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Everything posted by Keshi

  1. this is great. thx for the updates matt. @MattScott would be nice if there can be a "retrieve all from mailbox" button... logged into OTW and saw 53pages P.s. the shotgun is DEAD http://plays.tv/video/5b5fa7de7303bd4243/apb-otw-shotgun-1 http://plays.tv/video/5b5fa825e75dc846fe/apb-otw-shotgun-2
  2. i remember readying that they will continue to work in UE3.5 in july...im not sure about finishing it tho. Let me search it up
  3. It says in july they will continue to work on UE3.5 but no one knows if they started already, and tomorrow is the last day of july 2018
  4. i only use 3ps when im not above rank 195... it keeps my 3rd slot warm till i can get mobility sling again
  5. hm..we need more videos
  6. My ms went to 320 but packet was 0 indeed lol But its gone now
  7. well i want to do some changes but i cant connect to the ftp since yesterday. me and the hoster is figuring that out first so i can access the files xD
  8. i manually scetched that before i answered it..really doesnt look that good sadly i'll see what else i can do to leave the background
  9. well i got some bad news...i may have to replace the background with something else. the area is too light look at it
  10. welp finally home. time to work on these issues i promised lol
  11. thats honestly cool tbh.. great job
  12. honestly..legendaries u can send them via mail to other characters All tho i do love to have my money everywhere, i still feel its best to leave them per character BUT JOKERTICKETS...aye i'm all in for that JT account-wide
  13. i'd say get some friends, minimum 2 max 3 2v2 in openconflict and kill them 15times. How did i do mine? i entered an empty district, opened my laptop for a second account. add to group, start a mission, second account leaves switch to crim, enter the same district and ready up. Bam 1v1 you and yourself. Keep the mission going(time your objectives) till you reach 15kills and end the mission (how i got all the 4 nano's on diff characters in less than 30minutes)
  14. You know. i've been using the dogear allot lately, and also trying out the oblivion... Maybe the ob needs some tweaks as it feels a bit weak still but its not that bad lol
  15. that has been an issue for years lol. some mission it works and some missions they are super slow for God knows why. Most of the times it happens to me on objectives that are litteraly... OPEN
  16. yep i was aware of that the day i insert it...wanted to resize it in a better way or just remove it...i'll do my best to check it later!
  17. i lost some accountbound items from my character...that i made last week..its like it was never in the mailbox to redeem...
  18. hm.... i may have to add textborders. which background is it? i am aware of the last background image is a bit... ew and i never had the chance to apply what @noudoei requested i havnt been home long lately and barely had time to play. I'll see what i can do let me know which backgrounds
  19. I do have some miiiiiinor stutter but not that much. the only thing i have issue with is the hiterg
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