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Everything posted by TacticallyRed

  1. They are a nuisance but luckily their aim is on the level of a green. had the enjoy of managing to hit one with my Seiyo yetersday.
  2. 4 years. Okay, so LO only acquired APB last year. So, that isn't their fault he hasn't been banned within those four years, that's on G1. There's a new report system in place, learn to use it. /report playername
  3. TacticallyRed

    Cops stunning

    LTL weapons and stun are weaker then lethal weapons and most of the time, lose to them if the person who the cops are attempting to stun are average in skill.(save for PIG+Perc...well...PIG+basically anything is easy stuns, even explosives.) If you're constantly losing out to LTL weapons in fights, that's not the game being unfair or LTL being OP, that's just the raw difference between skill and a indication of your own., because even if the cop wasn't using LTL, they'd still win against you.
  4. We all know those 50% sales was G1 trying to hold onto it's playerbase because they neglected them and the game. Also, if APB is boring...just go play something else? Really, there's not much LO can do to suddenly make it fun. They can't just snap their fingers and "fix" APB.
  5. Never really noticed that some cars are dependent on districts when they spawn.
  6. I think at this point, you should uninstall, for your own safety and health at least.
  7. Bellenettiel has joined your party -100 Damage -100 HP -100 Defense +100 Damage taken from Enemies.
  8. I thought this was an innocent post about medic bags. but no.
  9. Still, its better just to get that free ATAC from FC since the trial only lasts 2hours with premium and 30mins without premium, so its kind of pointless with JT-rented guns being 7 days that can be extended every week. just incase he ever changes his mind, having that free trial there to get a 35% off would be nice.
  10. Don't ever free trial a gun unless youre going to buy it. That's a waste of a good 35% off.
  11. As nice PVE would be, especially for players that would want to play more casually. It isn't really needed and most likely is one of the last things LO is focusing on at the moment, maybe if APB survives a bit longer after 3.5, they'll think about it. Also, the money earned with mugging, ramraiding and etc doesn't need to be touched. Its as fine as it is, there really isn't any reason to touch car delivery either. It is the most ineffective way of making money and takes much longer to get anything worth turning in. Also, the money earned shouldnt be based on the contact you turn it into, its a lot more fair for new players if it stayed the way it is.
  12. You can do FC and get JT tickets for a free 7 day ATAC one slot, or full three slots for 1000 JT.
  13. I did baseball while i was in middle school, i also did basketball but that was when i was in elementary.
  14. Make sure you have cover, you can use marksman mode effectively if you peek and shoot, don’t get caught out in the open where the MM’s slow rate of fire can get ya killed. otherwise, slap magpull 3 on it and click away to your hearts content. (You’ll reload faster then you can shoot with it using MP3.)
  15. I had a dream about a new JMB, a heat-seeking version of the Volcano. I slapped myself afterwards.
  16. I just sent ya back one of the free symbols you gave me.
  17. Superior Tactical Positioning has granted me the ability to win.
  18. It’d be nice to watch some videos or surveys to get that little extra G1C to buy something but as already said, there’s a lot more important stuff to do.
  19. It’s what happens when skilled and good players click on Silvers with the OSCAR too much.
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