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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. Common-sense says that English is the main language of communication. Any Player who decides to use another language is already aware that his/her words may not be understood. If Russians see that they have their own chat-channel and get pushed by the Russian-hating-Community to chat in it, it may be perceived as an act of racism that got approved by LO. We most certainly do not need such a change.
  2. "Cant wait for this game to die" Lies.. The person who truly can't wait for it to die is Jericho's DDoSer..
  3. Yesh, that is one way Another is to deliver stolen vehicles to impound garages. The less damaged the car, the more the reward. Driving through Ga5-stations helps, but the pay is still super low.
  4. Enforcers DO have ways to make money, but they could use a buff in earnings. I personally agree with the idea. This way, Criminals COULD ALSO witness Enforcers in an attempt to prevent them from taking illegal cash away. This should reduce the jealousy towards the Witness-mechanic by hardcore Criminals.
  5. True Legends equip grenades in the primary-weapon slot.... (They also equip Seiyos to raid doors with)
  6. The low-population isn't going to get any much lower with 2 people out of the picture. Play by the rules next time.
  7. Because you deserve to stay banned, it isn't the first time: https://ffbans.org/Jericho/moneychixx Your kind is extreme, even by the norm of this toxic-community.... Stay banned please, thx.
  8. I once wore gold-contacts.. do I need to get another pair to see these~?
  9. It will simply make High Burn Fuel less broken.
  10. LilyRain


    Wait for Engine 3.5.
  11. You can login to your Hotmail E-mail account from here: https://outlook.live.com/mail
  12. @Francy3 1 » To confirm that the E-mail was indeed used to play APB, simply login to your E-mail's inbox and search for "gamersfirst". If true, you'll find some APB mails in there. If not, repeat with any other E-mail that you may have. 2 » After finding the E-mail associated with APB, please reset your password from this link: https://www.gamersfirst.com/reset-password
  13. As frustrating as it may be, a permanent-ban without warnings should be out of the picture, simply because there is a way to avoid damage from such teammates. Restarting APB before a mission ends prevents loss of threat (and sadly rewards to time-spent in the mission) but you get the idea.
  14. When an edited-post makes you give up from the first word.. How bad was it before it got fixed to this broken-state?
  15. That is not a definitive fix nor it prevents players from pulling out a 'Fortnite' for their lives. If LO forces few seconds to deploy shields in preparation to incoming opposition then that would be great. Those who like the shield the way it is now should just play Fortnite. I just had enough Pervs. Your forehead is bigger btw.
  16. Such a mechanic would further make easy-to-defend areas easier to defend. Speaking of Fortnite, I'd rather see the shield-consumable vanish from the game.
  17. Yep, that makes sense~ Wow though, he actually farmed the Joker-Store version of fragile and is being a monster with it up close using an nfas..
  18. I wonder if cheats would auto-aim onto friendlies, I mean he has a teamkill medal
  19. The chicken had some form of intuition before the egg..
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