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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. That's unfortunate, you would've lived longer had you turned yourself in & got 'chained' in jail
  2. Steam lowers the size on its own. I'm currently using a 736x736 pic and it did the work for me Using the term 'pixelated' was misleading from my side. It is just that Ch4ncer's style is blocky or Minecraftish. It would look blocky even at 4k, but this forum has a very small size-limit on avatars
  3. That's because I don't want to be found lol, pls no
  4. That is yet to be proven Because they play too much Minecraft they must have a pixelated pic I don't do "special services", but people fall for me easily
  5. You're one to talk, lol.. I'd like to see a selfie of you.
  6. @Flight Lock this thread so I could win, thx~ ----------------------- Don't play harder, play smarter.
  7. LilyRain

    PVE servers?

    It would be nice to see AI-dummies standing at varying distances in a shooting-range, just like the one Planetside 2 has. I believe this one is doable unlike AI that actually plays missions. Simply spawn Civilians, have them make their phone-calls and other animations while buffing their health to 1000. Shouldn't be hard to do
  8. Human eyes are very capable of registering frames higher than 50-60
  9. Go and nom a 'biscuit' P.S: Is the act of a biscuit eating another biscuit considered cannibalism~?
  10. The Tommygun itself posted a thread about how two mods hurt it. The weapon knows itself better, hmm? I guess this matter is no longer up for debate..
  11. Sorry, babe. APB easily permits minors to play the game. Don't taint them into drinking-habits
  12. I'd love to see a racing-district. Why not~
  13. lol, so you did not read my reply to Kewlin, no problem. 'suffer' here clearly shows the greed to getting rewarded extra over the already overly-generous event... Suckers like you should suffer anyways~
  14. ↑ Take that because I ran out of daily-reactions. It won't add to your reputation but hey, it is colourful and actually moves~! \(^_^)/ Absolutely. Giving him a timeout would change the atmosphere of "I can do whatever I want because LO is my bish & won't do anything to make me behave". An example should be made out of few kittens.
  15. I was clearly talking about him and him specifically, not everybody else..
  16. What about the obvious-Hacker in Jericho who hacked to win? I won't mention his nickname because of forum-rules, but we all Jericho-Players know who he is. He was openly spoken about on the event's global voice-chat between participants, and then we laughed about how his cheats didn't help him in the explosive game-mode cuz of explosive-fuse-delay. You adorable-kittens don't plan on rewarding his 'hard work' by giving him something extra to the skin as well as the insanely-ultra-generous mountain of Joker Tickets, are you~~?
  17. Nuuu, don't give Crims More-than-Lethal weapons/ammunition, especially incendiary-ammo. These have always proven to be OP *remembers Crysis*
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