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Everything posted by AxeTurboAgresor

  1. Oh wow. Iam sure we all can appreciate your responsible approach and communication. Thx for that
  2. U will always have a hard time trying to kill primary pointman weap with secondary... FBW, RPF-9, or S-AS PDW or FA 9 is it according to your taste. UL-3 is unaccurate, too high TTK, slow bloom recovery TRASH.
  3. I know how ya feelin honey I think we ve been thro it all sometimes I wish only these motherbangers get banned all They like to kick you when you feel down and you give your best, but its not enough just remember that: stick and stones may break your bones but words will never harm and if you dont know, where to go i will show you where to start JUST GET GUT YOURSELF, dont just quit! you will be happy that you did it! just go to full silver district and die repeatedly in it! GIT GUT YOURSELF, you should consider to do it! there is rly nothing to it! just grab ur n-tec and git gut with it!
  4. Yukon only. Other than that, there are no OP/p2w weapons. There are only underpowered weapons, and thats the most sad thing. More sad than yukon being too OP for secondary weapon standards.
  5. @Excalibur! Yes I think this would be right thing to do, to get rid of this hypocrites
  6. /ignore ? Mate, like.. LO has nothing to do with it, and shouldnt do nothing about it. It s just ur problem and u have to deal with it. I am getting in contact with toxicity every day. Even VOIP in APB is promoted as tool to taunt others. Every time I play APB I have to controll myself to not lose my sh*t, and I love it. It makes me learn to deal with my emotions and with different attacks. I would literaly leave APB if toxicity was punishable. I dont want APB to be forced into some safe space game. You can make ur own safe space by ignoring ppl. Its just written text and words from voice chat after all. You guys need mendatory military service.
  7. The only thing that pisses me off about HVR is that I can see no red on my screen, but HVR kills me anyway. I need some numeric indicator of health, and thats it. No dirrect nerf for HVR is needed. When I mentioned this numeric indicator, I would use it for weapon stats also, instead of this god damn bars that does not even shows truth. For example, Joker Carbine DMG bar is bigger than N-tecs, but N-tec does more damage..
  8. Its TTK for Norseman being an SMG cqc weapon is terrible. Its 0.79s and it needs 0.72s or 0.7s at least. *** Talking about TTK, did you guys noticed how even such a small amount of time as 0.05s (that CJ3 mostly decreases) does a big difference in fight? Its shocking.
  9. You dont need mouse wheel for that mate. If you think u do, well its up to you. Use it if you think that u cant play semi auto rifles pressing mouse buttons
  10. Wtf is this thread all about. I ve been shooting with my mouse wheel for a long time when I 1st heared about it, and I would never do it again. It sucks, shots are imprecise, and there is like no room for getting better with it. Sometimes I feel like this forum is full of silvers. Complaining about n-tec, LTL, APB being p2w, mouse wheel. Lol
  11. @BXNNXD Try it for FAR. With IR3 and without it. After a while you will notice the difference. FAR is more accurate without it. Same pays for ATAC
  12. @Snjezana I am sorry, but FAR is very good alternative to N-Tec or even ATAC, and I use it a lot. Just dont use any red mode on it to keep its accuracy potential while shooting full auto. I can optimisticaly say that red modes such as CJ, and IR will break this weapon. Its straight upgrade for STAR 556 but with less ammo in magazine. Just dont try to fight vs Ntec in long range with this weapon. Its very good for medium range. I think you just dont know its strong and weak sides.
  13. Star 556 is meant to be good in every situation while not superior in any one of them. Star is great in medium range, where you can basically fullauto with decent accuracy, therefore kill very fast. I would say this is its power. Same pays for FAR spearhead. As I say, noob that fullauto yoling with STAR is often more dangerous than experienced player. I like Start 556 for what it is and it should stay like that. I agree that there are other AR that needs to be reworked.. COBR-A, ISSR Artemis, Misery, S1-FA FAR = Star, but it does the job better. No need to touch. ACES Rifle = is good while hipfire and even while aiming. With its TTK of 0.72s its does not need to touched. Actualy I like this weapon a lot.
  14. Exactly Scoped. It is a bit different if you ever played with it. But I mean, there is nothing wrong about playing with N-tec
  15. No, god damn it. NO. Stop it. Stop this neverending QQ about N-Tec, it was nerfed enough already to a healthy level. N-Tec is very skill-based, and very skill rewarding assault rifle with minimum TTK of 0.7s unless u r using CJ. 0.7s is not even that low, its considered as normal TTK for APB, and you need hella lot of luck to kill in 0.7s. I only wish more weapons was like that! I must claim that Iam not even N-Tec player. At best I use VAS "Scepter" that is different.
  16. I would remove threat separated districts completely. It would demotivate people from dethreating to access lower ranked districts Just make it so: gold = 3 points, silver = 2 points, bronze/green/T = 1 point. Both teams need to have same points with tolerance +-2 points to get into match. So if one team is made of 2golds and 2 silvers = 10 points the opp team will be made of 10 bronzes, or 6 silvers, or 1 gold and 2 silvers and 3 bronzes. ..you got the idea. If one team has more points than another, they are able to call backup. Max point limit per team is 12, so if you are 10p vs 12p, you will have to wait for bronzes or silvers to join as backup. And no, it does not work like that yet. I often see 1 gold and 1 silver vs 2 golds and they are not able to call backup.
  17. Name: AxeTurboAgresor From: Czech Republic Server: Obeya! Obeya trailblazer (Citadel) Preferred faction: Enforcer Likes: Violence, terrorizing, being toxic. Satisfying his hunger for violence legally - on crims. Hates: People and ladders. Phrase: U call me gay, I dont care, like I will fak u in the patootie so god damn hard u will bleed out. Ingame:
  18. Honestly? STAR or its dirrect upgrade FAR "spearhead" (both with no red modes). With its accuracy just fullauting peeps in decent range, killing them while they are trying to precisely tap fire to land all shots accurately. Also assault rifle ISSR-A "artemis" is fun weapon to play with. @weissraider u dont need IR3 for oblivion. Use CJ3 instead. Kills in any range anyways @Speedz Manic is well known strong weapon completely overshadowing colby m-1922. Defenitely not underrated. With Kevlar 3 it keeps decent accuracy while running. @itsExo Becouse not many ppl have this weapon bcs RAF was there for relatively short time. With Kevlar 3 it keeps decent accuracy while running.
  19. Why would u even care? Why would u even discuss this? Iam sure LO has considered all the options and there is a reason why G1 is still here (yet?). Its non of ur business, and there is nothing u can do about this. IMO G1 has improved gaming experience since they took it from RTW and made playing more fun to play. G1 has failed for some reasons. Probably out of money, nobody would be surprised. Just look at Armas and think about how much money they could get from it /month. Probably not much, even tho everyting is expensive and a lot of active ppl were paying for Armas,.. once u get all u want, u have no reason to pay anymore. And then the company needs to pay its employees and servers from income from Armas. Just think about it. I am even concerned about if LO will manage to survive with this big team. RTW failed, G1 failed...APB is a black hole for money. And they (g1) and Tiggs did all they could (including being silent) to keep the game alive for as long as they could. Who would play APB if they knew that there is no hope, no future? And now, there is LO - an absolutely shocking surprise SURPRISE coming from nowhere. Just let them breathe. Wait and watch what will happen.
  20. Mmm, I used to play a game where u earned 5% more credits for each premium player in match (10v10 matches). Maybe something like this could be applied here?
  21. I been both premium and non premium and I never rly cared about cd. Its not that big of benefit. But what rly concerns me is how big of a boost for farming money the premium is. Its simple math. Non premium: Earns +-1500$ per match. But you spend like 800$ for spawning cars, ammo, nades, or even more if you use rockets. Total profit 700$/mission Premium: Earns 1500$ + like 1800$ = 3300$. Spends 800$. Total profit 2500$/mission. The difference in profit between premium an non premium is 2500-700=1800$!!! Premum users profit is 3.5x bigger than non premium player! Ok, so now what? I totaly disagree with nerfing premium benefits, but there is one thing that could be done: Make it so you need to spend less money per mission. Less money for ammo, less money for cars. Id like cancel paying for ammo. This would defenitely decrease the gap in profit between premium and non premium users.
  22. Turning off/on the ingame movie should be option that is in the game itself. Some other games have it. My thoughts on instruments. I thinkremoving the instruments is too much of manipulation with game files. Instead letting ppl to remove instruments, it needs to be made so you can hear the death theme of every player in one mission 3x at max + MVP theme at the end of the mission. When you hear death theme too often, it indeed starts to be very annoying.
  23. Oh men Id love switching between TPS and FPS cam. This is one of the things that needs to be implemented in the future. Vote to kick - This one is a big of an issues. Every kicking option we ever had was abused, so g1 made it that you can kick for demerit only. Players should not be kicked just for being bad, and Iam sure that vote to kick would be abused this way. This is just wrong. Current kicking option is the best we ever had and I doubt that somebody will ever think of something better. Iam sure that some players are there just to troll and ruin the mission for his team, but it happens so rarely, that I would not even consider them, and most of this ruining the missions sure has its cause.. so it also forces players to be nice to each other since you cant kick someone without demerit.
  24. I dont understand why dont you just learn english. We all from non-EN speaking countries had to. Its the language that everyone should know, and if you go to other countries, EN is what is required to talk ur patootie out. While my english is not perfect, I learned the most of it from the video games like this, and Iam happy for it. Thats right, just use google translator for words that u dont know yet.. I used to have it open constantly. Comunity base of my country is fairly big in this game, but I would never dare to ask for translation into my mother language!! Stop whining. While I dont like your attitude, I totaly understand why LO would want to translate it. It would defenitely helped to increase the playerbase by attracting more players and more chance to keep the new ones. Iam just tellin you on a personal level to stop begging, and go learn. Its good for you.
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