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Everything posted by EDDYWRECKER

  1. I seriously need a sarcasm sign because I have no fucking idea who is trolling and who is serious... anyway... I got an ogre the other day for the first time, never used nfas ever, didnt even fire it until i was going to kill someone, that match i went 12 kills to 1 death with a noob team mate vs two max level crims. Sample size of 1 but it is now my favourate gun. Just saying, draw what you will from that. Oh its my fave because of the sausage and two potatoes look.
  2. Yup agreed. Normal questions: How long have you been playing? Have you got evidence? What hack do you think they where using? Why do you think this hack is being used? What threat are you? What exactly where they doing besides kicking your behind? There just arnt that many cheaters. Stop with the unfounded accusations.
  3. Only a few??? There are pages and pages of options dude, have you had a look????
  4. Why do you think this player is cheating? Did you see him/her cheat? What cheat did he/she use? Do you have any footage of how he/she cheated? Good players can get these scores, most likely all he/she is guilty of is rerolling and playing well. How long have you been playing Apb? Bias Hackusation? Add it to the pile.
  5. Why not? I thought bunched knickers was a prerequisite for being a gold. I like it whe they fuck with gun stats because all the guns i use are/where considered under powered.
  6. I feel the same about the ammo belt chest config, only for crims in the heavy somthing bundle (sry cant remember the full name off hand). Enforcers can be rambo too you know.
  7. Thanks for this. I hope all goes well.
  8. There was a lot of other confounding variables resulting in the fluctuation of gold to silver to gold lol it is apb after all. Being able to hold gold for months is possible, easier if you are in a clan with decent players too. What im saying is players with high ping are still viable, as long as you run the game optimally at your end.
  9. I was gold with a 300+ ping on US server .... so your point was?
  10. Lol, against golds works all the time with a 200+ ping lol
  11. I main this and it has an advantage because people just dont expect it or know how to counter it.
  12. I also over clocked my cpu i5 2500k from 3.3 to 4.9, eventaully rolling it back to 4.7 and that improved game play noticably too.
  13. Big difference for me was going from a radeon 9500 series to a 1070 gtx Using an SSD Using Advanced Launcher End task on vivoxprogram in task manager Also have read that end tasking windows device manager can help with micro freezes I believe this all helps but Im prone to placebo effects
  14. Cool story bro got screen shots??? ....... .... oh
  15. Ogre is my fave gun atm, went 12 1 in the first game I used it. And it looks like a huge banana, I mainly use it because it looks like a banana. P e n i s is not swearing ffs Banana = P E N I S
  16. I play from South Australia, i get a ping of 220 without vpn. What vpn are you using, i might look into this, or is there another way of mapping/directing the connection to the servers more directly?
  17. I found a work around for this, its because you have partially purchased the clothes with another pack. Going into ARMAS at the top you can change character, put the wanted item in the shopping basket, then change back to the desired character using the option in the ARMAS menu and purchase the product and DONE!! Worked for me with two incompatable kits.
  18. Lol this. Quick switching was a crutch, its mostly gone now so it is a good job, I enjoy sniper now its not too op.
  19. Han was awesome for Aussies, New Zealnders and SEAT players. We could play with a ping under 100. Atm I play with a ping of 220 which is do able and the game is still fun as all hell. Would be nice to have a more eastern US server like we had, my ping was 90-120 then and you had a huge mix of SEAT Oceana Aussies New Zelanders as well as US players. It had a really good player population too.
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