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  1. this could've been handled way better, instead of just having an unban wave on the back of a rise in rage cheaters in fight club and announcing that the anticheat has been turned off, you could've just waited until the *new* anticheat was rolled out and then do this. if matt thinks these cheaters aren't going to risk their accounts because "new content on the horizon" then he is sorely mistakn and/or delusional, as I witneesed people speedhacking on CBT accounts back in G1 era. and after all this is just a big middle finger to those who played legit, seeing all these losers cheat their way to maxing out roles then having their accounts handed back to them, makes me wonder why I even bother playing legit!
  2. What point would that be, the delusion that banning Cheaters or keeping them banned would stop them? Are you not aware of the simple fact that Cheaters don't need any permanent account to do their thing? Let's be real. If you were amongst those that got falsely banned, would you agree to stay banned.... Be the sacrifice in order for throwabble cheat-accounts to stay banned? We both know your answer to that is no. Therefore, you're the hypocrite here.
  3. Questions: Merge accounts and roles and achievements account wide when those gonna gonna happen ? Reasons: Tired buying stuff on 2 different accounts and last meeting you guys said gonna account wide roles because takes too much time start over on new character.
  4. There is a Game Updates subforum. Use this forum instead of Discord. Little Orbit shouldn't require people to create an account and join a 3rd party platform, just to get notifications of game changes.
  5. I’m not sure exactly what you are asking but for anything related to your account you have to go through support. Just as a heads up though, response times from support are measured in weeks not days.
  6. Might I suggest you also compensate every account on the console version with a free account bound unsilenced Oca-Nano as a sweetener? I'm not a console player but that idea doesn't sound so bad to me.
  7. We usually announce issues such as this on our Discord. We are aware that many of the accounts unbanned on Wednesday have a permanent trade-lock on them. For the time being I suggest you submit a Ticket to our Customer Support team while we are investigating the issue.
  8. We got the G24 firehawk for both factions, but not a cross-faction, or account-wide unlock option? When will we get this? -- and maybe a nice loyalty perk option to upgrade current G24 firehawk owners to pay the difference to upgrade their current purchase to get account-wide since it wasn't available at the beginning. You guys already nickel and dime us to buy cars for each character with very few account-wide or cross-faction bundles to benefit all characters with our favorite vehicles, would be nice if there's more bundles to accommodate this issue, as I don't want to buy a new car for each character.
  9. Hello LO, i dont understand i am now tradelocked due to second chancce logging into a trade ban account. Why do second chance when you do this to me? Where's my support ticket i sent in 5days ago, and nobody replied me.
  10. I pulled up your account info here. Ban Reason: Too much whining, holy shit. Grow up!
  11. omys

    error 10008

    was playing the game before the update (Anti Cheat)2022 and after the update was issued it went well. Finally, I will play it without cheating by other players, but I was surprised that the account was permanently suspended for no reason (my account was permanently suspended due to cheating by EAC when I was not... Connected to the Internet.) Since that time, I have been checking my email every day in order to perhaps find any convincing reason from the administration/game support regarding this matter or any response. However, there is no response even after the old section moved the complaints to a new section. If you cannot solve our technical problems, just close this despicable game
  12. omys

    error 10008

    I was playing the game before the update (Anti Cheat)2022 and after the update was issued it went well. Finally, I will play it without cheating by other players, but I was surprised that the account was permanently suspended for no reason (my account was permanently suspended due to cheating by EAC when I was not... Connected to the Internet.) Since that time, I have been checking my email every day in order to perhaps find any convincing reason from the administration/game support regarding this matter or any response. However, there is no response even after the old section moved the complaints to a new section. If you cannot solve our technical problems, just close this despicable game
  13. Please check your game account again
  14. Excellent idea! My entire account was deprived of anything worth a penny a few months ago and my support tickets got ignored, but I'm glad to know that the reason for this is that we're giving scumbags a second change to ruin everyone's experience! Thank you, really shows how your priorities are being set straight.
  15. This kind of stuff is "normal" for many anticheats but doesn't go beyond just shutting down the game. Account ban usually means a lot more things have gone wrong.
  16. Hi i have Sent Ticket Gamefirst, i have problem for join game, i have change smartphone, and dont have access for authenticator. i have access to mail. and old my purchase, pls help me for recovery my account my ticket #153999 me need my QR code pls GM help me
  17. I don't understand why I got permanently ban in my account
  18. I would love to take part in your delightful celebration. Yes, that's the problem... I was banned by your wretched anti-cheat! Today I was very disappointed to see some dudes playing. Judging by their rank, they created accounts yesterday, a nickname of unrelated letters, a gun firing a burst... The score in the mission is 18 to 2... these dudes will probably be banned tomorrow and they will create accounts again. Tell me why the hell I shouldn't hate your work on this game? The holiday in this game will come when you guys start solving problems QUICKLY!
  19. Hi, My account has been banned last night for no reason. I have been playing this game for approximately 6-7 years. I do not use any mouse macro programs or manipulation. If you can check my account carefully you can see it yourself. I made up a ticket on apb game support. But I did not receive any answer for 16 hours. I cannot make a new ticket because the first one has not been answered from your side. I checked it a few minutes ago. My ticket is already opened. All these years i spend a lot of money and my time to play this game. I am aggrieved and I need an urgent help. Please research my account carefully and see it yourself. Regards Astrophilia
  20. Unfortunately, once you are banned that’s the end of things with LO. There is no “hey let’s talk about this”. The ban is their final answer. Best you can do now is hope you were one of the accounts labeled as a false positive and LO someday unbans you, but they won’t be discussing anything with you in the meantime. This is why your tickets disappear I think. It’s probably automated.
  21. It's a dead game, just create a new account.
  22. cowhorseman


    As far as i remeber fourm accounts are linked to your game accounts. so if you can still get in game you can still log into the fourms. Unless you got banned here
  23. Funnily enough, the game already has shades of that, where some contacts' will have their unlocks be more focused on a specific item category (customizable clothes, preset weapons, preset vehicles, vehicle parts etc.). However, for whatever reason the actual non-preset weapon unlocks are tied to role progression instead of contact progression, which is good on paper because you're not tied to a specific district to unlock new guns, but the numbers themselves have never received any kind of fine-tuning. This is especially bad with the current playercounts; expecting people to get 10,000 kills per category to unlock 3-slot variants is insane. Even considering that this game is a free-to-play title and thus needs to incentivize people to spend money by letting them skip the grind, and even with a "normal" playercount, getting 10 thousand kills 5 times over to unlock the 3-slots for the main 5 primary weapon categories is a truly deranged number that I think I would only be somewhat willing to accept as an account-bound grind, not a per-character grind - and even then I'd be for lowering the requirements. Chrome skins can stay at 20k as a cosmetic reward for those truly dedicated, but let's not gate gameplay improvements behind such steep numbers. Back when Secrets was part of the dev team, they stated in the LO Discord that optimally the Permanent Weapon Selector from the tutorials shouldn't be a selector of one 0-slot gun, but a care package of all the basic guns in 0 slot versions, just so progress is always possible in each weapon type without having to spend APB$ first — a sentiment I entirely agree with. Whether this will be realized remains to be seen. If I remember correctly, that's what Little Orbit want to do: move matchmaking from district level to world level so you can be moved wherever a good mission would be feasible, so that's neat if/when we get that. Other than that, yeah, your ideas sound neat. The car flipping part is one I'm kinda iffy about (can't think of a good rationalization for that one, even taking into account that this is a game where you can have kevlar implanted under your skin and take pills that numb you so much you don't feel a car slamming into you), the rest is neato.
  24. my account has been banned for 25 days due to false accusations! I've already made an appeal on gamersfirst, I've already given all the information about the game and nothing has been resolved to this day. I've been playing this game since 2018, I've never had any problems with anything. help me please!
  25. You're right. I was banned. But that didn't stop me from creating a new account. And that's the big problem with this game. For cheaters, it doesn't matter if they are banned or not. Yesterday, our team was spoiled by two rank 40 cheaters. They're having fun, we're not. There is no way to refuse recurring matches with them. It's upsetting.
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