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Everything posted by Ellix

  1. For me it's like this thing Riot helmet! One with glass shield and one that you can put your symbol on P.s. Please finish and release SPIN phone brick reskin
  2. I know that the weapons capacity at least is 125 maximum because of the type of unit it's using in the code. I have 96 space in my clothing locker but I assume it's the same They have to find a way to replace this unit type with integer or float without breaking the current database structure So there's that..
  3. What's your favorite to use in each district? My: Financial - FAR Waterfront - Ursus Asylum - Troublemaker Baylan - Misery Beacon - Cap40
  4. Playing on Win 11 since February. No issues so far
  5. The original Midtown was a test district that never got finished and was ripped apart for Waterfront and Financial parts. You might be referring to my project which is not finished at all yet and is not yet approved or tested in engine if even possible... Not sure what to tell you about it's ready-ness but here how it looks like today. As you can see there are still many undone parts (Orange and Green) and no texturing. Still a lot of work... AND AGAIN - THIS IS NOT YET TESTED IF IT'S EVEN POSSIBLE TO IMPORT IT
  6. I have to say FAR It's a fun weapon to use and can be very good in close range and mid range! You just have to know when to spray and when to tap fire
  7. Would love to see you do your thing. I watched your videos and they are really well done! Maybe someone from SPCT could help you?
  8. You gotta be a bit more clear about it tbh.. What files still can be modified? What about Advanced Launcher? Is ReShade considered a shader change? Please we need answers
  9. Wow that kinda reminds me of the Reloaded APB live action trailer Imagine if we had those clothes ingame
  10. I mean if disabling themes is an option ingame already I don't see how this can hurt to disable symbols.. However playing like that takes away from the charm of the game.. Just my opinion
  11. This one was my personal project that was done for APB however it's unfinished and needs texturing. Not speaking about setting up missions and general balance that needs to be done for this to actually work. I mean I still have all the files and stuff but actually implementing this will be A BIG task...
  12. I hope you're about to reintroduce the threat segregated servers again. I think the flow of higher population right now allows to.
  13. Yes the idea is similar to Nekrova But we want to get a bit further this time
  14. 2021 update or closure Hello all followers of Project Midtown. Today I officially pass away from finishing the project to get it on APB : Reloaded. But this is not over I'm in works for a bigger project today Midtown is gonna be used for it. More info soon :)
  15. -After engine update? -When servers will work perfectly - There will be a good anticheat - Dethreating wouldn't be an issue because of higher pop -When nerfs and buffs will be no more What then? Would you guys really stay in APB? What would you suggest the game needs?
  16. Can you people just make one thread where you just complain about the game? Like add all the shit dumpster to one single spot where people would stroke themselves on how they hate the game and their genius ideas how to improve it? Pin that thing for all I care.
  17. I'm all yay for adding player made content But honestly would like to see more then that. Outfits are nice btw don't get me wrong
  18. - Neat customization - Holiday events - Half bricks and 8 balls Add more
  19. Dude Kevlar is quite unused already Try nadinv the target first and then see how fast he can run from you ..
  20. I assume you enjoyed it a lot http://apb.patch.beta.gamersfirst.com/APB_Beta_Installer.exe Как сказано в главном посте
  21. Great Looks like we will finally have a look at mission districts Excited a lot to drive around and see the new visuals. By the looks of it we may be able to play on EU APB as main quite sooner then expected. I hope the road ahead will be smooth
  22. Firework now does perc damage nice.. So why not making it death on imact with a player like a brick does? See how lucky you are to hit a player directly with that thing Looking forward for halloween Usually a fun time in APB All old events work fine
  23. Just wait for the engine guys. It seems to be close. Maybe slowly some people will come by again and stay.. Btw drawing maps is hard.. 5 Years into making the project from my signature...
  24. Guys remember that the APB brand was bought by Unit Game? What if they suddenly release APB on mobile? Would you play it? What would it look like?
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