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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. didn't it cost more money using that method?
  2. that should never be the case. a company basically going "hey here's a free way to get some of our currency, but be careful!" isn't a good look. although i don't think they ever even warned about the suspicious/bad ones.
  3. when do you have fps drops? people typically lose frames during times where there's a lot of smoke particles, explosions, or a gun like the NFAS being fired off.
  4. yeah I'm not a fan of how players basically absorb a cars health as soon as they enter. but if players were able to be shot through car windows, car chases would be impossible. imagine car drop off missions. some of the locations are pretty difficult, especially if the defending team swapped out to AV weapons. if you're trying to ninja a car objective, if the other team was constantly able to shoot your tires or you through the windshield, it'd be impossible to make any progress.
  5. idk... i feel like credit scores and guns are the only things that matter in this city.
  6. does that say no checks as in no written checks, or no background checks? this is very important to me
  7. papers please you're saying g1 didn't keep proper documentation on bans? uh oh
  8. LO hit em with a chargeback, the ultimate bamboozlement.
  9. and G1's equivalent? wait about half a year to a full year after a noticable uprising about something. make a vaguely stated blog post. dust off hands. rinse and repeat.
  10. like a dog or the instrument?
  11. when they bought g1. there had to be an exchange of something for apb to change hands. not that hard to understand.
  12. oh my god I misread it and im laughing even harder now. swapping your weapon from hand to hand gives you no advantage. it just looks hilarious. once we go esports, that would be the go-to move to BM somebody.
  13. will the price tag ever be announced? was it for a couple million? couple thousands? ...a bag of chips? ...did they pay YOU?
  14. if you want to be realistic, why would someone switching from their primary weapon to a handgun (which is typically in a holster on someone's waist) take 5 seconds? random search show results from forums stating that them drawing their pistols takes on average roughly more than a second but less than two.
  15. this is getting too passive-aggressive for me. what are the certain guns?
  16. what was the controversy about people who received gifts getting banned because of charge backs being performed
  17. no I think he asking if you went to the physical location of the server to try and turn it off and on. judging from the flood of recent posts, it's most likely not a you problem.
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