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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. yet i see more "tanks" driving around than anything
  2. Ive had plenty of 4 vs 4 missions. recently. What time zone do you live in? no then all power would be lost to EPIC just as when G1 did this and then consoles existed half assed and pc was neglected completely. NO THANK YOU NOT AGAIN
  3. As Acornie showed , it is still cheaper than you used to pay.
  4. what if they had a few different ones that would randomly happen? Edit : I still can not find the other thread. Can someone help me so that we know the posts of what MattScott said without assumptions?
  5. With so many changes already to it?
  6. there is a thread on this about how some people including MattScott like the old title screen that used to play. not sure of the link for it but I'm looking for it.
  7. That has been mentioned before that it is planned to do so. What? That is not what plagiarism is..... Where were you for those events? it is busier during those vents than during normal weeks. One complaint I have seen is the population numbers / splitting a low player base. Another is how some people don't like BR modes and others do like it.
  8. kids.... omg they never run out of power damn walking batteries other than that....iono
  9. Hopefully it gets improved more to where its playable. right now its a bit problematic.
  10. Do you really expect people who have moved on to getting married and new families to have time to come back? entirely new people have to be acquired somehow to have enough. Sure I hope some of the ones who were here before come back but we are going to have to face it that it will take the means of attracting entirely new people to make APB grow. how to get there is anyone's guess but we definitely need new types of content and game modes (along with fixes to APB that we all know about)
  11. Invite more people and make a bigger playerbase ? newer games like cyberpunk will need better hardware to play. I'm just thinking how some people have terrible comps and can barely turn on after 5 minutes Edit : not only did this double post but I never hit post either time ......weird
  12. Some people will need to upgrade their potato comps. Others will have to wait for APB to be optimized which should hopefully help with certain graphics cards as well.
  13. its not the first of the month yet just like the last time this was brought up it wasn't the first of the month then either. you remind me of those guys who ask why the server is down when maintenance is the same time every week you cant see air so it must be a lieeeee
  14. You are definitely not alone on this. I asked first get in line lol
  15. Iplaybothsoitsallmyhomesowhyareyouonmygrass lol
  16. I'll take your word for it but still sounds uncomfortable to me i mean arent they horse pills or something or do i just watch too much tv and movies Edit ugh im off topic sorry - still woudlnt mind a game mode rotation of gun drops added to fc
  17. I personally think that IF little Orbit can prove it , and afford to do so , then yes they should
  18. still confused to what the freak a leak is going on
  19. not intended to. my apologies. True however this is from poor design from RTW and G1. Little Orbit has been working on it but there's steps to do first , like the SPCT and testing. Like a 1.0 release. You know....stuff. I know it already has , just not many. but over time the more game modes added to APB ( like racing ) will mean it brings in people we did not have before from a wider net to catch with. It is impossible for APB to remain "the same" any longer since "the same" is why more people do not come in. I do not condemn for things that Little Orbit did not do wrong. Some of the people upset with Little Orbit are blaming Little Orbit for DDoS attacks that they are clearly not doing to themselves. I mean its like the ones complaining look for any excuse. But then there's the gun balancing and the sniper shotgun issue we had. Yes Little Orbit made a mistake on that , but its not like anyone is perfect so its not like I'm going to burn my home down over it just to judge them. Do I wish the Engine Upgrade was done so that threat , matchmaking , and phasing was being worked on? Of course. Who doesn't. But its not fair to blame Little Orbit for trying to fix the spaghetti coding that was left behind , or incomparable programming issues that came up with EAC at first from it. People even complained over it slowing down when some of them took a Christmas vacation. Am I content with progress? No. Am I understanding especially wince even EAC is showing APB coding is still a problem? Yes. All I can really do because of that , is be patient and wait while hoping that the Engine Upgrade is finished soon , and sooner than soon™
  20. sounds a bit uncomfortable. okay who am i kidding #%%# no it sounds beyond uncomfortable
  21. people make the same posts because they repeat what others already posted. as for no one asked for riot , everyone asked for something new to play that wasnt just a gun or car so ... yes people asked for riot , just not riot specifically by name.
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