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Everything posted by Tiuhti

  1. haven't seen real cheater in 4 weeks, haven't seen anyone macroing .45. this game has some top tier delusional players who get owned by regular players
  2. maybe ban cheaters first before people with no grenade smoke pathetic
  3. its just the car, comes grey and you can customize it
  4. I've seen you spamming this everywhere, can you describe why you need this to be done? I think its not good idea
  5. this game doesnt have cheating problem ok?
  6. i see maybe 1 cheater every week and that is very low lol, you guys are delusional. you probably count veteran player as cheater because they are better than you are?
  7. probably was the only option for dead districts
  8. You got silver because you deserve silver.
  9. L G G * Lesbian Girl Gamers is clan founded in 2016, mostly inactive but now we are looking for more active players for our team. L G G is looking for unique snowflakes from the beautiful apb community. Are you the lonely wolf (not furry) without clan that we are looking for in our team? Im bad at writing stories so im gonna put requirements below. are you? - +18 - English speaking - +2500hrs - chill guy or girl - online sometimes - above average skilled? Send message to me or Mr. GoldSalvation, here or ingame.
  10. In my opinion APB is really hard get along for beginners. New players don't understand how threat levels work and they join in wrong districts all the time. They give up after getting stomped by experienced players in silver districts. I want threat locked districts back, gold players should not be able to play against bronzes and silvers. Let new players play bronze and silver districts in peace without getting frustrated. And remove those stupid open conflict districts if they haven't already.
  11. Yes it does but there could be something different too
  12. Okay, For 6 years I've never enjoyed fightclub that much. For me it is just too boring and slow-paced. Maybe we could have one fightclub district (beacon, baylan?) that has everyone vs everyone. I have no idea is it possible to develop or not but I'm gonna share my ideas. - Decrease time to spawn after dying to 2-3seconds (instant spawn) - Add much more spawn points around the map - No option to select spawns, spawns are randomized - Obviously no missions(vip,hold etc.) - Five to ten minutes / every round. - Spawn protection ~3 seconds. I made fast example of random spawnpoints in Baylan (not accurate) :D In Baylan district spawns could be on top of green roof, spawns top south roof, spawns inside containers, top of containers etc. just spawns everywhere in some kind of small cover. Anyone would like this kind of game mode, or why not?
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