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  1. ah i forgot the lb master/boss for the trav quest but i did do vids for grendels, a hulk commander at the camp just north of WC, the chem town masters at lvl 35 and due to the exp i got the briggs point masters at lvl 36 and then the super soldier world event boss. i did get some people say they could do the hulk commander at lvl 20 but my vids are not meant to show off my build as i not have a meta build etc they meant to show that the content is soloable even as a crafter etc. as for bene, staunch wound is a better self heal then bene, for example staunch wound 7 heals self for 256 while bene 9 heals self for 141. ofc there r differences between bene and staunch wound like with bene u can keep shooting while you heal but u cannot move i beleive while with staunch wound u cannot shoot but u can move so i reload when i heal and if i am getting hit allot i reload and heal earlier then a full clip etc. and as all my toons are pistol crafters (i have tried the other weapons b4 g1 came along and pistols was the last i tried and i loved it the best) putting ap into first aid is logical for me. the earth bound cave? is that the cave near blackridge? i have help others with it but never tried to solo it and thank you of reminding me of it i will have to give it a go. as for the terminal woods boss i do rememebr trying to solo earthwalker when he came out lol it did not go well. and i think its a snake boss down south who followed me while i was riding in the area minding my own business lol and killed me. i not tried them again and never tried the scavenger bosses or gored bosses either. but i have soloed a few of the boses in alpha county appart from dying to the southern Venomous Drocera which i uploaded a vid of i went and killed the northern one for a revenge vid and it was too easy at 55 tbh. appart from the boss in a tower i have heard of north of shackelton i not met the harder ones i know are the judge camp south of the traveler base cause of the bullet sponge vets and u goto fight the boss too and those vets respawn while u still fighting the bosss but its doable and t he all mind boss who is annoying. but i not done vids of those yet. i have done vids of lower lvl stuff as well like the sector 1 bosses and masters, a few of the sector 2 stuff as well that people have dramas with except for grinder i have heard a few exploits (but i refuse to use exploits or show others them) to beat him and tbh i have only tried to solo him once but to go back without a good strategy would be stupid.
  2. always grab bene. the human legue camp is soloable, and so is the earth bound cave for the outsides. if your rifle or pistol make sure to have around 8-12k ammo becuase you will chew through it As for bullshoot bosses wait till you hit alpha or outpost, Other ones in s3 inclube the LB master for a trav quest. the three techs for a tech mission in chem town the boss mobs around briggs like grendels due to them having way to much HP. if your not careful the TW panther will rip you apart aswell as the other TW bosses. i won't count scav or gore due to those being a team event, while i'm sure you can solo gore bosses with the right build i know you can atleast solo the bight scav and the wolf pack scav if you play it smart
  3. I'd remove the "out of bound" limits and all the invisible walls on high rooftops where we used to jump on with 4x4s cos that was fun.
  4. the threat system is not dynamic so it does not automatically adjust to an arbitrary "active population", iirc g1 has had to manually reset the threat category percentages 3 times over the course of apb's life They never had to manually adjust threat levels. It was just another band-aid "fix" to "improve" matchmaking (or at the very least make players feel like they did something to that effect). Naturally the system re-adjusted (or corrected) itself within the span of weeks. Having skill levels dynamically adjusted to the active population might be an actual improvement, though. Combine this with districts also adjusting their assigned district threat based on the district population and then always sorting players into the best suited districts automatically (i.e. no manual district selection) and one might even end up with a decent matchmaking-situation. This was, mind you, what they advertised way back in the day (when only 15 threat levels existed and TL15 player were permanently marked on the map). Only caveat: Districts spun up with some assigned threat range, but never adjusted to the population. So over time (and players manually joining the more populated districts) the assigned threat level became entirely meaningless. This is probably correct in the sense that Gold 10 is a hard limit, even if the Glicko-values might not be limited. If matchmaking is based on threat levels, there is a hard ceiling beyond which matchmaking becomes funky. If matchmaking is based on glicko values, there is no hard ceiling and matchmaking can still work properly. Of course now we're also talking about a mechanic beyond threat / skill calculation, which is the actual matchmaking process itself. Naturally the matchmaking system will try to find the best match for your skill level (e.g. you are Silver 8 so it starts looking for Silver 8 opponents). It is unlikely that a perfect match exists, so it might start out with a bit of leeway (e.g. Silver 7-9). With a pool of no more than 40-50 opponents to chose from at best, it can be very unlikely for such an opponent to be available on short notice. So, in order to keep your wait-times low, the matchmaking-system will relax the requirements. After, say, 15 seconds it will look for Silver 6-10, after 30 seconds it will look for any combination of opponents that will roughly equal Silver 7-9. After 45 seconds it might look for any combination that's close to Silver 6-10 (which might be a Gold and a Bronze). And so it goes until pretty much anyone in the district qualifies, some extreme edge cases excluded, maybe. It's not ideal, but it is a legitimate solution to keep matchmaking-times at a reasonable level. And it works well, as long as all players in one district are roughly in the same threat-range. Which they are currently not, because there are not enough players at the moment. And which they were not in the past, because players manually joined the most populated districts instead of the most appropriate ones. Restricting districts to a certain colour did not help, by the way, because a Silver 10 is closer to a Gold 1 than a Silver 1. Circling back to your original point once more: If the threat levels are distributed roughly in the way I hypothesised, it is very unlikely that any significant number of players is in the Gold 8-10 range. If there are any at all in the current state of the population. While this is technically correct, the threat-system should account for it by lowering its confidence in situations like this. Just like you bounced right back to Gold after your ALIG-escapades because you had not only lowered your threat, but also the threat-systems confidence in your threat level. So unless you keep getting matched against the same bronze players repeatedly, you wouldn't impact their threat-situation long-term.
  5. Its a known bug with Tokenize, you can fix it by disabling and re-enabling Tokenize on your G1 account page
  6. The initial post seems like your main problem is that new players have to face experienced ones because there is little to no separation in the matchmaking to account for the different skill levels in the game, and you have put this down to LO's decision to make the game run on no-threat districts where all players mix. While this is true, I don't think it is fair at all to place this on LO. The game simply does not have the population to support multiple districts or a wider array of skill levels in matchmaking. If the game's popularity picks up in the future then it might be possible to look at other solutions to this such as returning to threat-based districts or MM, but with the population as small as it is (at least when I've been playing recently) I think it's the only solution for now. The problem you described is not one with LO or Matt - it's one with old low-population pvp games such as this.
  7. They have the one with a suppressor but its 50k tickets = 80 bucks- or 2500 tickets for a week. Its Tradable but like who's gonna. They Do Not have the non-tradable in any norseman. where ya go in n the girl center right, not the girl in the far right corner. I had to buy the pack to get the one gun with suppressor cuz it looked cool, i already had one. n the pack was cheaper to just buy, at around 60 bucks account wide. The pre-mods suck. Be nice to have suppressed open 3-slot. Incidentally the suppressed version does not have the extra range found in other suppressed smg's. The Honier version was the first weapon I bought years back, n it took me thru. Now it sucks. I believe its been nerfed or 'adjusted.
  8. Here's how it used to work: B-bronze S-silver G-gold B=B S=S G=G ------ BB=S BBB=G BS=G ------ SS=G SSS=GG BSG=GG This can be easily verified by looking at the mission results table. The problem is that there are players whose level of play is much higher than the rest, they have broken through the golden ceiling, the level of their game is somewhere in the stratosphere. This moment is not taken into account when picking an opponent. I have a gold level, but I feel powerless if I meet such opponents. The game leaves me no choice, I understand that I will lose, but I have no way to call for help or leave the mission without penalties or shutting down the game. The game tells me to be meat for the next 5 minutes. The number of people on the server, the division of threat areas, does not exclude the occurrence of the situation described above. The system of taking on the enemy is necessary, and most importantly, it is possible to change it right now. The system should not be loyal to veterans, as it is now. The system should be loyal to inexperienced, new players. They are the bright future of this game. New players enter the game because they have an interest in the gameplay, in editors, in customization. They don't know about Armas, cool guns, keys to the city, premium subscription. They are not interested in new contacts 255+ rank. The new long-awaited update WITHOUT CHANGING THE OPPOSITOR SELECTION SYSTEM does not accept new players into the game, the old ones will come, they will come to look and leave. And if you ask them why are you leaving? They will answer - NOTHING CHANGED IN THIS GAME. I am surprised by the people in whose hands this game was and is. Isn't what I wrote above obvious? You have invested your own money and time in this game. You have the problem of losing population, the main resource needed for the game to work. The problem can be solved now, yesterday, a year ago, 10 years ago. And you don't have time. The game has become a classic. Sometimes messages from players appear in the game chat with memories of their CHILDHOOD times, about how well they played this game. You are developing a new version of the game, you are talking about new contacts, more stable fps. Yes, it is interesting to people who know about this game. Will it be of interest to new players? I think no. When you are bent, you don't think about how to open a new contact, you think about how to run away.
  9. Does the threat system take into account the total time spend in an opposed mission. For example, players called in as backup during the final stage will have lower score than players who completed multiple objectives in the previous stages. Will the lower scored backup players lose threat?
  10. I know the reboot/remaster/reimaginning/reincarnation/rediscombobulator isn't even on the horizon yet, but I'd like to make these suggestions in advance in case they might become unfeasible in later stages of development due to engine groundwork layed out earlier. So here goes: Make blacklist/ignore feature account-wide. If I blocked someone - I don't see why I would wanna listen to their jabbering when they log in with their alt, and I think it's safe to assume those who blocked me would feel the same way. I'd be very grateful to not have to worry about either accidentally block-evading or publically announcing that "This is indeed my alt and whoever blocked my main should do the same thing to this one". Mount/vehicle wardrobe. Currently, whenever there is a new paintjob for an existing vehicle model - it gets introduced as a completely separate vehicle. This is kind of a problem in a game where the same vehicle model can have wildly different stats depending on how it was obtained. The best example of this I can think of is Vandal cars (Fastback/Hatchback/Tonneau). "True" Vandals are like the best cars in the game stat-wise, but they don't have any paint patterns, just one monotonous color channel. Meanwhile there are also "fake" Vandals that sport various patterns (camo, striped) but have generic Interceptor stats, making them inferior to their progenitors. It's weird and clunky and cluttering, I think it'd be wonderful if we could just use those cosmetic alt vehicles as skins for existing ones, allowing us to have both cosmetic and mechanical freedom. Speaking of cosmetic and mechanical... Wardrobe slots for weapons. Our weapon types are relatively standardized, so I wonder if it would be possible to separate them into categories (ARs, Snipers, Carbines, 1h melee, 2h melee, sawnoffs, 1h pistols, etc) and introduce the ability to swap weapon models for further visual variety? If this isn't feasible, then can we at the very least get more endgame weapons of the "same stats, different model" kind, like Dome/DT? Anything to deliver melee players from the tyranny of neon dildos. Please..? Bring back the ability to wear different individual armor pieces in paired armor slots (shoulders/arms/gloves/thighs/boots). At least for the wardrobe. I was told that all the way back in pre-G1 days people could wear mismatched gloves and boots and whatnot. It would be great to be able to do that again for cosmetic purposes, like for example having assymetrical shoulders, or an insignia on one arm, or even some kind of gladiator cosplay with just one arm being armored. Good opportunity for more cosmetics as well. Possibly a way for us to splurge on a consumable that allows us to completely change our clones physical appearance? I've never seen anything like that in the marketplace, and it's like a prime monetization opportunity, so I figure G1 didn't add it due to engine limits. If you may, could you see if that's possible? Would also allow for an opportunity to add more hairstyles and faces and piercings and tattoos post-lauch, possibly as a monetized feature. And lastly for now, just as a personal bit of advise - I'd like to recommend that you lads and lasses decide on what you want your endgame progression to look like in the longterm and adjust your current build system accordingly. Personally I'd highly prefer horizontal progression (new patch -> new gear, new skills, new vehicles, not objectively superior to your old ones, but will open up more playstyles and variety), and it would allow for the AP system to remain as it is currently. However if you want vertical progression (new patch -> level cap raised) - I'd highly recommend rethinking the current AP system, lest everyone eventually becomes a master of everything with a homogenized build.
  11. I'm not a super knowledged guy when it comes to game engines but here are some basic answers to your questions 32Bit is VERY outdated and has many restrictions that clash with modern day technologies, the most basic result of moving to 64Bit will be not being bound to ~4GB of RAM anymore, allowing the game to use more ram if possible which can be used to optimize the game whether its load times or garbage collection. Nvidia cards released as or after the 20 series cards have new memory which in APB's case causes "out of memory" crashes, this will be fixed on 64Bit. There will be a performance increase across the board. Assuming they manage to backport the tools unreal 3.5 provided it'll also help with faster development. There's no date yet but I doubt LO would want to rush this IF the update itself succeeds internally, there will likely be a lot of inhouse testing done by their Quality assurance team as well as SPCT before they head into possible Open Beta tests and the eventual release. For all I know this is an "under the hood" type of upgrade, us players will likely not see any significant changes to the games looks. If they manage to backport modern tools it should hopefully increase the efficiency and speed at which they can update the game whether its new content, balance or bug fixes. Better performance, better options for them to fix issues about the game, possibly introduce means for them to utilize graphics cards more rather than mostly relying on fast single core processing power, better tools for them as well as more options for external tools such as anti-cheats.
  12. a subscription based payment model contributed to rtw apb failing and you're suggesting a subscription based pay model, why would i not compare them? there's no way to know that most people have left because of cheaters, but if we're just guessing my opinion is that more people have left because of poor performance and lack of content than cheaters how will you prevent cheaters from taking advantage of this community fund? the last popular private cheat that i was aware of making the apb rounds cost something like $90, i have no idea where you got the idea that cheaters are basically homeless but in my experience they tend to spend more than the average player - cheat subscriptions, purchasing max rank accounts, even buying things from armas over multiple bans, etc
  13. Just enable 2fa to play. That way accounts are more secure from being hacked and it links a phone number to every acc. People only have so many phones. 2fa is 2 factor authentication. If you don't know what this is then i have no idea what you're doing on a gaming forum. Probably shitposting tbf. The main thing about your idea is it would only work for active players. People like me who only play every now and then wouldn't justify buying premium just for a few days of playing. Hell, i barely rent guns anymore. Everybody's gotten used to having premium permanently, so taking it away is not really an option. Best would be to make premium base kit, then make a premium 2.0 with new perks (like being able to level contacts in other districts, doubling jt rewards, making weapon roles faster or smth). Tl;dr, 2fa is bae.
  14. And for this reason i said there will be a community pot where we all donate to so people like you would be still able to play. $7.99 a month will hurt them? millions of people pay more for a battlepass. The population is at this state because of mainly the cheaters. Thats why when the cheater probpem is reduced the population will grow back bit by bit. And there is only a few cheaters who are able afford new accounts and resub to cheats, the rest of them are broke, making new accounts, using methods to stay untraced so they can keep making new accounts and cheat again. Out of 10 cheaters only 1 or 2 are actually able to pay for all that.
  15. pay for premium in order to play? but everyone gets free premium for over 2 years since COVID-19? And still continuing to automatic renew, why change? Changing to subscription base game? Have you seen the population? You kill the population and you only hurt legitimate players they 100% would quit. This won’t prevent cheaters, if they have the audacity to buy max rank accounts or recreate new accounts and continuing to re-sub private cheats what makes you think they won’t pay for apb subscription?
  16. For a long time we have been struggling with the cheaters epidemic that is currently active in apb. Banning doesnt solve the issue because there is tools like "apb cleaner" and also deleting of log files that make a cheater less traceable. Cheaters who do this, avoid getting all their accounts banned and so they keep making and switching accounts so they can keep cheating. And apb is free to play so making new accounts to cheat is simply too easy. To solve this, i propose we make apb premium only, players can only login and play if they have premium. This wont 100% hold cheaters back but it will reduce by atleast 60% and possibly even up to 75% which would make a great impact. Goid things about it are: -more players will start playing -less toxicity in the community -silver and mid tier golds can finally enjoy the game without facing a cheater every other mission. -generate some income for LO, because they work on the game and take care of what they can which we should be gratefull for. Bad things: -some players wont be able to make a monthly payment for premium, but theres a solution for that too which is making a comunity pot to which we all donate so the ones among us who also love apb will still be able to play, im fine with giving 5 players a monthly premium. - it might affect the population negatively but in the long run it will be worth it because when cheaters are almost all gone more people can actually enjoy the game which will make them keep playing which then attracts more people to play. And theres more goods and bads but you can fill out the rest. Maybe this could be a better idea for when the game is more stable and we have upgraded to 64bit so that players see more worth in for what they pay but i think it will stop most cheaters atleast, which has lots of good effects. If u like this or if it sparks up a idea in you feel free to comment on this thread.
  17. I couldn't interact with the forums on this account for 2 years because G1 removed all forum permissions from the account due to an inappropriate name. It didn't say banned and all the posts were still visible to the public. It's like they tried editing the database and broke it, instead of just allowing a new name change.
  18. I am really sorry to hear this. My purchase was via Terminal 3 (for the credit card) no other 3rd party involved other then their own 'supplier'. Hopefully they will see that it was an error on their end and not treat us, players, that are still purchasing and supporting the game after all these years like some meat to the grinder. I've attached in ticket the bank statement and every proof that I can get to show them that the money were taken but no G1C added to the account. I will come back with the resolution.
  19. Clumsyhunt3R

    Daily Login Rewards

    I upvote this. On several conditions: 1. Rewards should be toned down (500jt a week would render fight club almost useless. Then again, the JT in fight club should probably be increased anyway). 100jt a week at most i'd say. You also have daily activities you can do to get jt already. 2. I feel that all the guns, vehicles and whatnot you receive should be temporary, to prevent it from getting out of hand (if your locker is full of permanent weapons, why spend any money getting other ones?). 3. Everything you get should be character bound. (Reasons mentioned in thread already) 4. Instead of permanent weapons, give small g1c incentives. Just enough to encourage the free users to buy a little g1c to finally get what they want (the high cost for anyone not living in America is what drove me away from any purchases in the first place). say 50g1c a week ( i think it's 3000 g1c for a 3-slot star afaik). Also vouchers. That way it won't upset the balance of earnings in the game, while still being a little something that users can work towards. Also, i agree that the rewards should be linked to playtime, as to keep the pop. however people mustn't be able to just sit afk and get the rewards. Good inspiration for this can come from the old weekly activities that used to exist on the Armas market.
  20. Well no idea really... I just decided to login into the forums in 2014 and asked me to set up forum account and I used my CBT/OBT forum name again and it was available so idk.
  21. Accounts were transferred from old forums to new I would know I was in the closed beta forum which were locked/removed when game went into live state mostly to avoid people seeing closed beta testers saying the game shouldn't go live yet cuz game was still broken/buggy.
  22. I've been playing this game for many years, on the old server (NA Colby) despite having a high ping 200ms+ (when I lived in South America). Soon after, there was an account migration when they opened a server here. but in less than 3 years It was closed. And they returned our account to a Random Server called (JERICHO/NA) ( where today the maximum peak of players is 10 in the social district --' ). but a few months ago I moved to Europe, and I noticed that the (Citadel/EU) Server has daily peaks of 300 players. This motivated me to want to play again! But there is a small and absurd problem, all my chars (9) lvl255 mostly, + Skins + Permanent Weapons + All complete archives (in total spent +or- "20k" G1 credits ) is all on this server (Jericho server) on which I can't enjoy anything because there are no players there, meanwhile I have to start from ZERO on a new CITADEL server account, level up all over again and without a weapon without a skin without anything . this is frustrating, because I would even like to spend some g1 credits on this account, but I will only take money out of my pocket, when I finally manage to transfer my JERICHO/NA account to CITADEL/EU, which in this case someone from Support denied me!! but I still hope to be able to solve this problem, because I don't have the patience to level up a new character from scratch, gather everything I've conquered and spent sweaty for years, it doesn't cost anything to transfer this one, because the game depends on each one of us to stay alive, and that only makes the players get upset and give up coming back.... Here is my indignation at the fact that they denied me a transfer to a server (Citadel) that I could play with 20/40ms... ps: google translate =/
  23. I had the same issue back in 2018 or 2019, with 50$ payment. I had bought 50$ worth of joker boxes and there was some kind of error during payment, I didn't get the boxes but I was still billed 50$. Contacted support with screenshots of my bank account (payments), and the apb marketplace (purchase history). I had bought multiple things at the same day, and tried to explain to them that one of the payments didn't go through, as could be easily deducted from screenshots and my payments in the bank. But no, support saw that there was no problem and everything I paid for had been delivered to me. If you're unfortunate enough to not get what you paid for, don't expect to get anything back. They will just blame Skrill Stripe (one of the payment methods) or whatever payment method you use, as they ended up doing in my case, and when I contacted Skrill Stripe they told my payment had gone through successfully. It's just both parties blaming each other and that's the end of that. EDIT: Might be wrong about some of the details because it's been a few years but I know I paid 50$ and didn't the g1c I paid for. Also corrected Skrill -> Stripe. Similar names EDIT 2: In an email about support, they claimed the following: " I have investigated both claims: In regards to the purchased G1C issue, my records show that both purchases were completed on 8/8/2018 using the Stripe service and the appropriate G1C was sent to account, which was then used to buy many Joker Mystery Boxes. I will consider this resolved." The joker boxes part is true, 8th of august I had bought many joker boxes. Except it was not 8/8/2018. It was 9/8/2018, (european style, day/month/year) when the purchases didn't go through. This is evident in the screenshots of my bank account, that I will obviously not share here. Even though in my original ticket I said the following: "So I tried to buy G1C credits twice 09.08.2018, and I did not receive them.". They somehow turned it around that I had infact received the credits I paid for, and used them the day before the payment? And it remained unsolved ever after. EDIT 3: You know what, fuck it. I found this old screenshot where the payments marked with red X were the ones I was billed and never got the credit for. The payment marked with green check mark was a payment that went through succesfully and that the support focused solely on, even though that payment was never the problem. They ignored my problem entirely. Also I think the reason why the payments look different is because they were done with different payment methods. I can assure you I never used Stripe again after this.
  24. hi, I paid $5 today at 10:18 pm. but it is not credited to my account. I contacted support regarding the issue, but there was no response. what can I do. thanks Server : Citadel Chacter: CxHeYo Terminal3 24.09.22 10:18 5$ pay
  25. As long as the account doesn't have a Steam already linked to it, yes. After adding APB Reloaded to your Steam library, and launching the game, you will be directed to the game's registration page. Be sure to enter your login details for when you log in directly using the regular login.
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