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  1. Threat is account bound at all times. No matter what district you join. The only way to be T is by creating a whole new acc. As soon as you lose T-threat (if it can be called this way) it's no longer possible to regain it on that account again, the lowest you can be is green.
  2. I was once playing on an alt account with a bronze friend, got kicked from district, when I tried to rejoin again, still as a T, was told my threat was too high for that district beyond that I dunno though and iirc dont new characters on same account still start as T? its been a while so Im not sure
  3. Once you have threat on any character on your account, aren't all your characters assigned a visible threat level rather than a T? If you create a new character it'll go straight to your threat level anyway.
  4. Trainees can also have threat iirc. So if he has any other toons on that account, his T gets the same threat. And you can also be the only character on the account and be a T with threat.
  5. Edwinke


    My name is Richard ;o I wouldnt really say i am a good player compared to you guys (but im really good at shooting and assisting, but less good at tactics, because i have just got back from a 6-month break...), i have been playing since 2012-2013 periodically. I have a lvl 150 enforcer, its on a new account and named Edwinke, maybe a few of you already fought me in missions. And i was wondering if i ever get in a good competitive clan, which one would it be ;o and then found this post and it surprised me, "8BIT recruiting players". It sounds as a great chance to get in a good community. I'm looking foward to your earliest reply. Thanks, EDWIN
  6. Hey franchino87! Your account has been blocked (This does not necessarily mean for cheating) I would highly recommend contacting support as they can look into your account with better detail and see why your account was blocked. You can contact support via https://support.gamersfirst.com (please keep in mind support is currently dealing with a high volume of tickets so it might take a little longer than usual to get a response)
  7. You got banned for a reason buddy,check your email which you created your account on.
  8. Good evening, i'm getting this message while i try to login to the game: Account Login Failed - This account has been blocked (error code 10008) I wasn't playing in a long time, like 2 years (maybe i opened it 10/12 months ago once) I was curios about the new management and wanted to login, though i got this. I HAVE NEVER CHEATED NOR SCRIPTED, fair play. Please unlock my account, i login through steam and my nickname is franchino87 Thanks
  9. Meta


    Making threads telling people that one is quitting the game for x reason were not allowed on the old forums by G1. OP previously made such a thread thinking his account was blocked, but it wasn't hence this thread.
  10. Roaches scurry from the cracks as the bombs as set to exterminate their colonies. Basically people that are gonna use hack are doing it as much as they can before it becomes somewhat harder to get away with. Funny is that they will get to keep all the ill gotten gains if they actually stop before BE catches them, or i guess if they send it all to other accounts... Eh whatever, I guess LO made its choices on what is fine and what is not.
  11. This is not a bug. A name change is just changing your name, it does not mean resetting your account. Please use ignore feature if someone is stalking you.
  12. As a symbol maker this always kind of bothered me. I know it takes skill of a sort to make a symbol, but once you have you can make infinite copies and spam the marketplace forever. Once you have enough symbols, keeping the MP fully stocked takes like 5-10 minutes a day. Back when I used to charge for symbols I was bringing in over $2,000,000 a week just for stocking the MP with copies of old symbols. With that money I was easily able to buy every legendary in the game and now money is completely useless to me as I have nothing left to buy. Oh and this account is only like 16 months old and took maybe 12 months before I no longer had a need to ever make more money. Meanwhile, players who are 10x better than me at the game struggle to save enough money just to have all their weapons and cars modded out... and thats WITH premium. I dunno... money in APB just kind of feels out of balance to me.
  13. TobregirT

    Support Help....

    Okay fair enough, if someone wants to go through all that work, I gave them every transaction and date and they gave me a cut/paste email saying it was insufficient gave them the IP address the account was created on the address, and if need be I can show them my passport my drivers liscense and a few bills with my name and address on it, if I was trying to scam and giving all this information that fraud to the max very easy to be charged, I just want my account idk what they will ask of me but so far what they asked and I provided was insufficient according to the bot
  14. DedGaem

    Support Help....

    Well, just sayin if someone hacked an account... or bought an account they would have the name and could easily get a cheap fake id with photo and all... but if you have the PW and all... and there's only so many email providers... I mean why is it so hard to figure out or try out your emails? See that's weird too since most people keep their emails for years but change their PW's frequently. So as a security precaution just a photo id with a name, provided as an email picture isn't much. Maybe show them a bank statement with the purchase amount and dates and proof payment was made to G1.
  15. CANINE

    Support Help....

    Again i'm really sorry you're dealing with this, it's never fun being locked out of an account you've worked hard on. i hope it gets resolved soon!
  16. TobregirT

    Support Help....

    Yeah I hear what your saying just hoping I get my account back so I don’t just waste a ton of money all information I have them should of been enough but I was given a cut/paste reply which was frustrating, hope they get back to me with more questions soon, I have all info of the account just not the email used
  17. CANINE

    Support Help....

    Hey TobregirT! I know it's frustrating not being able to get access to an account but due to how sensitive some information can be (in this case an email) they can't just give someone an email unless they're 150% sure the email belongs to a the player in question (data protection) - Best bet is to just wait if your ticket has not been closed since as a player said above they're pretty stacked with support tickets.
  18. Maybe because it's the internet and people judge people for on who they are and not where they're from? My main 2 characters are NA because EU server was offline when I created my account, I would like my main characters to be played to a native server but that's not an option by any means.
  19. I would like an actual response from a Little Orbit Staff Member please...if they are at a certain percentage like u guys say they are with the battleye patch/engine upgrade then they should be able to give us an approxicate date. Also, i hope they are focusing on one thing at a time and not trying to take on everything at the same time. Im sure i speak for every player when i say Battleye/Unbanning peoples accounts should be the number 1 priority right now. Once again, we really appreciate your hard work..would love to see this game flourish for once.
  20. I'm really hoping it gets finished this week. I got my friends to agree to try the game out once my account gets unbanned (when Battle Eye gets released), so hopefully that happens soon.
  21. lmao, 1 touhou tranny waifu deposited into your account.
  22. Thank you very much for the constant updates, we know the LO staff is working diligently to improve our gaming experience and we appreciate it very much. I understand there are a lot of issues to address and maintain, but it would be greatly appreciated if by any chance you have an approximate date for the battleye patch/unbanning so we just have an idea...doesnt have to be an exact date..approximate would be great. Thank you!
  23. Quite alot of the hours i've spent on apb has been messing around flying on rooftops or jumping out of the map, driving on water etc etc. maybe when the player base gets better, you could add a playground district, where the out of bounds is off and maybe also remove or shorten the cooldown on abilities on that district. know quite alot of people that would enjoy such a feature.
  24. GodsLikeMe


    hmm, wheres my account at.
  25. Yes, contacting Support. Your account got stuck in session, usually happena if a district/server goes offline but it normally fixes itself. But support should be able to release it for you if it doesnt happen naturally.
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