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Everything posted by Haganu

  1. Then you state in the forum rules that ban appeals are forbidden? Then how did old G1 fuck up the threat system from the old 15-threat-system to this 40-threat garbage that messes with both matchmaking (the matchmaking system is perfectly fine btw) AND player distribution which caused a major decline in players and greatly increased community toxicity? If it's impossible in the old (current) engine then explain to me what voodoo, sega-tier shit did old G1 do?
  2. That's not how analysis works. It takes time and gathers values from an entity to form an average over a longer period of time, then compares that value to a more global average. FairFight isn't your daily weather report. It's more climate-oriented if you need a metaphor for comparison. I'm not sure based on what FairFight detects cheaters, but if the possibiliies are there, Cookie's idea to use FairFight to detect/action dethreaters doesn't seem so far off.
  3. In general, there are 3 main issues this game is suffering from. Obviously cheaters have always been an issue, though not every suspicion is correct. Poor, worse-than-mariokart-tier netcode being the cause of a very good share of hackusations. Logic is nowhere to be found with how this game performs network-wise, and with this game's reputation calling out cheats is one of the go-to ways to adress issues found when fighting someone. Meanwhile dethreaters is the largest problem, and I'm seriously wondering why Little Orbit hasn't done anything about it. During the blogpost and during the Q&A stream with Kempington iirc they intend to work on it during the third phase of their roadmap and call it a critical system, but it's a very bad idea to keep the game's player distribution going as-is and I'm seriously wondering why. Dethreating is a main cause of this community's toxicity. If a new player doesn't leave after playing a handful of missions they become upset enough to join in on the toxicity and just do what they hate being done to them. You literally hit 2 flies with 1 stone in a very negative manner. The players that leave can and will write done negative reviews on the game thus ruining the game's reputation. Meanwhile those that stay are just becoming as toxic as the dethreaters steamrolling them. This has literally been said for years but nothing has been done about it. It's really saddening to see Little Orbit neither is doing anything about it as quickly as possible, especially after commenting Sorry for leaving a broken system up for so long that everyone's exploiting it. Or something in that manner. Can't agree more. Would've upvoted if I didn't hit my quota. You could say pre-LO the forums had people explaining why they were dethreating so old G1 could've been caught up between 2 parties, but even that is no excuse to literally do nothing about a detrimental system that caused more harm to this playerbase and game reputation than even cheating.
  4. It doesn't take a new engine to implement something against dethreaters. Same as how previous G1 on the same current engine implemented a threat (player distribution) system that created this issue, then did little to nothing about it for 5, nearly 6 years. Thread locking was a poor solution to begin with, the current half-assed thread locks (aka gold can't join bronze, silver can't join green etc) aren't the solution either.
  5. I feel like the current TTK is alright, though a slight increase in TTK couldn't hurt. What's breaking most is the damage dropoff and weapon max range patch G1 introduced, where every weapon (except stabba tg8, stabba pig and osmaw) can hit up to 100m from shooting.
  6. By acquiring APB Reloaded and G1 they also acquired the devs of the game, and even tried to hire RTW staff that used to work on APB: All Points Bulletin (kinda wonder if they actually got their hands on a bunch of them). I'm not talking company-level. I'm talking game-level - and very globally at that, not into detail like code or community management - since we are talking about how APB Reloaded should be improved - again globally, not into detail - not about how GamersFirst should be improved or what LO is supposed to do with GamersFirst. This community is terrible, but there are still plenty of honest people that have sunk thousands of hours into the game and literally know the ins and outs of the game, which they can partly build their analysis on for what this game needs. Calling that conspiracy theory is pretty bad and doesn't really show experience. Apparently Little Orbit doesn't seem very interested in short-term gains either, otherwise they would've let APB sink like the Titanic you're mentioning. Grateful for trying to save the game, but that warrant them free from any form of criticism whatsoever.
  7. The NTEC is far to versatile, but to me it goes a bit further than stats and performance. The NTEC's current position feels just right on every ground, while with other guns it feels like it's lacking that just right feeling. That still is no justification for the lack of balance the NTEC it has. But taking away that just right feeling from the gun would also be bad I think. It's going to be quite a tough challenge to nerf the gun and keep everyone happy. I'd say both the NTEC and the STAR need to move closer towards each other without becoming copies or reskins of each other. If the STAR can give a similar feeling where everything about the gun just works, while chipping of a small bit from NTEC's performance, we might get somewhere. Maybe it's better to leave the current balance as-is until more important fixes come though, though I would be intrigued to hear why the changes to NTEC and OCA didn't go live.
  8. Once we can hit 88mph on APB in unreal 3.5 we might get unreal 4.
  9. What do you do before starting a project? You analyse the needs. You make a breakdown what absolutely has to be done (tackling cheaters, balancing weapons, et cetera), what should be done, but takes lower priority, what can be done, and what should not be done. Acquiring the game and company GamersFirst is one thing, from that point on if you want to improve what you acquired you work it off as a project. Since Little Orbit already divides the work they're doing in their roadmap as a set of projects, and since Matthew Scott explained their intentions with APB during Kempington's stream quite short after acquiring G1 and APB, I'm sure they've done their work to analyze of what the game needs. If you really think they went in headfirst without doing any kind of research then I hope for you that's not the way you're doing things here. I wouldn't want to be a company in trouble if it means you'd help me out. What LO has done sofar is great, far more than G1 has done (considering there has been 2 years of pretty much nothing before LO acquired the game and company GamersFirst), but it's not like everything they've done sofar is flawless. In my opinion that sadly includes prioritization, since major rebalancing didn't work out so well and was a risky move with this population count, and because player distribution has been a critical issue for way too long now without anything being done about it.
  10. Nobody knows how long it took them before they could finally publicly tell us they acquired G1. Before LO acquired G1 there was literally 2 years of silence, 2 years of literally nothing coming from G1. Next to that, no two acquisitions are the same because every company has their own view and their own schemes, you should know that if you really have that experience. Nobody that would buy APB would be that stupid to acquire the game and its owner without any kind of preparation for it. It's proven that Little Orbit did prepare, since they already tackled the cheater issue with BattlEye, something many people requested at the time. How it worked out is a different story, since BattlEye isn't fully flawless either, but that aside. dont derail over that pls no where near what i said reread it please. Are you really trying to imply that you said it's entirely the community's job? oof Or maybe explain further what you think I'm implying. The community has already made moves to attempt making the game better, why do you think there have been a plentiful amount of GM applications (last time I heard it was over 80 applications). I'll quote you again. How do you intend to make the playerbase better then? Yes the playerbase is quite literally amongst the most awful playerbases there could be, meanwhile nobody has any idea how to improve. IMO this is solely to blame on the old G1 for not making a better system nor rolling back to a system that wasn't even half as bad. This playerbase just can't improve itself. This playerbase needs to be patient, and Little Orbit has to implement fixes and systems so exploits like dethreating are history. That was mainly the part I was responding to.
  11. Making the game into something proper is something you can't leave to the players for even a little bit. If you still think this playerbase can change itself for the better then I don't know what you've been playing these past 5 years, probably even longer. You can't leave a job to an employee of which you know from experience that he won't do good. But since we're not employees but customers we're not supposed to be responsible to the extend of an employee's to begin with. It's a mistake from Little Orbit to not tackle all the greatest issues immediately. Well, they've tackled one of them, but the other issue, the dethreating, still persists to this day. This game direly needs to be friendlier for new players. Bronze district in its current state will not help with such. Little Orbit likes to listen to this forum, which is why weapons were getting rebalanced in first place, that I agree with. This forums never really took the whole dethreater issue that serious. Half the forums actually used to defend their dethreating practices before LO acquired GamersFirst, actually. The people defending their dethreating are gone though.
  12. Still wishing there was an account wide option for literally every item that can be bought in Armas so I wouldn't have to purchase the same product multiple times. Limiting stuff to a single character without the choice to buy for or upgrade to account bound status is becoming an outdated business practice.
  13. Rename the system to Joker Mystery Gacha and you're good to go for another decade...
  14. @Vnight this used to be a thing in APB 5 years ago, that you actually had to buy ammo. G1 broke that feature. It being broken has stuck with the game for so long (cause g1 literally hasn't patched the game since 2 years, before LO took over), that everyone got used to it being broken. I don't think G1 broke it on purpose. The forums just never really got mad about it (for obvious reasons), so G1 never bothered to fix it. G1 only did anything at all after the forums caught fire for weeks in a row. In all honesty I don't care whether it's fixed, broken, or even entirely removed from the game. It's a poor excuse for a money sink, some people are inconvenienced by it, most people don't care about it.
  15. idk if im playing the same game as ya all but i thought cooling jacket increases reticle bloom per shot
  16. That DDoS is apparently still going then since Asylum EN1 in Citadel just crashed lol EDIT: not only Asylum lol, seems the whole Citadel got bombed.
  17. That sounds like a utopia for APB's standards. The only strategy involved is using the right equipment for the right range niche. And even that isn't handled very well balance-wise, considering the NTEC can shred in CQC, unless people use a shotgun ofcourse. Anything long ranged is by far most often met with an HVR and in some cases as Scout. Wow. So much thought required right? That the game can have it doesn't mean the game will have it in the average case. The average case is exactly what should be looked at when discussing a topic like strategy, to determine if the game really is up to par with what is being said. If you're in a premade ofcourse you can expect some strategy being used, but that doesn't go for people that don't play in premade groups. Maybe think about those too for a second. "Don't solo queue" is not a counter argument in this case.
  18. While they're at it I wish they could make the shotgun and LMG bandolier items not rely on any sort of webbing/vest,
  19. All I hope for Unreal 3.5 is for the microstutters to disappear and for the netcode to be greatly improved. It's pretty bad to receive multiple hits in 1 packet, and this caused a lot of players to hackusate others in the past.
  20. Gonna need a different language to call the amount of progress shown in this video garbage. Instead of modeling in social in the background of waterfront they just completely removed the land on the other side of the bridge and called it a day, shows there wasn't any intention at all to complete waterfront and instead just fill in a few parts here and there with props. Boats popping in, LOD is as harsh as in the old engine, slightly less harsh at best. The DOF blur is just painful to look at. Might aswell put fog there like @Revoluzzer mentioned. If this is one of the latest builds no way LO is gonna make anyone happy releasing Unreal 3.5 to live after completing the 2 major systems that still needed to be worked on. I need another language to call this garbage so I guess I'll go ahead and call it gomi. Meanwhile I wonder if they fixed the shadows inside of shadows design flaw during the day.
  21. @everyone on this forum saying no one is cheating You completely missed the point of OP's post. Lol.
  22. @Unclean The Revelations Pack back at the time was a terrible pack, and I'd sincerely disagree with anyone that would recommend the pack. 1 car kit got masked as 4 kits, the weapon skins were missing, one of the pack's trousers is still missing, while it's literally the famine trousers without those ugly bones. Let's not talk about the flat tubes of the Pestilence suit... Design-wise, the pack felt completely out of place. The guns when they got released weren't as good either. The sniper and the rifle were overall mediocre in performance, and the revolver was and still is ridiculously underpowered. Besides, back at the time I think people would more likely have recommended the Juggernaut pack. It was released in the same manner as the Revelations pack. Regarding LO, I support what they're doing, but I honestly have some mixed feelings. Overall they're doing a good job sofar, even though it may have been a better idea to leave major rebalancing for later. Communication has been pretty good sofar, even though I think there can be a little more. We'll see when 1.19.7 hits. I expect something about Unreal 3.5. I also wonder when LO is going to start reworking ARMAS and the items' pricing, if that's still in the pipeline. I guess it's just a matter of waiting.
  23. At this point it's hardly worth reading threads like this anymore. Just like it's actually not worth to make threads like this anymore. It's the same discussion over and over again, why not keep it to 1 thread instead of creating threads over and over? It's just the same but in a slightly differently colored coat. I'm glad they reworked Improved Rifling - there's no real thought put behind choosing the mod prior to the update - it was and upgrade, not a sidegrade. The downside was by far outweighed by the upsides of the mod. Now people actually have to put thought behind the choice of putting Improved Rifling on a gun that prior to the update would greatly benefit the gun, which is a very welcome change to me. Mods were never meant to be an upgrade to a weapon. As for shotguns - The rework is sloppy. Yes shotguns are more reliable - way more even - but they outperform SMGs for the majority of the players now. Maybe if the damage curve mechanic could be more finetuned it would make the game a lot better for everyone. The curve needs to be more harsh IMO - the first and last hit of a pellet need to be closer to each other in damage values. I agree the release of the first rebalances were way too soon, and shows Little Orbit shows a lack of experience with this game and the community (the forums are literally going rampant, I get why but still), but unlike G1, at least they try. I'd love to see Little Orbit try to touch Explosives and LTL. It could be interesting. All I wish for now is for the netcode to be more reliable. A lot of short, fast-paced shootouts just don't make sense. You easily see this in Fight Clubs, especially in CQC. I really hope this community can stay patient with Little Orbit, from what I've seen sofar they only have the best intentions. Just in some cases their way of acting needs some improvement. I'm sure that will grow as time passes by though.
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