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Everything posted by sundere

  1. Name: Lea From: Chile Prefered faction: Both Likes : Snipers Hates: Cowards who run with items. Phrase: :v
  2. woot i never noticed that the cooldown was faster with premium
  3. keep g1 name, so if something goes wrong was g1 fault, lol
  4. is time to stop, let LO work, really, 1st asking for nerf the hvr, then the crouch, what is next, nerf run?, add stabba for crims?... wait...
  5. idk, i like the game how is until now, obviously i will change some little things here and there, but no the entire game, you can make a new game from 0 is much better than try to decode this game, and i don't know the state of the core code
  6. i said the same, and they call me bronze for that, i really don't understand why they want nerf a sniper, no make sense, and now want want nerf crouch lol
  7. cuz nobody watch the 2011 version, i give you 10/10, for the shitposting
  8. the old spawn system was easy to predict, making advantage once you predict the enemy spawn, that combine (on that time) with the scout and jump shot, for new players was so unfair and they dropoff.
  9. some people lose the focus or need to read again, the topic was about this questions : 1- Do you plan on inserting more languages into the game such as Spanish, so those without the ability to understand English have it easier to get into the game? 2- Will you hire people with the ability to answer tickets in Spanish and/or community managers that people can get help from? 3- Do you plan on making advertisements in Spanish? 4- Will you make some kind of system that rewards old players for having played for so long while keeping the game alive? 5- Will you make a more comprehensive and player friendly tutorial? but some guys come with the : "LeArN EnGlIsH YoU dDaRn BaGgoOts". the guy just come searching for answers and help for the spanish community... (the game got spanish language option in the past, but was recently removed, i don't have a problem with that, but new players probably can have some troubles)
  10. lol, existe una gran diferencia entre el niño rata y la gran mayoría de jugadores de habla hispana, por mi parte se ingles y me da lo mismo, antes estaba la opción de lengua española, pero como de un mes para otro ya no estaba (una o dos actualizaciones atrás), imagina quieres atraer más gente, debes tener en cuenta que la gran mayoría, no tiene nociones basicas de ingles
  11. jericho or citadel whatever you choose is 100% better than Han
  12. so you want a heavy weight scout...
  13. Esta gente se queja por la falta de jugadores, pero al mismo tiempo vienen a fastidiar a los jugadores de habla hispana que solo quieren ayuda y/o soluciones y luego se quejan por la falta de jugadores, yo no los entiendo :,)
  14. why nerf a sniper, that's make no sense, in other games snipers kill with just one hit, here you got a second opportunity
  15. buff it, make it oneshot kill, reduce the speed like an osmaw, lol
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