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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. mission reward log in reward....no idea really. I'm just trying to help brainstorm with everyone to make APB better
  2. The suggestion of Little Orbit pausing it during unplayable times seems best. The other ideas seem superficial like a placebo (think threat color) I personally do not have any better ideas for what to do about premium lost however if there was something to where a chance of premium for a few hours was given then it could possibly balance out Warframe does something similar and it seems effective , but that does not mean it is a good idea for APB
  3. There was a sale before when G1 wanted more cash grabs so there may of been a buy one get one back then. I cant remember clearly either so im putting this here in case it jogs peoples memories i personally dont remember clearly
  4. Why so bias? Large amount of players are Russian Decal packs wont change that you don't understand them now or later anyways so no reason not to start with a Russian decal pack
  5. I would not mind if it was the same event that G1 made that way Little Orbit can focus on the Engine Upgrade without us distracting again. And if by chance they did make a new event I would of course be grateful.
  6. gotta start somewhere for the ones not covered yet so why not with op's first *shrugs*
  7. asked for roadmap because it talks of details of this and how it is going to be fixed plus i just don't remember the roadmap much and cant find it a lot going on other than APB so im scatterbrained
  8. I need some help finding the roadmap (yes its relevant to the thread)
  9. *facepalm* they are both noobs on bronze but one was only here longer is your argument?
  10. Kaori1 you really shouldn't be in bronze complaining about 255 bronzes or even 255 silvers. A 255 only completed contacts and that it is not the same as weapon proficiency BXNNXD and CookiePuss have valid points that you should consider listening to.
  11. did you get on the plane yet? update is almost done they are testing now
  12. I say yes it supports a large part of our playerbase that supports APB I honestly thought we already had this. my bad.
  13. Today is today. Little Orbit is not Gamersfirst who neglected us in the past. APB is not run by cheaters but pre - Little Orbit days it was Many of us seen it with or own eyes and others mentioned what I said on other threads since Little Orbit made a new forum so its here somewhere buried
  14. a lot more cheaters left than you realize Edit : pre-Lttle Orbit days I ran into cheaters almost every mission in bronze and as for silver district it was infested with them even more so They didn't even try to hide it and some would go straight to where you would spawn and kill you immediately
  15. If there was a separate game mode for this then perhaps , but for normal all around APB it could easily break the game to being pure chaos in other words a specific type of mission or event just for this mechanic. normal APB would most likely be too chaotic and non-fun from this
  16. some from choice one some from choice two some from choice three which would be both. many who left did so for various reasons but #1 reason was engine upgrade mentioned
  17. most of the population are free to play Think of it this way , the current population is guessed to be around 1,000 people however any given month a small percentage can afford to buy something from ARMAS if APB became pay to play I can speculate that maybe 10 percent would be here the first month by how they spend money on ARMAS the rest have no means to pay to play and would be gone. Now that means 100 people in the entire world play APB 3 servers for 100 people = 3 server deaths in that first month there would most likely be no second month for APB then No one would want to pay to play APB in its current state and regardless of that most games are free to play for a reason. That reason is simple more players = more fun repetitiveness sucks what i think is based off of this ^^^^^ pay to play = no more apb
  18. Both are possible if they can make a weather scheme better than what it is in a future update Only 15 ? scandalous !!! lol Hope they get the chance to test if blowing up too many cars will blow up the world into little triangles like that bug used to exist It was annoying to crash the server in a heated match accidentally but great to get the tryhard type of golds out of bronze at least *shrugs* I always felt bad for the ones who just happened to go gold who were not a true gold though. rip.
  19. only color I care about is red being dead *shrugs*
  20. Yes lets punish Little Orbit for being a victim of a DDoS attack...... *facepalm*
  21. the cheaters now are no where as large of number as it used to be before Little Orbit so yeah it has. i want that for a sig
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