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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Now imagine THAT on APB..... oh please no
  2. detrheating is an issue yes but i am unaware personally about premade dethreating accounts. some golds do threat shame but its not as many as it seems (they have alt chars so it seems like more) no one claimed you threat shamed anyone , but yes there are golds who threat shame bronzes and silvers in the bronze district. I've witnessed it personally each month from dethraters. if you truly believe its only people crying rather than others sharing how they see and feel , then it is you who is being callous towards the community who is a majority of silvers. as for the game itself , others brought up on a different thread yet again , how Little Orbit was lied to about how bad the current APB really is it is a mess still from extra work to be done but they are cleaning it up its just taking longer than expected because of it ( new bugs being found by Little Orbit and SPCT is proof enough )
  3. i thought that they were not finished yet that there were more servers to setup? did they finish that already with the rest of the servers?
  4. there's a temporary simple solution to this issue golds and silver please go to the testing district and go wild. the trainees greens and bronzes can play (?) and we can test weapons for future development of apb.
  5. i do not believe anyone ever said it was perfect and wanted it as is. if so then i missed that. many had fun and many did not. some people like pickles some like octopus. everyone likes different flavors.
  6. hmm valentines gun skins but no st patrick skins? no kiss me im Irish jokes i guess
  7. i wouldn't say essential but with the current spawning system seeming to be a broken mess , a definite advantage to have one i dont play with them all the time and sometimes only play with what spawns are given due to other mods on cars. good teamwork makes it to where its not essential, but without good teamwork yes , so i hope we can get a spawn rework soon and thank you for clarifying some of this.
  8. can you show where the lore of APB is not important for gameplay? because i am not quite following you on this part racing districts.... clothing customizations vehicle customization... we all have our "thing" god forbid horses for apb...it wouldnt fit in
  9. it always had a purpose of making a way to have extra content that fits APB lore , plus currently adds a feature to give extra backup for those who are getting dominated by multiple bountys whoa re clearly too good against the team they are playing against. a random bounty in a close match however is a nuisance none the less. but regardless of all of that , there are those who love bounty hunting and stated as such on the thread about bounty's a year ago or so.
  10. yes it is not useless. you and i had this discussion before how i had said it would be nice if it was adjusted to not interfere with missions as much and go off afterwards. the bounty system itself fits into APB lore just fine. and you whining over an extra challenge over fighting easy opponents only makes me want to bounty hunt you more so if you want something easy go play minecraft. it would be nice if it went off after a mission and not during one . its the only adjustment i believe may be needed. but as for useless as some claimed , no it is not useless. it looked like it was 50/50 on that. a lot of people in game do not come on the forums and would go play when there were people for it. either way if they adjusted RIOT it may work better but the way it is is currently not a good idea.
  11. and also not stand in the open and use cover more. some people need to practice basic training again ( not the tutorial it sucks for that)
  12. technically it has not been 2 years yet that's around may 1st. ( following is personal opinions. may or may not be correct. if I'm wrong someone who knows correct me please) 1. you sound unaware of apbs coding. when Little Orbit bought APB the coding was a spaghetti mess. with the current engine it is not so easy to fix since the engine itself seems to be breaking things as well. 2.1 not the first time that broke since it also broke under G1. i believe it may be deep rooted and may not be solved correctly until a new engine can finish cleaning up this coding. 2.2 spawn system was broken from RTW then broken further by G1 however car spawns help fix that to where its more balanced. 2.3 bounty system is not useless. if you're that good to always get bounty's then get out and fight harder people. very rarely do i lose from a single bounty on me. i normally lose from being a dummy and messing up horribly. 2.4 a lot of this on number 4 is your personal opinion. missions do need a rework for positioning but they aren't useless. your post sounds like it wants to strip APB of missions...if so then no thanks 2.5 i see people using a lot more than just those vehicles. plus you are talking about personal cars rather than npc cars which has a wide variety. cars are only a part of game play. there's grenades 2.6 some of those bugs are deep programmed into APB and can not be fixed properly until a proper engine can clean that mess up. 3 a lot of guns are on armas and a lot of those same guns can be paid for with joker tickets instead which are free to earn by game play. its less paw to win than ever and it never really was pay to win to begin with. its mostly a deathcry excuse for noobs who do not take the time to learn how to use the guns or APB game play itself. 4 there are testing district to test out the guns and record data from usage. that data recorded is used to balance the guns , not just the community's opinions. also cqc means nothing on a corner if i blow you up . its not written anywhere to use cqc against cqc. change it up 5 it has been announced more than enough that there's a new server setup being worked on and that the lag came from that. also the lag you complain about is less than what Australians get and they actually laugh at anyone complaining because they get worse lag but kill better on APB from being used to it. 6 because Little Orbit already has their hands full and any event would slow down work on the engine upgrade. holiday events are a double edged sword for us because of it. as for RIOT some liked it some didn't. if you don't like it don't play it but please don't ruin it for the ones who do.
  13. so like any other event like the holidays
  14. sure its not important if you're complaining about low numbers of people online while playing while everyone is asleep in North America
  15. you said what we were feeling....wow I don't want that here on APB ever Have you ever worn actual Kevlar in real life? that @#%^ is heavy there's no way to run faster with that much dead weight in it.
  16. it was more popular where there was high enough population for RIOT NA did not have enough population to play so those of us who wanted to couldnt as Solamente pointed out a rework would be needed. theres enough videos that showed why however i do not know where those videos are (someone else may know)
  17. that was because of g1 and they are no longer here. it is not time to upgrade to 4 yet. after 3.5 the APB coding can be fixed further and that will make it much easier to upgrade to 4
  18. pre Little Orbit there was a massive amount of toxicity but lately i don't see anywhere near as much. seriously before we were getting as bad as overwatch..... no where near that now i have no clear idea why they are giving you a hard time about that when its much better now.
  19. moving to 3.5 allows coding to be cleaned up further so that when its moved to 4.+ it can be done easier. the way it is now would be a complete failure to even attempt with the current state of APB coding compared to further cleanup and bug fixes that cant be done without the engine upgrade.
  20. no one denies - even MattScott posted that he was surprised at the boost in graphics before any adjustments
  21. this is not a graphics update to make APB look better this is an engine upgrade to have a better performing engine which will lead to being able to fix the problems with APB that need the upgrade first to be fixable some of the graphics looking better is only a bonus
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