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Everything posted by LittleMoneyFirst

  1. Is not as hard to understand that no one cares about being rtw player and your experiences on it or comparing apb with cs or what mistakes been done or what is YOUR opinion in the game right now (since you are completly new for not playing the game for so long and you say its still fun...................) if not how to make it work NOW. Maybe you need to refresh your own memory with that spacing mess you wrote and understand why anyone could get lost. Still you can fairly say it adds nothing, NOTHING. I think is not hard to understand either, right? But lets step aside and do Matt his job and execute his great plan and bring the engine update and lets see how it turns.
  2. God what a bunch of unnecessary blablery. It doesn't matter much the game, you need to make it appealing in order to be succesful. There are plenty of points to be made but i dont want to type more because it would be a lot and i would skip stuff (not really brilliant mind here)... and a waste of time and effort. Just look for anyone to tell you what went wrong with apb step by step, it wont be me. That you are and old player is pointless because the game changed. Bringing back stuff you enjoyed back then probably wont be a good idea bringing back today because people is ussed to this gamestyle, and it can probably open a new wound to bleed more players lol ("more"). Stop forcing your nonsense. I don't want to type book for you, i don't want to investigate for you, don't derail the fucking discussion with outdated gameplay and other games, no one cares.
  3. Check succesful games or games that somehow manage to keep players hooked, check their pop history in steam charts... If i forceful had to name one game, probably poe and warframe comes to my mind... all of these had shutdowns or big failures and managed to somehow survive. You that play the lawyer or attorney, why dont u look for that information yourself? Can you stop with that annoying spacing from reddit please, thanks. Merged. I play(ed) cs since 1.5 and i really think it has no comparison with apb more than both has crosshair and you are able to fire guns.
  4. I doubt i ever played something similar to apb... the most close it was a third person shooter (forgot the name) but thats it. You can't simply compare apb to anything really. They are diferent games "new" apb and the old one. Saying that he misses the old wont help in anything.
  5. Any game starts badly... it gains popularity if it is worth and fun. Check any succesful game. "Strawman and ad hominem" LOL. Where do u come from, resetera?
  6. Asking people to get things fore free, why would they say no? What a fucking great idea.
  7. The only solution is a true gamer that understand what is to have fun and experienced apb to some degree that can lead the game without listening to the community because each member has a different opinion of what is correct. I spit here and there things that could ojbectively improve the game from my experience of non stop playing the game for years. Ofc i didnt expect to take me seriously even in obvious points that the game needs desperately... I said this (about the community) even directly to some person i wont name but i been given a smart answer. From that moment i knew things could end wrong (not just by this sign but others). So i am pretty tired of reading retards saying "we need more communication and listening to the community". Conclusion: there is no saving it imo... UNLESS engine upgrade is really happening, meaning that critical things like hit reg or other core game issues will be FIXED; cheaters are dealt with for once and all and prevent them to reroll at any costs; find someone (i dont know who, just find someone lol and gl there) that can help improve the game for real and not some shitty "balances" that crap on weapons and give a middle finger to people who put some kind effort into them (to make it better and more enjoyable, not nerf fest or focus on negative points). After all that slowly introduce new content into an angry and tired "community" (i wouldnt even call that to this) [Removed non PG13 appropriate content] ~@mayii That would be my last attempt to give a serious opinion because i know everything is wasted into the void. Merged. Thanks a lot, i allways wondered what was he trying to say and allways been left with the doubt. You've got some serious skills dude.
  8. Just my opinion: comment as a new player because after all those years you are just that in this game. No one cares if you played apb 20 years ago. I laughed at 2, comparing it to cs? At this rate we could compare apb to harry potter... the only thing both games share in common is that you are able to fire guns. Dude seriously, your whole text has no weight whatsoever.
  9. Filled with womyn empowerment. There is not enough amount of soy i could drink to even make me watch this show, and i cant believe people still enjoy it.
  10. Ok i think im getting it. You are suffering so much about your lose that you can't learn from it. Something like it?
  11. Maybe in 100 years a laptop would be able to run apb full graphics.
  12. Please stay away with "im offended" bs, like we already have enough here in the forums (like getting warned for "sexuallity and nudity" posting a furry video that is totally allowed in yt for all audiences ). They should simply add an option to completly remove the chat or just use it with your friends so you can feel absolutly safe in your safespace. Why dont you just play the game instead of carefully reading every-"offensive"-comment to force yourself to get offended and report everyone in a decaying population game, wouldnt you enjoy it more? Maybe if this game finally start moving on wheels people wont be as toxic. It simply means they are not really enjoying it if they have time to complain and insult each other.
  13. If you cant even understand what i type dont be so quick to put on your cape.
  14. You can give as many excuses as you want, karma is a fuzzy bunny... Oh and i dont tone down anything and less with a troll with "helping" complex.
  15. They allways did, lets give them more chances ;D And you know you are lying, theres been people unbanned that didnt deserve to be unbanned (there are some posting here like if nothing happened)... the rest are pure cheap excuses no one believes.
  16. No answer. Thats all i needed to read, thanks.
  17. You can still read them when they are quoted...
  18. How do you even know that? They cant discern a cheater they can tell that IT WAS NOT WORKING PROPERLY? Please, don't-make-me-laugh.
  19. If it wasnt real, why is there so many people paying for it all over the world? You can't simply say "it didnt happen" without facing prison, doesn't matter where you live. You goyims never learn, do you?
  20. A gm position should never be granted to a player it doesnt matter what the possible excuse could be. I expressed it wrong.
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