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Found 228 results

  1. Hello, it's been maybe 2 or 3 years since I've played APB, stopped playing because my PC broke decided I wasn't getting another one - treated myself and got a new one? I've been trying to login to my main account for like 3 to 4 weeks now, it's saying that I need to reset my password - a problem for me as I do not have access to the same email address that I created my account with. I keep trying to email the support team (email 'support@gamersfirst.com'?) no reply. Also I do not have access to my paypal account, although I can provide bank statements with the g1 payment history + GOV ID if it helps?
  2. message from server is "password or email is invalid" (impossible)
  3. I usually login with my steam account but now it tells me that my password expired and that i need to reset it at gamersfirst.com but i have no gamersfirst linked to my steam account or atleast i think so because i checked every gamersfirst account and none had any purchases but my main account had a few purchases. Sorry if I already posted this, my browser crashed and I was not sure it posted. Sorry mods. Can I do anything to recover my account? I can give any information about my steam account or atleast transfer everything on a gamersfirst account? Oh my ingame username was THEBEST33. Forgot to mention
  4. Hello, An unusual move for me but seen it is restricting me in APB I'll make a topic here. My main account seems tradelocked for no apparent reason. I can't trade nor put items on the market, but I do not get a message of "3 days trade lock" which usually happens after a windows update. It has been a week now and it is restricting my gameplay. What can I do? My main character on this account is HenkTheTank.
  5. I just tried to log back into APB after about a year away and it said that my password had expired. So I went to the website and changed my password. Now when I log in ALL MY SHIT IS GONE!!! It thinks I'm a new account. I had TONS of stuff and spent money in ARMS now it's all just GONE!!! FUCK YOU GAMERSFIRST!!!
  6. When we buy a gun character wide, we have the option to buy an upgrade to account wide and I was thinking that it would be amazing to have the same option for weapon skins. What do you think?
  7. Would be a nice thing to have for those who were banned 3years ago and was unbanned by LO, if there is a way to merge their old account with the new one. Even if they have to put a fee on it some of us are willing to pay EDIT: Would be nice to have a change server options for characters
  8. So my account can't trade, buying anything from market, sending emails, it says: 'you are not currently allowed to actions items' im nothing allowed to do...... and its not a 'tradelock.' https://imgur.com/a/BFFjHxg what is this??
  9. i am use razer gold and buy G1C and then i dont see any g1c on my account (sorry for my poor english
  10. Greetings LO, I would like to suggest adding more Account Bound Items, including: Explosive Weapons, such as OSMAW and OPGL. Weapons from JT Store, such as (STAR LCR, N-ISSR-B 'WISP', TAS '20, C9S EX-III), etc... Vehicles: Pioneer, Jericho, Charge Cisco 1804, Charge Mikro Mark IV, Han Coywolf 'Remus' RR4, Dolton Fresno D 300, etc... Clothes: Cyberpunk Clothing Pack, Street RX Outfit, Enforcer+Criminal Halloween Complete Bundle (Account-Lifetime), Enforcer+Criminal High Roller Bundle (Account-Lifetime). Dress To Kill Enforcer+Criminal Bundle (Account-Lifetime). G-Force Race 'N Rapid Pack (Account-Lifetime). Guerra Libero-Vigilum LE Bundle (Account-Lifetime), All Stars 'N Hard Hitters Bundle (Account-Lifetime). That's a huge amount of items! Thanks for reading. - Pawwww
  11. OK so this is super interesting and I'm sure if I made a ticket support would be like uhhhhh what do you mean. I also encourage people who were banned BEFORE the merge to try and do what I am going to discuss as well and see what it is. I didn't know what my email was for the account until today, and got super excited and tried to login. Apparently, none of my passwords worked but I have a registration email from 12/30/12. So i tried resetting my pw and wasn't getting an email. Apart of me decided to even SEE if my account name existed, so I got on my main and tried adding it as a friend. The name does NOT exist apparently. My friend can say the same. BUT I made a new account with the email I ALREADY had registered on (somehow) and tried making a character on Jericho (my original character was on Colby, but was never merged because I was banned before that) and guess what? The name is already apparently taken, and I know for a fact no one has the name currently (and remember, I can't add it as a friend because it apparently does not exist....) My friend is having the same problem, and I believe some other people might as well if they were banned before the merge. I'm super confused because that account apparently doesn't exist but it does at the same time. I encourage people to try and add yourself as a friend on whatever account you're using and see if it exists (if you were banned before the server merge). If it doesn't try making a new account with the same name and see what happens. If it says it's taken then idk I feel like a few people are gonna be in the same boat as us i can make a video if that would b easier
  12. Hey Gamers, I just wanted to address something that we have been getting a lot of questions about. This is specifically related to accounts that have been banned in the past for cheating. Im going to be using some quotes in this from Matt Scott. If you would like to see everything that is mentioned here in its full context please follow the link here: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2018/05/two-week-update-q-notes-from-my-stream.html This is all talked about in the answer to question 1. When it comes to bans in the system for cheating we are going to be unbanning a lot of accounts but there are a few things to keep in mind: "- This isn't going to happen until we release the next patch with Battleye. - We will not be unbanning players that violated other parts of our terms and conditions. For instance, credit card fraud or other forms of illegal activities." This means that it is going to be a little bit of time before we get to the large number of support tickets that we have related to banned accounts. Once we have patched out Battleye and done the automatic unbanning we will be able to deal with the more specific cases. This game has a large player base and we will be doing our best to help each and every one of you. Thank you! Selali
  13. Hello, Since console version haven't received almost any updates in order to fix the game despite many things have been reported to G1, the population is extremely low ( 30 players for EU Xbox and Ps4 ) A few players including me are asking an account migration from Console ( Xbox One and Ps4 ) to PC, is it possible ? Is it possible to see in the future after the Unification project we could see Cross-platform account so players could play with their account on PC and on Console
  14. my name is IZonexx i didnt get unban yet while my friends got unbanned i am still waiting but i wan tto know if i will be unbanned or not please tell me
  15. While I am glad to hear of some of the new changes already soon to be added and looking forward to future updates, I do have some things I absolutely would like to see changed if it has not already been considered. First of all on this subject I wanted to bring up the R&D weapons. Now, I know they are currently on armas, but the current prices of things for account lifetime unlocks are still somewhat on the extreme (more on that in a bit). My request about them is that for those of us who invest time and effort into building the weapon role ranks, could you take the 10-day leases off of the R&D's? It would certainly feel far more rewarding and worth the effort if we can unlock those for permanent use on that character after all the efforts rather than leasing. I feel like the roles should be made to mean something more than mere titles and mod unlocks. Now onto the other matter, account unlocks. I understand there is still plenty to be worked on, I get that, but my request here would be if you would make things such as vehicle kits and gear account-bound by default rather than only to the character we logged as when getting them. And although the time when I got them was long before the start of when you guys took over, a good example of this would be the waragi vehicle kit used on nulander pioneers and the tactical gear bundle. If such items are made account-bound in the future, I'd hope the same could be retroactively applied to the ones I claimed back then. The aspect of nearly everything being on a per character basis is what would cause players like myself to avoid any purchases other than perhaps a single time and nothing more. And finally I just want to say once again that I am glad to hear of the new changes coming along, and that I look forward to what is in store later down the road. I understand there is plenty to be done for possible improvements to the game, but I hope that you will also take the time to look through this discussion and take the requests here into consideration.
  16. Hello, I made one Mistake and I did order the wrong Weapon. Is it possible to change it to the Weapon I want via Ticket? Is here anyone who had the same Problem?
  17. Or rather lack of it just costed me FFA 5.56 R&D III. 9 characters and 2 of them temporary is a damn headache. Is there any chance that we will get account wide inventory with or after 3.5?
  18. Hey Little Orbit, When Gamersfirst still had the game I asked the support why I can not upgrade this weapon "Agrotech ACES Rifle R&D III" to account, they said that it's a promotion [Guerra Libero LE Bundle], so you can not update it. But now is GamersFirst no longer the owner, do you think you can do something there? that means I have to buy the weapon I already own ?
  19. i cant add stuff to cart in armas or buy stuff because it says my account not active why ?
  20. Quick question! Can someone tell me if this is a 4x4 or a normal vegas ? or can I get the 4x4 just from the world key pack ? Can be deleted after answering the question!
  21. Looking forward to see what's new since then. See u all in game! Oh yeah, and shout out to Puzzles !!!!!!!!! Thanks again for your help
  22. Hello Mr Scott, I don't know if you or a member of your staff are going to read this post, but I submitted a support ticket 2 days ago about an issue with my main account. So it seems that my email adress linked to my account has a technical problem with your website because I got this error message "We've discovered an error with your email. Please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance". Well, I had a long break on the game and I forgot unfortunately my old password and need to change it for a new one. I read an other post about this problem encountered by other people. Is this right that it happens for PC players using steam auto logging-in ? (like me) So the logging-in is still working good and I can continue to play but I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible... What do you think about it ? How long do you think I'll have to wait to have an answer for my ticket ? Thx alot for your help !
  23. Hello my name is Aubin and there is what happen, First of all i know this isnt really the place to get this kind of help but support didn't really care about my case, So ive been playing the game since 2013, and recently when i login someone got in and stole all my legendries and my cash, This inventory represent over 200€ and for its really a lot and over 7 years of grind, The support told there is nothing they can do about it as "they have no record of any of this on my account", It doesnt make any sense because i had it and its a fact, I feel like being called a piece of trash, i stick with the game since 2013, brought people, brough money to update the game, And after all that i get scam by a hacker and support tell me its not their problem? This game is my childhood and has a lot of good memorie on it but i dont have the strenght to start all over again specially that i work full time now, I am looking for someone to help me, looking for a loyal apb player to help another loyal one, Thank you for reading and wish you a merry christmas and not a scam like i witness, Aubin.
  24. Hello, I've recently installed Fallen Earth. The issue I'm having is not finding my account name. All I have to go on so far is my email address and the password I set for the game, which gives me an error. Thank you in advance for any help.
  25. hello gentlemen and ladies. I have a character that I created in 2012. Years ago, I connected a steam account to ensure the security of the account. but this steam account was empty and unnecessary. so it was a trivial account. I can't connect at all right now. I asked apb support to reset their steam account, so I said I wanted to connect a new steam account. they said they wanted the steamid64 code. I was not able to provide this information in any way. because I don't remember anything about the account. apb support team banned me for not providing steamid64 code. I spent more than 40k g1. I have a lot of work on the account. I am one of the oldest players. My only request now is how can I solve this problem? Is there anyone to help me?
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