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  1. yes he is support clearly gave him the option to pay the balance on the boxes he exploited in return for his account being unbanned, except now there’s a new support team and new rules and new owners and it’s unclear whether these new people will honor the old supports side of the agreement did you even read the op?
  2. definately this, thats always what the not noob cheaters did, they never after such a new system or bigger update play on their real accounts, they try and test under alts. We have seen this in the past when suspicious good people strangely always were absent like 1-2 weeks whenever PB got some update. (which was rare but did happen). And honestly APB always felt entirely differently during these days. And that probably was the true APB experience we would had form a near cheater free environment. if BE can make such a thin happen, that would be great.
  3. i mean that’s not really the issue here tbh he was told to pay x amount to have his account unbanned and he paid x amount, but now his account may or may not be unbanned, depending on how orbit handles promises made by the previous company
  4. There is nowhere to find the email associated to the steam account and since the forced password reset account access is totally blocked. Please put somewhere on our steam accounts which email is associated, thanks.
  5. Videos like this want me to have the out of bounds system turned off outisde of missions
  6. I wanted to know - making a purchase on an account in the store Armas but having the characters on different servers..Do I get a purchase for all the characters is not dependent on the fact that they are all on different servers? Or do I get to the characters of only one of the selected servers ?
  7. They should have another second chance because in my opinion, being permanently banned seems a little exaggerated because being banned forever is like running out of food until you die, however, I do not see it as something serious, just for the simple act of creating accounts temporary, simply opening a code that contains free Joker boxes for all players as a gift for the 'Labor Day'. I do not know which is worse, block the account just because you have created several accounts that are supposed to be absolutely dangerous when the only solution is that administrators remove all the FFAs weapons they have in the multiple account or see a cheater or more playing and abusing the game freely and they do not ban the account quickly as they did with the multi accounts. (P.S: I hope you have understood me, I am still learning English after 8 years playing and learning basic english in apb). Regards. ♥
  8. Unfortunately, I was told that I would have to open a new support ticket to get my account unbanned 2 weeks after I put it in, despite it not being cheating related, so I opened a new support ticket to ask about getting unbanned, once again making sure to let them know it's not cheating related, I then got a response telling me to wait until after the BE patch (and the unban wave rolls out) and that only after then should I reply and let them know that my account is STILL banned (which it will be, because it's a manual 10008/account block, not an anti-cheat ban) I find that rather frustrating, but not much I can do I guess. I still don't even know what I did wrong besides "Other/Inappropriate Behavior", it has been 4 years, it's starting to feel like I'm never going to get my account back.
  9. Go reset the password through the account email or submit a ticket, that's what I did and many others have.
  10. I just tried to log back into APB after about a year away and it said that my password had expired. So I went to the website and changed my password. Now when I log in ALL MY SHIT IS GONE!!! It thinks I'm a new account. I had TONS of stuff and spent money in ARMS now it's all just GONE!!! FUCK YOU GAMERSFIRST!!!
  11. Awww I was going to play and I saw my account, with 0 money and less than 1 hour of game :') STRESS DUDES but now ok I understand xDDD .BRUH.
  12. You're even contradicting yourself right now, you explicitly said you wanted the Dog Ear to be removed in the post I originally quoted. I didn't leave because of weapon balance you're misinterpreting what I said. I left because of the toxic community, like I've said previously many times. I can deal with bad management of a game. This game was dying when I left and everyone saw it, this game literally couldn't afford to have a community that was toxic but they were anyway and why do you think nothing changed in 4 years to APB..? Hello?! Every time G1 rolled out a new balance patch the community got all pissed off about it and everytime someone suggested changes to the game people got pissed off about regardless of how negligible the changes were. You got the game you deserved. Someone wants to nerf the Dog Ear, simply because it's top tier. I'm shocked I say, totally shocked /s There were countless threads on the suggestions topic board that were either 1) Visited by someone like you and then instanousely it became a discussion about how good the player of the thread must be 2) It was just flat out ignored. I like this game, that's why I came back to it and continue to play it and kept an eye on it over all these years. I wouldn't leave on account of you alone,sorry to say but you're part of the problem. If Little Orbit wasn't concerned with balance they wouldn't of hired some specifically for balance who use to work on this game. I'm just hoping Little Orbit goes ahead with balance changes despite what the community says because have it their way nothing would change, like even the NVHR nerf thread is almost 50/50 split right down the middle.
  13. What do you mean, I do not understand? Are you saying that a community should be left out? or that DEVs should simply develop their timeline without taking into account the linguistic diversity issue? I believe that you have made a mistake and I will explain why, over the years APB has expanded and created a base of players in various regions and countries, including the recent announcement that HAN will join Jericho we will have the community NA, ASIA and SA all together, regions that have countries that are monsters in the field of games for example the United States, Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, Brazil. Now tell me how entrepreneur how would you do for APB to get back up with a development focusing just on NA while ignoring countries like China and Japan? According to Newzoo 2016 China is the 1st place in profitability with games in the world while Japan is in 3rd place, they are not markets that should be left aside in hypothesis some, you understand what I am saying? The same would apply to other countries such as Spain and Brazil which according to Newzoo 2016 were in eighth place and 12th place of the most profitable in the world (Brazil for example even being only the 12th most successful is the 4 largest CONSUMER Gaming in the world) . If little orbit's intention is to really leverage the game and make it to reach its potential to much asleep thoughts how good quality language variations should get into your meeting guidelines.
  14. for me , it doesn't seem fair that there might be people falsely banned by FF because RP didn't do a good job at tweaking it , so if they have to unban people they need to be fair to everyone that were banned by a program that might have been malfunctioning for all that time . Cheaters will be banned again , doesn't matter if they are on their old main or a new account , if they want to cheat they will in any case Giving a second chance to people that were cheating is also a good thing in my opinon , sometimes , you fuck up , you regret , here you have a chance to come back , and not start from zero . this , can only bring back players that left the game unhappy . so really , to my point of view there's no downside to it , scammers and dirty people will stay banned and they have to stay banned , it will only bring back people that wants to play again .
  15. speaking from personal experience, if your multiple accounts already existed before the code went out there was no punishment for redeeming the code on all of said accounts
  16. I thought about that too honestly, because I did have a second account that I also legitimately used. But it didn't have anything worth sweating over, naturally I just want my main account back.
  17. "it was also given to any new accounts" that sounds like asking to be abused. but what if you already had 8+ acc ?
  18. During labor day weekend last year Tiggs put out a limited time redeem code with no restrictions, no required time to play before redemption, nothin. So naturally people abused it and created endless new accounts to redeem said JMBS. Legendaries were farmed and people got banned. IIRC some 20% of the vet pop got banned for that.
  19. there was a free code given out to every account that was redeemable for one power joker box 9 iirc it was also given to any new accounts that were made that day, so people started making dozens, if not hundreds, of new accounts to essentially get infinite codes and infinite joker boxes then g1 banned people (justifiably imo) for exploiting the codes like that
  20. Don't really think there's too much else to do besides this at the moment. If I recall correctly there was an event to get free joker boxes. So what people would do is make alternate accounts to claim them on and mail the legendary prizes back to their main account. I think. Been a while and by that point I had already all but checked out from anything APB.
  21. Honestly, My account already has some 1700 into it. 200 more to keep playing because I technically stole something I shouldn't have isn't so bad. I heard horror stories saying someone had to pay 450. Again though, No issue with me paying for it. But after waiting since Friday to get an automatic response to and I'm still not banned after paying is a little much.
  22. I write this because quite personally I'm A little upset and mislead by G1 Support. For a little context, after the acquisition of G1 by LO I sent in a ticket about a potential ban lift from my account. I was replied to by Tiggs from the "IP Block support" Saying *removed* So I make an account and buy the stuff and NEW support gives out what seems to be an automated cookie cutter response to everyone asking about bans saying that if I was banned my the anticheat that I'd be unbanned by the time the new system rolls around. I was NOT banned by that therefore this is different. I was told one thing and so I did it now I'm essentially overlooked AFTER I've already spent my money for this reason. Isn't this against the law to do that kinda stuff? I've sent a third ticket in hopes that things will be set straight as promised before the support switch. Post problem edit: It was resolved within the half hour of this thread. Thanks support.
  23. since CEO Mathew scott, came out and said FF was offline. hackers have been on a rise on reroll accounts, and literally I can't even stand playing in district now. because we have to wait on a patch (which can be an empty promise just like G1 gave us) for battle eye. which he said but didn't give a date. and he also said its 3/4ths done. 3/4ths done should have been done yesterday in all honesty. I went back to back with a group of cheaters, which im about to start recording video for. because this is stupid. that LO is trying to take up a non kids game and see if they can handle it. which quiet frankly they are doing. and pardon my French. to do anything about, so the reason im typing this dumb poll. is to get LO's attention and that they need to address this shit, and now. and I know the community is gonna say "wait for battle eye" like the trolls they are. but I want to play my game now and enjoy my experience not wait for a patch that has no due date for it to be put into game. and a possibility of a false word from a CEO who may be feeding us bullshoot. because I don't know about the rest of the community but I got promised stuff before, and it hasn't come through. so unless your title name is Digital extremes, I have no faith in you what so ever till proven wrong. anyway now that my ranting anger is out of the way. Little Orbit address the game you happen to jump head first into hell to get. and fix the damn game. cause this is stupid.
  24. I do apologize for us not being able to get to tickets faster. My team is still in the process of learning all the new tools that we have to use to investigate all of the different issues that arise in support tickets. We will get faster at this process, please just bear with us for the short term. We really are looking forward to helping you all out. We did have a lot of tickets that came in over the weekend so it might take a little bit of time to get all caught up. I have announced that we are not going to be working on Banned account tickets till we patch out Battleye. To read more about this please head here: I do appreciate all of your patience in waiting for your tickets to get responded to. Selali
  25. While all of that is true... my account isn't banned. Just needs an email change because of the password expire. Shouldn't be that complex.
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