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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. hmm maybe add stuff like The Boondock Saints to the factions?
  2. A good pc would help but dont forget a good graphics card. A common one is Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 ti or a 1060 as well. Those two would be affordable and would make a difference. If a computer has only the graphics it came with and a graphics card was not bought by you for it then it will be slower to process the graphics and also cause lag for you.
  3. This is where people should say "I'll just steal the enforcer car" and then "I'll seize your crim car" like they would in real life. Then drive that brick car and wreck the town
  4. I want coal !!! I wont have to keep cutting this stupid firewood anymore this winter
  5. Yeah I noticed that too from some people. mostly I'm trying to come up with new ideas so we can all make some middle ground. And like I said this skin I don't have an opinion on what to do. Just ideas for the future.
  6. On a different thread a few said the event didn't go so well for them. *shrugs*
  7. Well like I said I don't know either way but I'm just offering ideas. This event didn't work for people and ideas and options are needed so...meh
  8. I never said make it easy to buy *shrugs* Some people can take 7 years with a potato comp to get 10 k tickets for a 4x4 so it looks like its possible to work this way
  9. It sounds like Little Orbit tried to please everybody but you cant please everybody *shrugs* All we can really do is to try to do whats right , right?
  10. But BattleEye does detect..... just not 100% because no anti cheat does detect 100%
  11. And if there were no more nice people there would be no more updates for APB...... SAVE THE COOKIESSSSS
  12. problems with apb no trenchcoats no fur coats long or short no motorcycles no car racetracks no wheelchair to race in no fat lady singing so I can finally smoke a cigar
  13. Do you expect everything to be free in life? What???
  14. Rare skins are a good thing. Special event skins from years ago that cant be earned again , not so much. As for this particular one - no opinion on it personally just giving ideas to help make things still be fun for people
  15. I'm lost.... Isn't overwolf from teamspeak and is just used to communicate in game like how discord does its overlay? How would overwolf speedhack then?
  16. Please let this troll thread die already........
  17. In a different thread I mentioned how maybe they will make a new event different than this that gives people a better chance to get the skin. Since its a special event skin I also wouldn't mind if it was released for a large amount of joker tickets either. 3k to 5k maybe? That way people can use joker tickets which doesn't have much else they can be used on after a while.
  18. Depends? *Scoots away* ok back on topic : As people said Real time worlds as well as Gamersfirst really did a number on APB as well as the player base we had over the years. Once APB becomes optimized under the best engine we can upgrade to ( 4. whatever it is) then we can also have changes done to APB like new content and cars gear and whatever which would help revive APB. Of course a lot of things have to happen in between all of that but its hopeful now that Little Orbit is doing what G1 promised but only milked us for.
  19. because you need proper balance with guns rather than a one gun kill all ops ?
  20. you said give reasons..... those were two that we discuss with them *shrugs*
  21. We were discussing new game mode ideas with gm's for a while on Jericho Also talking about what new cars or hybrids might be good for new content.
  22. But if there were no sorry's would there be any cookies ????
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