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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. 'dead' is relative, having up around 375 during the peak hours isn't really that dead, in my opinion... Han, now that is dead
  2. It's alive as long as we keep it alive, in our hearts And well the servers being up helps too
  3. Plus the buildings being being just giant squares over 100m, kinda hope the engine upgrade will improve performance enough to have better draw distance
  4. Ghost town because some of us got jipped on our promised, mainly useless R255!
  5. THis game is not ugly, I think it's held up pretty well over the years, well ok, maybe it doesn't look the best https://puu.sh/Blmnf/6d6e54790c.jpg
  6. Tbh those daily events in 2016 helped me and alotta other not so veteran players I knew stick around. I'm sure they could come up with something that'd be rewarding for the player to do but also not feel like they're giving out too much. A single JMB for X amount of pointman kills, etc.
  7. Lil tidbit; Australia has less than 1/10th the population of the US. But anyway, I was addressing the OPs bodacaious expectation. There has never been servers 'full or populated' at 3am in Jericho for a veeeeery long time, except for maybe the week after LO took over and you cant expect it to stay that populated going forward. Geez.
  8. Which server? You won't find many people on Jericho at 3am, because you know, it's friggen 3am.
  9. Yes, this very important topic. I'm fine with them being the European way (on the same side of the street) but they need that lil light down low so the cars in the very front can see the colour: example A:
  10. That's exactly the point of my post. It's good how it is.
  11. When the l33t bois use it: all five shots on even when I use cover When I use it: the first two shots land, one out of the next 5 hit, reload while panicing then spam the next mag hoping I get them If they mess with it, it will likely make it 10x harder on me than the l33ts who have it down to a T
  12. +1, this is a serious issue, we need immersion
  13. This is very urgent issue. I'm not even joking.
  14. Pls don't leave us again for so long, I got worried :c
  15. Just wait until later in the day, it was 11am when this was posted, Jericho doesnt have the pop to be worth trying to play until 3pm CT or later
  16. I don't think I can bear to watch it, cringing already from reading the comments Edit: @3:02 Oh my god, he stopped for a good 7 seconds to oogle me!
  17. Ty Cook... not sure why they made being all private something you opt out of instead of into, since most people shouldn't have any reason to be hidden o.o
  18. I've been making jokes whenever I'm in bronze that there should be either instant or hourly kickings of gold players in bronze, but actually we could just nerf the patootie out of the threat and money they get, it wouldn't stop everyone of course, but the most annoying ones tend to be the DTers who come to bronze and tryhard all day to level up quicker
  19. I have a few ideas that would make it more newbie friendly... old G1 didn't seem to realize you have to make the player like the game before they'll dish out dough 1. Better tutorial would help, there's too many of little things that are up to the new player to learn on their own 2. Freemium weapon recombobulation would be nice, maybe increasing the lease time of guns bought from contacts to 15 days, and possibly making the price jump per open slot not so damn high.. I have more ideas but can't think of them atm
  20. N-tec seems fine on B, I'm just worried about it possibly putting the f2p player without HS3 in a worse position As long as I know the devs are thinking about the stock version and not just the balance of a 3-slot decked out one I'm fine with it
  21. I mean, that seems like the logical answer; have it where you can start climbing from points other than the very bottom.. but probably needs sum coding or whatev to implement
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