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  1. ComFeyer


    any active gamersfirst account should work to log in. were you able to get in with another account?
  2. when i log in into my account i cant see my characters only on the old version i can see them
  3. Juanzevv


    Hello, I'm having a problem when I want to enter the beta 1.30, when I want to log in it tells me that the account is invalid, do I have to create another account to enter the beta?
  4. Hello Matt, that really sounds great, I haven't been here for ages, well at least not logged in and writing. I hope you will soon migrate the existing accounts and characters into the OTW. It is vital for further testing that we have a lot of maximum customized characters running and testing around. Many previous tests have shown that this has a major impact on performance, crashes and bugs. So it shall definately be done before anything goes live.
  5. My account no longer shows premium status. I'm not getting bonus rewards at the end of the mission. I've also lost most of my premium codes since they expired during the free premium.
  6. HiI am the owner of an APB Reloaded Account that I've sunk 196.2 hours into on Steam. I have a gamersfirst registered to an old email I still have access to. But I'm pretty sure I always used my Steam account which used to have that email but now has my new one I'm using right now. When I log in with my old email it shows no characters. When I click to sign in with Steam it tells me my password has expired but I cannot contact support to get an email or whatever it is I need to reset said password. I try to reset said password only to never get said email. It's an endless loop that makes no sense. I have sunk so much time and effort and love into this account with my main on it. I want to get my stuff back. P.S I never deleted my stuff. It should still be there. How can i recover it all?
  7. account is still there. all toons and items are gone.
  8. Hello, Can I retrieve my old account? The one I had before the game shut down... Thank you
  9. Same thing happened to me, however I was never penalized for it. I got scammed, out of my own stupidity and blind trust, by a person who claimed to be from Israel, and rich. The steam account linked to my apb account was banned long ago due to refunds, however I can still play using my gamersfirst credentials.. I suppose APB still got the money and steam was the one scammed in the end, lol.
  10. Unfortunately, account security is your responsibility. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry you are in this situation.
  11. I sympathize with you. The security of your account is in your hands.
  12. 01/01/2023 I came across something annoying... My account was blocked for claiming I made a fraudulent purchase that a refund has been requested and I have all my receipts up to date informing that it was 2022 in May of the same year I did not have a computer someone with an account linked to mine, this is impossible because the only person with access to my account is me... and for me to be able to use the trade or market again, I need to pay 75$ and it wasn't me. In short, I contacted support, they said that this account linked to mine was banned ''THEREFORE'' I have to pay the amount made because they said it was me... My account is no longer useful, sad...
  13. BE only detects known exploits and maybe detects impossible inputs. Even then, it has to account for a wide range of input devices so I doubt the limits are that strict. You don't get banned for teleporting. It's not a client sided problem, it's a server sided problem. Having lag spike of less than 200ms can cause you to teleport. All of South America would have been banned by now if what OP was saying is true.
  14. It's my first post, but I had to on this topic, I'm a bit worried about the direction apb could take in the future. Dear LO, Matt Scott and APB Community, I believe the Creators of APB had a clear Vision about the "Soul" of this Game, I don't think they had no other options the time they coded it they wanted a such deep community driven experience which APB is. They did introduce the threat district system for a reason, in my eyes to regulate matchmaking and to form deep bonds in its community, like friendships and rivalries. To my APB is meant to be a fun chaotic experience where you get deep In merged in its Gameplay and in its Community. If it's a good or bad experience is regulated by other factors. Take WoW for an example, they did go with a system called sharding. Is it a good system? Well, for Server performance yes, but for the Community that's a no. It doesn't felt like a whole community anymore, more like a "sharded" one. I name this example because cross districts, remind my of that sharding system, which was also a reason I did lose interest in games with similar or related systems. I bet not so few remaining APB players have the same feelings about cross districts. If cross districts are enabled, it would scatter known people, which are not in the own group across districts making the possibility of running into them rare it would feel pretty isolated. The Cross District would at least weaken if not shatter the bonds in its Community, other problems like loading between matches and so on, were already addressed before, so I don't want to go deeper into them. We have enough games that aren't any fun anymore nowadays, apb is thankfully in how is feels unique, that's not only thanks to its customization but also the way how it handles its community concept, it's more old school, then modern isolated life sucked out every man for them self stuff. If a player comes online and sees their many known people in that one district, lets joins for a fun experience with them, but cross district will destroy such things and yes then for example a streamer could say they're harassing me when they can choose the district. As sayd it's not the fault of the threat districts more like the lack of effective measures against cheating, griefing and toxicity. A system that weakens a such fundamental thing as society is not a solution for a problem. And think over it when the cross district system decides which player should be matched with another one, what prevents a good player playing poorly til the system decides to let him battle against weaker players, there will be always a way to bypass a system. If LO updated APB to 64bit so that a server-side Anti Cheat System can be reintroduced and did penalize toxic behavior and griefing more intensely by Moderators or programs that watch over the chat activity/life gameplay and offer a support in which cheaters and toxic people are reported and efficiently punished, what would make apb a very fun experience again and would attract new players to and former players back to APB, if that goes hand in hand with Advertisement campaign to bring new people in, I would bet only a very minor part of the community or even no one would even want something like cross districts. Especially not if LO would, improve the threat district system. Here are some possibilities, if they are good, is debatable. Make it harder to assume how high a threat of a player is, give dethreating a cooldown in time and/or played matches, like after a player went from silver to gold they cannot dethreat before some time is passed and an x ammount of matches are played. Options could be, the dethreat timer could then for example only start to go down if that ammount of games are played or the timer will only partially goes down and stop when no x amount of games are played for a time period. Like, a 7-day detheat timer stops to go down if not at least 3 matches are played every day or a 30-day timer stops if less than 7 matches are played in a week. The dethreat process can be set up to be very mild or very hardcore depending on the current need for it. Even if they make multiple accounts they wouldn't be able to play with their main account for endgame progression on lower threat districts and even those new accounts would then become gold and at that point those would be also locked out from bronze or green districts too. If the parameters of dethreating are set up correctly, it would become a very annoying and tedious process to dethreat an account and would significantly decrease the timespan high skill players would be able to play on low threat districts, which could become an afterthought. I really care for apb and I hope LO will carefully think over implementing cross districts and see the possibilities of the system what the creators had decided for and in case we would have a healthy player base again how it could be improved further if it is still necessary.
  15. How is this possible with BE? It's scanning for software based cheats, nothing to with analyzing player behavior, am I wrong? Reminds me of FF. The current support seems to be better than the old one. At least now they give you slightly better responses, not just lazy copy and paste responses. So the conclusion is that the OP's account was breached. I'm not sure if the OP was aware of the existence of 2FA, that's mandatory unless you use a password manager with strong passwords, but then you can still accidentally download a keylogger, for example.
  16. More things should be made account wide, in-game money, JT's and rare acitivity rewards. Rare activities should be removed entirely, then make those rare rewards randomly obtainable by playing missions and/or add them to the JT store.
  17. This company does not ban accounts even when openly cheating on livestream. You used a cheat known to Battleye, or your account was phished and someone else cheated on it. It's kinda sus that you know the ban date, but didn't do anything about it until now.
  18. We all know that this is a dead, old, and unloved game at this point, but there are some things that can be done to give it a second chance. If anyone at Little Orbit does find their way to this post (which I doubt), I beg you to at least try and implement these things, you really don’t have much to lose so what's the risk. The steps that will be listed below are not only meant to help the game before the completion of the engine update (if that ever happens lmao), but also to help “rebrand” this game as something actually new. Honestly, I have no clue how demanding many of these features and changes would be as I only have a limited experience in coding and 3D modeling. Nonetheless, I’ll attempt to order these from most important to least important. 1- Anti-Cheat: This is self explanatory, the game needs one. If Roblox devs can afford competent ones, I think LO can too. No excuses. 2- Joker Store Additions: Every weapon, clothing item, and vehicle (kits too) on the Armas Marketplace should be able to be purchased through the Joker Store as well. I don’t exactly understand why this wasn’t already implemented. 3- Permanent Weapons and Trading: All Weapons purchased on Armas Marketplace should be bound by account, whereas all weapons purchased through the Joker Store are bound by character. If someone owns a character permanent weapon purchased through Armas, it should be converted into an account based one. This will clear up any confusion and it's not like LO will be losing copious amounts of money in doing so. When it comes to trading, permanent weapons (both character and account based) should be able to be traded between players similar to clothing, symbols, etc. New players will finally have a fighting chance to get their hands on capable weapons without spending money and veterans can trade weapons they don’t want or use anymore. To help limit possible confusion, Account and Character permanent weapons will be distinguished in a way so it's obvious to players trading what they are acquiring. 4- Login Bonus: The simple addition of a daily login reward would be more than enough to have players at least get on the game more frequently. Other users such as imV have more in depth ideas on said topic and others. Go check out his posts, if nothing else. 5- Gun Game: Keep the Beacon map as permanent and have it exclusively as a gun game (both free-for-all and team deathmatch), and have it function similar to fight club. This is probably the easiest suggestion on the list as everything is already done, just need to get rid of the Christmas theme it currently has. The added bonus of this would be the fact that new players could try some of the weapons out in a combat environment. 6- Suggestions: Actually paying attention to the game suggestions forum, it's that easy. There are a lot of great ideas in here, far better than the ones in this post, that could realistically improve this game that are sadly neglected. For instance, just look at the clothing suggestions, that alone has more than enough content to bring people back.
  19. Short summary of the AMA: - SPCT testing in february,possible open launch in april(1.30) - Easyanticheat returns with the launch - new matchmaking/cross district-needs more work not gonna be with the 1.30 release - the 2 new contacts-most likely yes(need to refill content stuff on them) - new tutorial/new player experience-most likely not with 1.30 release - weapon balances-things in works but for launch is unknown - console update-aint happening soon.They have to remake that code from 2x to the 1.30 code and gonna take time - new chat moderation tools/new anti toxicity measures-not with 1.30 launch - weapon roles/account wide weapon progression-again at a later stage - newer voIP will also not be added at launch(most likely) - old login screen-this is not coming back(old tech behind it)but they will make something similar later - battle passes-no but possible plans for premium changes(is down the road as well) My prediction what will happen.At this test in february(if is open to everybody)they will realize that still the optimization needs some work and will have to implement this cooked package sytem(which improve load times and the genaral smooth running)So they will delay the official 1.30 launch to may(when LO makes 5 years since took over)or to june(for the apb 13th anniversary)
  20. Greetings readers! I would be very happy if someone could help me here. So my account in APB was blocked for no reason! I wrote to support and they answered me that I used some kind of well-known cheat. But it's not! I have never used cheats! I've been playing for 10 years now. Always played fair! In addition, I have 2 characters of 255 rank. I was blocked by mistake! I physically never used cheats and never downloaded them! But I have an assumption that my account was hacked and played with cheats! I asked those support to provide me with information from which IP the last login was made. BUT support refused to give me such information. In addition, incompetent people work in support. they told me the month in which the last login to the account was made, namely July 2022. But this is not true. The last time I logged into the game was around 11/30/2022. But not like not in July 2022. In support, they can’t even tell the exact month of logging into the account. As I understand it, this campaign does not care about its players and they do not even want to understand the problems. I really like that my account in which I invested my soul, time and money was unfairly blocked. My nickname in the game:Alunda / Nikael3
  21. Hey, I've been with this game since around 2014-2015, and I always had great standing on my account. One day I got on and all of my stuff was gone, I tried to reach out to LO about getting a return on my items, nothing was returned, which is understandable but still a little upsetting. I enabled 2fa on my account shortly after that. A few months later, I was permanently trade banned and was never given a reason why. I have tried contacting support about this issue and still have not received any information as to why I was trade banned or when/if it could be appealed/revoked.
  22. I've played APB since the original open beta 12 years ago. I had an account through the release of Reloaded and played for many years always using the same account through my email address. I've tried to log back into the game - been notified to change my password though the website. Logged in and all my characters and progression have gone. I've also tried to log in through Steam and get a message saying the password has expired but I see no way of changing it? I'm pretty sure my steam email address is the same as my original one I used to log in prior to the Steam link I played on the Obeya EU server. I understand at some point names were wiped? . After seeing the livestream today I'd like to get back into playing again. I would like to know if there is any way I can restore my characters as I spent a huge amount of time and money on the game and don't really want to start over. I tried to raise a support ticket but it wouldn't let me submit it. No idea why... Would appreciate any help if anyone has any ideas. Cheers
  23. Actually some good ideas here. For the battlepass idea, if a battlepass ever was to be implemented into APB, I see no reason why they should be removed after the "season" ends. Instead, give the current season battlepass a progression speed bonus, for example 25-33%, to incentivize players advancing the current season BP. The past seasons could be bought individually, or bundled later into "battlepass packages" for example "BP 2023 Package" with all the battlepasses for that year unlocked. For a game like APB that has a slower development cycle, you don't want to lose any potential playtime/content as it is sparse to begin with. Look into how Guild Wars 2 PVP does reward tracks to get an idea how this could work in apb. You select a reward track from all the ones you have unlocked, and playing in PVP gamemodes advances the track you have chosen. At any time you can change your reward track to another, without losing progress. It's a pretty good long-term system. Mercenary idea not bad either. Could be a mercenary district for it, or a system that allows you to "convert" to a mercenary temporarily in normal districts. As long as many weapons, cars etc. are character bound, many players have all their things on one character so starting a character on the opposing faction is counterintuitive, to say the least.
  24. I got news for ya, They already do 'Allow' aimbots, wallhacks, teleports ect. They shut off the anticheats n let golds into bronze encouraging bullying of lower threats. The aimbot is just one tool they have, its a matter of not just bots. Most have other players nearby ghosting for em, and or your team mate might be spying for them. Via Discord. Cheating, and or Exploiting is per say an Art form, a skill. Not only the how-to's of aimbotting, but knowledge and manipulation of the MM, running multiple accounts, private communication with like minded players. These people been doing this for years, been this way since before I started, n be this way long after I'm Dead.
  25. Ignore tools are stopgap measures which put the responsibility on the victim of toxicity to block the toxic users instead of putting the responsibility on the toxic users to behave properly towards fellow community members. They work best as supplementary measures to other prevention systems. Optimally we should be solving problems by working at their core instead of applying band-aids to bullet holes. As @R3ACT3M put it, toxic users should be faced with consequences for uncivilized behavior – and an obvious starting point in this case is, for example, temp-restricting offending accounts from using in-game communication, much like the idea in the Open Letter crossposted by Matt Scott in the opening post here. If certain users can't utilize the in-game chat without insulting other users or straight up throwing hate speech around, I see no benefit to the community as a whole in letting them continue to do that.
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