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Everything posted by VanilleKeks

  1. From Crown to Clown I'm buying one for my fairy queen outfit ez
  2. I don't think weapons should be collectors items. Especially when the FFA is a direct upgrade to the OBIR. The lessened zoom is amazing in close range fights where you plan to pistol swap after bursts and doesn't affect long range play.
  3. This patch is so good that I will give you a free week without my standard reply.
  4. Such a drop in players isn't something that I would attribute to one factor alone. Allthough going back to BE is unfortunate for sure. I have not played since BE because I have an issue that prevents me from starting the game and I simply can't be bothered to invest time to solve it right now. Add onto that my memories of the last time we had BE and that certainly doesn't increase my motivation. With Covid lockdowns being lifted slowly, people are also returning to their normal lives to some degree. I am now able to go back to limited versions of my gym and martial arts training. That alone is a lot of hours per week where I'm not playing anything. I hope that BE is a short term solution. It musn't stay.
  5. Nice patch. Can't wait to try the open beta on my new PC. It should run really nice on all the cores I got. Please remove spotter.
  6. To be frank, I don't know where they hid that character all this time.
  7. Misery and Oblivion aren't great but they are certainly viable if you got the skill.
  8. Could you add Muzzle Break to the Joker Store? For some reason it's the only 195 mod that you can't purchase (iirc). It is essential on some weapons. Also please remove spotter.
  9. I have played so much OPGL I know the flight route the nade is gonna take just by looking at the enemy animation when they fire. Now if only my brain would use this power for something actually useful.
  10. OPGL nades already leave a smoke trail mid air. The majoriy of peole just don't see it because they turned it off with their configs.
  11. The problem with explosives is that their effectiveness is very subjective to what kind of enemy player you are facing. It's not even close to being as consistent as normal weapons. Explosive guns have an entry level of skill close to an HVR, PMG or ATAC. Getting killed by them can sure be frustrating but almost all explosive weapons become useless as you get harder enemies. A fully kitted pioneer makes the OSMAW completely useless. Blowtorch and High Burn Fuel make it basically pointless to even attempt shooting a pioneer at full health. The EOLs aren't that good, with the exception of the Deep Impact which actually takes a decent amount of practice before it becomes decent. The strongest contenders are the OPGL and Volcano. These have the potential to be insanely good, yet you rarely ever see anyone that is very successful with them. I think people get a wrong impression of just how viable explosives are, because what you usually experience is someone making a nicely timed swap and win a specific stage. The people that actually main these weapons tend to generally not be that successful, because of inconsistency. -- Very few people in this game even bother to learn explosives to such a degree that they can use them against high threat players and be successful. Even after all of my practice there are people that I can't use explosives against, no matter what I do. What I think is the problem is the people using explosives against people who do not have access to the counters. There are a disgusting amount of high ranking but low threat veterans that farm new players in bronze districts using explosives. This is something that needs to be changed. Explosives will most likely not be removed and I think they do have their place. If measures are taken to ensure a fair environment where each side has access to explosives and their counters, it actually encourages skillfull play of this weapon role. Yes, these weapons reward skillfull usage. They're not on OSCAR level of mastery but I would encourage anyone to try and use these against decent players. You will very quickly realize how useless you can be.
  12. Sadly BE was essentially useless after only a short time in the previous attempt. Therefore I have taken matters into my own hands by only playing OPGL with Percs. This makes it so neither me or the cheaters have to actually aim in a firefight, which closes the gap.
  13. That is a horrible idea. There are many people that have macro capable mice and don't use it for anything malicious. I specifically got a mouse with 8 buttons on the side to set up hotkey macros for my workplaces software, as well as Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects. I also did custom keybinds for Final Fantasy XIV Online, since I just started that too. Should I now lose my 8 year old account that hasn't even had so much as a warning? Because of something that has nothing to do with APB? Can you try thinking outside of yourself?
  14. I do CSG into NFA 9 Quickdraw like a real man
  15. The answer is ro hit 6 shots every time no matter what you actually need
  16. It is gamebreaking
  17. Have you tried upgrading to UE 5 up there? I think doing so will give you a meaningful answer to this question.
  18. I will say that there seems to be a small influx of cheaters on EU. It's just a feeling, but I find it hard to believe that this many people with the game sense and playstyle of a silver/bronze just happen to have high tier aim with (for example) OSCAR.
  19. The range is perfectly fine but I'd like to have the visual effects represent it better. Every now and then it feels like you died to something that you shouldn't because the VFX is smaller than the actual range.
  20. You essentially more than doubled your TTK by switching here. Quickswitching can still be really strong but at least use some better examples. These clips make QS look bad which is not a good thing if you're trying to argue about how strong it is .. This is basically like showing off your super fast Ferrari while driving 50 Km/h in a City.
  21. Have you read any of the stuff LO has said? Ever? That is literally one of the first things that will come with the release of 2.1.
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