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About thesamscout24

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    Han Refugee

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  1. If you don't mind me asking, was it a system app? If so, which one?
  2. No one is truly drunk when you have Up & Go and Weetbix.
  3. Couldn't find anyone mentioning this, but it may be relevant. I googled the last part of the URL of the 404 page (https://www.redhillinstitute.com/c0d3) and found a website regarding something to do with a JavaScript training company / engineering firm. https://c0d3.com/ Perhaps its just them spelling out "code", but in the off chance its not... On a sidenote, playing Dennis Nedry's line over and over while watching https://www.redhillinstitute.com/big-smile is quite entertaining.
  4. thesamscout24

    New Content

    Introducing a leaderboard system could be interesting. The engine update should take precedence though.
  5. With matchmaking being the way it is, your best option would be to stick to the bronze districts or group up with someone that is willing to show you the ropes rather than facing these matches solo.
  6. I must have some more malware cookies. From memory this used to be a thing. Pretty sure all the providers either shut down or there were just no more surveys you could use.
  7. thesamscout24

    HUD changes

    Agreed, Customising the HUD elements would be nice, but I feel the Chroma support is quite niche and will only apply to a fraction of the playerbase. But allowing players to customise the HUD their way is a good idea. Perhaps editing the borders of the HUD to modify the "blockiness" could be an option.
  8. You should be able to choose mansion/house style buildings or compound style police HQs/Precincts and Criminal warehouses / stash houses.
  9. Yes, this would save me so much guessing when adding shoulder patches to my characters!
  10. Web MD is in... It's Cancer.
  11. I second what Kewlin is saying. A lower sensitivity does help in CQC. If you can, try to get a gaming mouse that has a DPI Shift function or DPI profiles so that you can have the best of both worlds.
  12. If the barrier mechanic from the Halloween event could be reused and the boundaries were defined a bit more, I think that would resolve this issue. I've been experiencing this too.
  13. Agreed, If there were separate channels in a district for languages, it would be convenient. Implementing a sort of translator in the game would be a decent solution, but that would just be frankly impossible due to the sheer amount of data that would have to be translated and then returned to the game. But if we are talking of merging districts here, this is something that should be looked at. It's not necessarily a problem, but it would perhaps help in the retention of newer players and the convenience of current players.
  14. They tend to become more noticeable around the events so that they can get the rewards for winning. Needless to say, but wherever there is a way to exploit/cheat, some people will always do it. APB is no exception to this.
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