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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. what hamster formula did you change to? these hamsters are finicky eaters.
  2. what do you mean? the nerf was to prevent people from doing drive-by osmaws. the instant get out and fire. now you have to crank the shaft before it fires. giggity.
  3. i thought everyone knew what tasty burgers were made of sick reference dood
  4. hey you're good at this. i've never had a relationship end good for me. maybe you should start up a fortune telling service. who got the penta kil- oh. i pasted that into google and there's sirens outside. thanks. GO TO EASPORTS.COM
  5. it was off topic by the 1st response of this thread. there's nothing to worry about.
  6. person feels there's a lot of cheaters no proof or evidence feels.gif
  7. so a house full of doctors? you've got high expectations in your household.
  8. what the hell. im super conscious about my hands they're small and don't help me in basketball
  9. oh. yeah, aids don't let you live too comfortably.
  10. i like playing cheaters because it's like playing on extreme mode. also, there's nothing that me and my blowtorch with hunting sight 3 and quickfix 3 can't handle. edit: for clarification, talking about the ones that have played before and actually have common sense. not the ones that stand in the middle of the open and lock on. ...oops, I accidentally helped these casual cheaters to get 85% better.
  11. You’re welcome what the HECK you're not ME! unless im not ME? then who am I??
  12. a birthday of more significance than a small birthday what's a small birthday?
  13. new jersey and california are no longer considered states what are they considered?
  14. how about a blowtorch with hunting sight 3 and quickfix? edit: wtf that flag only has 48 stars
  15. that's why im here to link this issue to the controller for you.
  16. unplug the controller. restart the game. if it does not work, restart your PC.
  17. ah. thanks. it has to be an external controller plugged in on the PC. an xbox controller or any third party controller plugged in might have his input stuck in moving the camera upwards.
  18. give me a name, an address, and some hamster food. i got you.
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