (2013)Preview EditionMaximum Edition(Download)Additional Shots Album Credits - Group Photo by Jenz/Amaka(Citadel) - Farfletched(Ex-Dev who provided High Res Asylum Screenshots when the map wasn't available in-game) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Biggest APB Group Photo (2016)Preview EditionMaximum Edition(Download)Close Ups Album Credits - Group Photo by Jenz/Amaka(Citadel) - Billboards, Posters and Banners by Word2(Citadel) -"Before You Play The Part" Billboard by Rapid99(Jericho) -"BEX Team" Flag + Logo by Annily(Citadel) -Cars by ManniCalavera(Jericho), Rapid99(Jericho) and Word(Citadel) -Symbols on Display by sicopet(Jericho), M0toko(Citadel) and Shinto(Citadel) -Social District by Jenz/Amaka(Citadel) and Bridgette(Jericho) -Project Savior by Kempington(Citadel) Big thanks to everyone who supported and waited patiently for 2 years! Jericho Ange1ofD4rkness AngelofDeath Aphira Asylith BirryMays BlooPanncake BluPanncake bombs BriannaMae ByrningX Cassidey Cheese4mayor ClaireRedfield Cleeniix D3fault Darkholme DarkTribalStars Disdained dogfox101 dreamerz Eurydice Evo Fadedx Fapalina FunkmasterG gisela GoIdenGun GooshGooshs hotcops HyuneVie Innistrad Interjection itsmariassayolol ItsSarah Iucy IzLegit JackCisco Jenast JessiKitten Jimtard Jobi June1 Kipani Kotone kristheabyss Kuntz lDeviousl LeetMentality LordVegeta Luckyy MadamSerious MaDKiileR MissHell Nickolai Noviinha poedgirl PogoTheClown PrincessTwilight Pro pscrooge Radial RainbowDash SCAR69FACE Shiziru SilentKilla SimpleLogic SuicidalMisfit Systolix Tea TeIe TestDummy1 UntSnakeEyes vi3tdude VintageVince zellyy AlexDhigh Alofia AnneArkey AquiTainE ArmTheHome1ess AshleyNeko Aural BlueWaffler BrandieCarter Bridgette Bromatoast BullCop Dawmz determine dopi Dsync ElijahKinney Ellinor Elvina Enkeri Evilclutz EvilxxBunny Grope Gyn Hallz Hatsumiku Hekaton HellFever iKagamine imJay iodyne IROCkiller Jarkovitch JenniferStyle Jerainne jusbus JWar Kazma Kazoobies Keira Kelsie KittehLove Ladymancia LilacToaster Linzee lolzheadshot MadalenaKurtz ManniCalavera MarshallWesting Maxie mcaso123 MrVegg Netami nisashia OhShii Oogles Outcry PhantomFunk PinkNoise Privileged Protocobra Rapid99 Ravenne RikuTasogare Roxl RyoukoMatoii RyukoMatoi Saruhz Shya sihplak Skelie Soch Tame TheKiller14 TheRealRocNRolla Tixie UubeNubeh Vasari VashleyVicious Vegg W1LL0W XxNaomixX Citadel AJoX AkiyamaMatias Alexplow Amaka AmyLynnLee Andy7 Annily Aoyari Arclight arkan031PL Auburn Bonnye bwk Caisey Certify Chiefmedic Clamps CoCosmi CrazyGamer293 CrosShadow Dacerz Demane Dianji Dogfish Drecksau Dutvutan Enigmaticz Etsukoo FBW Furano Geetie GhosT8747 GoldSalvation Grapist Haarek Haatred HatsuneMikuuuuu Helleni HEY0 JasoN4u Jenz jjacco Kakulukiam Kaobi kazubot kellylarossa Kempington Kevkof1994 KittyMosh Krimzyn Laitsy LeRiley Lilluu LilyV3 Lissszz Ltbk M0toko Memori MicroFury Miszczu MonaSux Moonstone Mozie MrAwesome MrBubbles700 Nanmin NevZ NitricZenith nodrugs3 NotMahune Ouromow Peacemaker Ponchoo Punci Quinnen Raid3nn RainbowMonkey Roni8888 Sc4rlettStar Sethos ShadeART Shinez Shinto Sjana Skrallis Sociopath StaXz StraaZi Suggabay Tiya Tobiii TonyKiller Torstii tq6 Trinity101 Tropics Tysaki Vivi VoodooStarr Whisker Word2 XxBlackHeatxX xxChristyxx XyDr Yalde yfni ZloyZadrot AceGirl Agent43 AltF4 Amie Bethra Blackened Bluish BustaG13 Catee Cersie Coldpurple criminalWolf Critacal DarkHanbinger DiZZeR Dopefish Eevald1182 Esther EvilGina eXorcisT666 experience112 Fieldrabbit Gasoline Genotomka Healt HXClown IMarcusBurnettI JoaD K4SS Karyl Kristtina Kurabiye laxieee lNnekol LordCashpoint Meow Meta Miamoto Michaveli Minatsuki MrsSamanta Munchie Mystiical NaughtyTurk Nerima Neuropath OriginalKA oXlisaXo Petra PettieTheMedic Psycha Qumi Rando RebornOne Revoluzzer Sefi SexiGerll Shini SilverCrow SuicideL0VE Suiginto Systech TheTugasPT Tsugi Unquiet Vitaliyyy VoodooStar VROCK wassey Winddeath xGilgamesh3 xXVegaXx Xzero Zfaked Zycloxx Legacy download links Outdated stuff, only for the curious minds.Whiskey's Cycles MaterialsLilacToaster's Cycles MaterialsJenzAmaka's Internal MaterialsGeneric People Pack for CyclesGeneric People Pack for Internal Edited October 1, 2019 by JenzAmaka 19 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiskeyTangoFoxX 280 Posted May 25, 2018 hi placeholder in case Jenz goes MIA 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cazadora 153 Posted May 25, 2018 Reserved spot 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sameriah 47 Posted May 25, 2018 reserved just incase 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sadira 292 Posted May 25, 2018 Reserved in case (don't worry, I'm still doing the Maya stuff). 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nevv 49 Posted May 25, 2018 This can be a club though innit Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotZombieBiscuit 3146 Posted May 25, 2018 Placeholder post Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dexem 57 Posted May 25, 2018 1 minute ago, NotZombieBiscuit said: Placeholder post Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quicks 0 Posted May 25, 2018 reserving this post, just in case xoxo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iodyne_ 127 Posted May 25, 2018 This is one of my favorite renders that Jenz made for me. You've come so far in your abilities...I would love to see an updated version of it someday...maybe when they give me my gun back. 7 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YumaKirosaki 32 Posted May 25, 2018 Still a fantastic group of people! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JenzAmaka 260 Posted May 25, 2018 Now we have new forums and new company running. I think I'll post renders here again, so here's one I made few days ago. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salvick 248 Posted May 25, 2018 The elite of APB, damn guys you making the game looks like crayon drawings, lol I've been always in love with these renders, could never get tired of seeing new ones. And you guys have clearly put a huge effort on all this, not only rendering but also teaching others and sharing your knowledge! 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkittyM 288 Posted May 25, 2018 Oh, old post wasn't moved, rip all that stuff then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JenzAmaka 260 Posted May 25, 2018 Just now, SkittyM said: Oh, old post wasn't moved, rip all that stuff then. But you can bring up things from the old forums . I'm still figuring out how I can bring rest of the useful stuff without OP being absolute massive mess. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sameriah 47 Posted May 25, 2018 Glad to see this thread up and running again , posting something i made aswell ! 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Healt 67 Posted May 26, 2018 i just hope new tos/eula/battleye/GMs would still let us rip our chars Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrandonBranderson 672 Posted May 27, 2018 I made a horrible mistake and added a fur shader to my cat costume. It won't stop looking at me. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raikou 14 Posted May 27, 2018 (edited) This will be the best topic on the whole forum! I remember I tried to do this myself, but I got lost in all the complicated steps. Hopefully everything will get supported for rendering! Looking forward to the new creations! #gummyarmsandlegs / #nopro / #couldnotdoit Edited May 27, 2018 by Raikou 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cazadora 153 Posted May 27, 2018 59 minutes ago, Raikou said: This will be the best topic on the whole forum! I remember I tried to do this myself, but I got lost in all the complicated steps. Hopefully everything will get supported for rendering! Looking forward to the new creations! #gummyarmsandlegs / #nopro / #couldnotdoit It's never late to try again! Whiskey's tutorial is very thorough, and we would all be happy to help in any way 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IRyanI 15 Posted May 27, 2018 Welp. Back in buisness :1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrandonBranderson 672 Posted May 27, 2018 Hmm, will BattleEye interfere with ripping models when it's implemented? NinjaRipper is an injector isn't it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IRyanI 15 Posted May 28, 2018 (edited) 7 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said: Hmm, will BattleEye interfere with ripping models when it's implemented? NinjaRipper is an injector isn't it? It will consider ninja ripper as a third party application since apb needs to be run in the background via application selection in the options. most likely it will flag upon use since ninja ripper uses dll's to rip models sending a message for a ban or something. I'm guessing the dlls activate once you press the corresponding hotkeys to rip the files the game freezes. that's when it injects something. Edited May 28, 2018 by IRyanI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites