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Everything posted by TacticallyRed

  1. Because the time it takes for someone to cook a nade should be enough and throw them(save for percs). For all the grenades(expect percs), if you see one thrown around a corner that probably means you should move.
  2. I’d like to state, that how well you do in FC and mission is different. in FC, most of your targets are often already damaged by various things, like grenades, teammates and other stuff. They’re also often in CQC areas(which is basically always in Asylum save for a few areas.) Theres also definitely no teamwork going on in FC. NFAS even with IR3 can be a mixed bag of results depending on your luck and missions like any other weapon.
  3. Hahaha NFAS isn’t broken like just NTEC them.
  4. Heres my- Hey, wait a minute! Pervert!
  5. Expected Carbine and Nerf to be somewhere in this thread. Wasn't disappointed.
  6. What? i barely seen any JGs outside of a few in asylum. NFAS is what’s curretly dominating CQC. but I do agree with you about the Fang, least change it to IR1.
  7. It may be as you said, the fact you tried the weapons for 3 days and such.
  8. Ogre and Thumper both inferior to NFAS, with the NFAS still being superior to the thunder as well(least in CQC.) Thunder isn’t even that good, and the shotguns were already in a bad place before the buff and subsequent nerf.
  9. Are you gatekeeling virtual glasses in a video game with a low pop?
  10. If you did anything to get yourself banned, that's on you. And with this population already as low as it is, as Lily just said, two people aren't that much of a problem.
  11. Not sure if this is actually bait.
  12. This wont stop the r225 Ts But least it'll stop those random low rank trolls that go into FC just to TK whoever's unlucky enough they target. It also helps make sure there's space in FC that isn't taken up by a random low rank .
  13. TacticallyRed

    Jocker scam ?

    Have you checked your mail? You should check it before calling scam.
  14. This isnt even about you. No one's said anything about you. What does this thread have anything to do with one player and you using a snub?
  15. Players do it already, itd just be a lot more common.
  16. We is a commonly misused word in posts like these. also aren't the vehicle missions already "escort the vehicle?" You still gotta defend those DAMNED ciscos from the AVs because they're fragile as shit
  17. The carbine is easier to use and always able be to purchased
  18. OP in the hands of those who know how to use it, but that can be said for just about any weapon. The weapon is a high skill, high reward gun.
  19. TacticallyRed


    It’s actually made from an Australian band.
  20. If you have the item, whether it be a heavy or medium carry. You should be focused on getting that item where it needs to be, don't ever take the chance of dying and requiring it to be picked up again.
  21. Id rather not have shields on cooldown and infinite ammo boxes.
  22. We already have a low enough pop as is, we don't need that. There's a reason why games that have subs or you need to buy to play go f2p sometimes, look at CSGO and TF2.
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