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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. In all these years why is it only you have said these claims to me? That is an opinion of yours that this happens a lot. I have seen no evidence of what you claim nor have you shown any of any kind. Removing /abandonmision is removing /abandonmission ...... Either it exists or it does not. Instead of forcing tk'ers down our throats because of your opinion of /abandonmission is bad from abuse that has not been shown I would suggest instead that you come up with new missions to add to APB. There is no reason to remove /abandonmission and force people to be stuck with tk'ers because you have an opinion that it is abused. Which isn't abuse to begin with but just perfering one mission over another from what you said.
  2. A tk'er IS a bad mission.... People regularly use /Abandonmission not for favorable missions but for favorable team members. Golds prefer other golds and silvers prefer other silvers. The only person that I have ever talked to on APB who thinks of using this for favorable missions is you and I have been playing since a few weeks after the G1 dev event years ago back in 2011.
  3. In that case the problem isn't the act of someone running. The problem lies with the aim of that individual. And that is a core reason why those of us who say no to nerfing the cars more are saying to gab anti vehicle weapons and just kill them. Which is why a lot of people reply "get good" in one form or another *shrugs*
  4. If someones aim is that terrible with an ALIG to go through all those bullets in 4 minutes then they can sit on top of an ammo mod vehicle and they would still lose. Can't kill what you can't hit. *shrugs*
  5. Wow this thread is still a thing? The thread poster was salty over someone running..... I still do not see how hard it is to gt a vegas and ALIG for a easy way to counter but instead I am seeing posts of "its broken change it" yet it is not broken especially with how many players have fast enough cars of their won to keep up with even a npc vegas. I can understand that people hate runners It's annoying but that doesn't mean we should make the cars worse to the point that some are unable to drive. Who would want to play a game driving a car at 5 mph when ops can catch up easily? And yes some would do that speed if not slower. Real bad idea. The cars were already nerfed to where some barely drive with a V.I.P or capture objective so why make it unplayable?
  6. uh huh suuuuuureeeee Orges can die easily unless coming around a corner and no where to go. Otherwise just keep a distance and shoot them in the head...... yes BXNNXD THAT ONE in case they crouch spam like morons.
  7. I like Chinese food but I love Japanese food. Not racist. Just hungry.
  8. Please don't give any ideas Aeronaut may try to dig to china in there now
  9. That's not the same thing we are talking about. What you mentioned is if you want to party together , and of course the answer is no to a tk'er. Which means start another random mission and if we get the Tk'er again ( which can happen often enough to be randomly grouped again) would mean being stuck in that nightmare all over again or log of and quit playing APB. Losing player base intentionally by making an unfair game play is unacceptable. Removing /abandonmission breaks matchmaking all over again but in a different way. No thank you I know better.
  10. Whether enforcer or criminal I run over civilians so your life wont be long !!! Cant stand them.
  11. My internet is terrible right now or I'd hop on the testing grounds as well. I'm missing out. Only wisdom I had recently was from a fortune cookie saying brunettes are remembered..... I only remember blondes are more fun but the brunettes are better remembered.....for all the trouble I got into from them.
  12. no sig no warnings You and your peer pressure now I feel left out
  13. Before the weapons rework the N-SSW is deadly enough.... After the rework I have no idea.
  14. With the new features of 3.5 coming I think it is a good idea to make suggestions for a few computer builds so the potato users can upgrade or build one of their own. A practical build , a high end one , and a gamer god tier build would be a good start.
  15. I think they changed it. I am not sure, to be honest but I don't ever really remember it being that broken. Same here that's why I had to ask. Back to the topic : I do have to admit though I want a Bishada available with the kits even from any of the joker or reward boxes. There's a particular Bishada kit from the rewards for spending money on APB that a lot of people like and want.
  16. Ok that gif is pretty cool ROFL Yeah I noticed that too. Did it always do that or did G1 mes it up when they made changes? Forgot to mention I prefer enforcer just because I do
  17. Like I said my fault sorry I hate lunchtime >.> I almost never make sense when I'm hungry. Too distracted *shrugs*
  18. Ok I think you are referring to this thread being in off topic but thats not what I meantb My comment of was about that thread So yeah I was kinda off topic sorry (but I was technically referring to both threads about division when I said it.)
  19. I play in the traffic when I get it.....If there's traffic other than ops. But occasionally I need to relocate to a better area for the teams benefit. If they run at that point then I chase them down with an ALIG or rockets and start a party where ever we land so to speak. It's not really that hard to do which is why this thread makes me wonder...
  20. Cake vs Pie is? No I'm pretty sure it's in the off topic area. Or am I lost again...... hate lunch time I can't think when I'm this hungry.
  21. I get that some people do not like having to chase however the "fixes" suggested would cause more problems than solutions. Also it would make some vehicles beyond easy to kill (think of any you would NEVER drive in V.I.P. mission) It would be easier to grab a vegas and an ALIG (available to anyone at contacts) and just mow down their cars. It is realistic since I do this regularly. They normally do not get far. Just make sure to crouch with an ALIG when you shoot so that it is more accurate (some are new and do not know this basic trick)
  22. Accidental team kills happen. For a reaction like that your team mate was probably frustrated or just a jerk to begin with. Most players are not as unforgiving as that one was. What server do you play on? Citadel? Jericho? The people on this thread can mostly be trusted to be patient and show you the ropes. That guy with the shirt off though......yeah um......be careful with him. *walks away slowly*
  23. Am not >.> If someone is banned they can not log on to begin with or make a thread is not looking for trouble....sigh. Of all the posts on your thread I make a simple observation while others are giving you a hard time but its me looking for trouble? *facepalm*
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