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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. rental guns rental mods ....rental girlfriend?
  2. Too many holes in OP assumptions that it is someone else's fault. Could of easily had too much to drink and did it yourself for all I'd know Like others said gather up emails and contact support.
  3. Every time I read this thread it reminds me of a one sided unrequited love gone wrong. I just can't really see it any other way *shrugs*
  4. but no frozen snowball with a snowflake trail yet *shrugs* I'm picky I know
  5. when colby merged with joker there was the saying of there would be more player base. instead ping was out of control and people quit so fast that I couldn't even count how many left as more and more mergers happened that ping difference was mentioned on why people were quitting as one of the reasons. assuming this isn't a meme then I'd say its a bad idea if it is a meme ...... I want fish tacos I'm hungry (apparently Hawaiian pizza is forbidden by AsgerLund)
  6. that's also years ago when APB was newer-ish And yes I miss that too
  7. it is possible to bring back "beacon" for Christmas but a brand new one is not likely since they are finishing up on the engine upgrade
  8. Frozen snowball grenades that function like 8 ball would be festive Especially if they can leave a slight snowflake trail after thrown
  9. Jericho tends to have around 300 people at times. Not empty. I've seen it a lot less before Little Orbit and BattleEye.
  10. I have only personally seen one cheater since BattleEye. And that was only for one day I seen them. I don't see them anymore. Good enough for me. Edit : Disclaimer - I am referring to blatant obvious cheaters not hackusations.
  11. Not all silvers though.... I'm silver If I get killed its because I know damn well I screwed up but this OP guy..... wow
  12. A district que would be nice , but also if there were a large enough number people waiting to just stick them all in a second district
  13. ramp and then jump off I'd love to try that just like I used to with rockets and a 4x4
  14. I still want a motorcycle in game so I can practice jumping on peoples heads
  15. 1. no anti cheat is 100 % 2 you just lied flat out about us on the forums your warning to new players is bogus , not to mention intent to harm APB and Little Orbit because of how you got destroyed yet again and decided to lash out. What we on the forums did mention to many of you is to upgrade your comps with new graphics cards instead of potato comps and a gaming mouse wouldn't hurt either. Stop trying to hurt Little Orbit and APB just because you had a bad day. ps if i wanted to troll you I wouldn't be blunt honest like I just did. Besides you do a great job of trolling yourself instead.
  16. separate thread for roadmap says engine upgrade almost complete then needs testing
  17. I'm too busy eating turkey dinner to be sad If anything its making me sleepy but its ironic that hes complaining about what he does *shrugs*
  18. problem : OP does not like n tec used on him because it is "OP" solution : ........ git gud ..... hate saying that but banned is correct they handle the same you forgot to do your job of "daily I am silver"
  19. As banned stated already no anti cheat can catch 100 % of cheaters. The /report function from before was garbage , it did not work at all for finding cheaters properly. Little Orbit is working on a new /report system but I do not know how long that will be. Also there are people who think someone is cheating when its the ping some have that throws the whole thing off. MattScott mentioned about a way to match people up better with transitioning and such which would help with that part. Volunteer GM's can not ban either in case you are wondering. It would cause problems with favoritism or previous personal disputes to do so. No idea why you think its not expensive for programmers , that part you have me lost on. The engine needs to be upgraded so i do not know why you think the roadmap is bad. APB can not stay the same if any APB problems are to be dealt with so....???? Little Orbit staff are too busy fixing bugs and making APB better for us so they don't have time to sit back and watch matches which would man not working on APB. The video on this thread is greyed out so I have no idea what was on it. That's all I can remember right now. Hopefully someone else leaves more info on this. yood is yood please dont make hi try again hes confusing as it is lol
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