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Everything posted by Aeronaut

  1. dude you already know damage is consistent throughout the entire player model! silly.
  2. subjective. you either agree with the prices on the marketplace or ya dont. if you see somebody who keeps relisting the same legendary at the same price, that either means that they're not selling it or they just have a boatload of them
  3. leave the digital woofers alone pls that game teaches a valuable lesson on money management and how money works.
  4. now to start a hostile takeover of neopets.
  5. @LO_Beastie this absolutely blows G1 out of the water in regards to any informational post they've made their entire time with APB. i appreciate you. alot. you and everyone else involved in the process. all of you are amazing people.
  6. Can I unfold such an advanced lawn chair, even if I have relatively big hands? big letters and big hands. you compensating for something?
  7. i don't think it's a fair assessment to judge a company fresh off an aquisition quite yet. give it at least half a year if not a full year. imo, G1 got crazy amount of flak for their support system. LO is just understaffed, still trying to train, and trying to catch up ATM.
  8. talking about the same NPCs who freak out at the sound of a gunshot, run half a block, and then walk away, continuing with the rest of their day as if nothing happened?
  9. yup. would be a waste still. they're definitely going to hold on to that mechanic until maybe a few more major(?) patches. they'd probably revamp the system though TBH
  10. sounds like a good mechanic to put into a weapon modification. /friendadd 3 Each bullet has a 4% chance of crashing the hit target's game.
  11. didnt hit my satisfactory word limit. INSUFFICIENT. APB IS GONNA DIE FOR SURE NOW.
  12. Aeronaut


    hey, we were all noob coming out the womb
  13. a few its like your name is a self_fulfilling prophecy. maybe you should go back to vsb.
  14. yeah I'm aware of that one. that's the #1 thing people tell me. more curious of the plan B's. the oops-too-late remedies.
  15. i don't have one, i don't drink. im just wondering what weird remedies people have.
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