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Everything posted by Acornie

  1. But FBW is ez, how is it not a good starter weapon? You want one harder to use? Sure it's easy to choke up and not shoot at a good speed sometimes for people without experience, but that's every semi-auto in this game. The people who are good with it prove it's good
  2. Not getting hit reg, that's my favorite excuse they use
  3. How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? This is a tough one; the thing I'm worried about is replayability; and if it's just going to be seen like all the seasonal events where it's a chore to grind it for the rewards Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? Only people who have already played Apb; encourage them to come back since there's more things to do now... but people who haven't played? I can't see how another BR put in an aging game would be something that I could sell to people who don't play Apb/even know of it's existance How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? 'It's like team-based BR but like... different... maybe... a lil...' What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? I don't know what I would change because I'm not going to pretend to be a expert on gamemodes or 'fun' so I'll just say a minor gripe I have, the death cams should be improved upon, with the rather fast movements of Apb, the spectatorcam feels like it should be defaultly further away from the character. Also I'd like there to be stationary surveillance cameras around the map you could scroll through, and find where the action is and watch from afar, that'd be really neat imo What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? The different flow from missions; when you're in missions there's always a timer, a certain thing you're supposed to do a certain way, in this you can go about this in whatever way you want. Also less carplay which I like What about RIOT do you like the least? I'm no expert on BRs, I've literally played Fartnote like... 3 times; but this feels too straight BR, not enough unique. I don't like BRs, more accurately I don't like elimination, here's the scenario that seemed to happen every round in the testing; I wasn't careful first life 'oh well at least I have another life... gotta be more carefu-' dead because someone with a good gun was 50m from my spawn and I only had the meme of a gun that I might as well hurl at them as a distraction. Now I'm dead, nothing to do. Not only did I, 1. die too soon to have any fun 2. let my team down 3. now have nothing to do other than watch someone else play I just, I dunno
  4. I meant the FF bans that they reversed, they would have been putting a lot of people who they were giving accounts back to into a different kind of trouble
  5. I too like to type in different colors to make what I say seem important I suppose you may not be fluent in English but I still have to ask, what does this have to do with piracy? I'm pretty sure alternate accounts are indeed allowed, otherwise they would have explicitly told everyone who was *going to be unbanned from the FF days that they need to close their reroll accounts asap, right? That wouldn't be very fair to the people who poured money into their rerolls
  6. Who knows really, some people may have simply dabbled in something they shouldn't, so no, I think it's very.. um... harsh of you to have that mindset. Also, TANGENT multiple bans =/= serial cheating, no, ban evasion was not a thing but FF would tag every acc you had associated with that IP/HWID for a ban at a later date (that was total bullshoot imo) so they used their alts legitimately but still got plastered on FF like they were cheating again. Plus all the numpties that account shared with the wrong person and got put up there as well So many things about FF that weren't done well (such as never catching a lot of the cheaters), so I would like to keep it in the past and not have to delve into it anymore, a new era, if you will.
  7. I already caught my mistake and edited, I thought we were talking about the actual initial topic of Rhino pack
  8. Derp, I got confused, ignore me, I thought we were talking about the actual initial topic lol
  9. Don't you get a character bound shotgun and a clothing pack with it? Character bound shotgun = 1,599 g1c, and clothing pack I'll just say 500 at the least, so that's actually a good deal
  10. *whispers in a not quiet voice* He's accusing the entire Little Orbit staff (including Mr. Matthew Scott, the owner of a multifaceted company) of all being potheadssss
  11. Yeah but what about the best secondary; the magnificent RSA?
  12. Since people are giving so many 'hot takes' I'll give my opinion; I don't care about pot, I don't smoke it, I never intend to.... that's all I need to say about my opinion because my personal opinion on weed doesn't matter! Matt said directly; "We’re going to try something a little silly next week to have a bit of fun. Don’t worry - the team is still working hard on the engine upgrade. We just wanted to lighten things up while we wait" so everyone; chill. the. frik. out. It's not an endorsement of anything, it's done in a spirit of fun. Also, I dont care how 'cringe' it is, (to be fair, it sounds like something you'd do years ago when the 4/20 meme wasn't entirely worn out) and the more community interaction Little Orbit has the better. If you don't like it, then don't partake in the hide and seek and don't buy the decals, easy
  13. Bruh. 4/20 is Saturday, even right there, says "this Saturday"
  14. I just want more cars to be a viable option; Apb is one of those games that it expects you to always play the meta. When can I use my beloved 4-slot Patrol Broadwing? Against silvers, that's what. If I was using it in a mission against the good players I'd probably get alot of... heat from teamates
  15. I feel obligated to say again; what the OP is actually on about is ratios 16:9 or 4:3, I suppose I would be curious for a response from Little Orbit if something like this will change with UE3.5, but I really don't think it matters Because they're sheep? Placebo? People doing it =/= smart
  16. #wheresmytinfoilhat I'm concerned about if there's any more codes that are going to be emailed in the future, that they won't arrive and they'll be more important than a tin foil hat I don't really care about #plsfixyourmailingsystemthx
  17. At this point in Apb's struggle patience is very hard to have, but it's all we can do; patiently wait. Im kind of hoping that one reason it has been delayed as long as it has is that the decision to release it before the engine has been reconsidered and we are going to get both dropped together before summer. Literally everything can go wrong in the game development sphere, it's normal for things to be delayed like this
  18. Thanks Lixil, there hasn't been an Easter event the last two years (if I'm not mistaken) so I've never gotten to participate, I don't know what unlockables there has been!
  19. The only rewards for this event are titles? I mean hey, I'm grateful for an event no matter what it is, I just... only titles?
  20. Look, my question is, does Reloaded Games still have anything to do with Apb since their site (https://www.reloadedinc.com/) claims they do; Edit after seeing the Mitne's edit: That's why I was asking Matt this question I suppose; because all we can do is assume it's that the site is outdated unless it's stated by Matt or someone else. Also just curious if they're still around because I'm a nosey person
  21. There is one thing I do agree, maybe, with, however it needs to be expanded upon; "1st : Bronze district with No stressing weapons that are so cruel Vs true new players" no, bronze (the lesser of the ONLY two options) should not be a 'safe space' but why not have a district for actual new players and bronze tier players? By the point you are 195 you should not be this horrible so have R195+ mods unusable there. Just an idea, don't hurt me, but let's face it; the skill deficient have it really hard in Apb, and they have wallets as well... might even be more likely to monetarily support the game than your average edgelord And not that I really care, but OOB could be less restrictive only outside of a mission (and when N/P5)
  22. You obviously read that I said wrong. Also, couldn't find their site? https://www.reloadedinc.com on the site says Reloaded Games, not Productions
  23. I'm so confused On the Reloaded Games site it shows that their games are APB Reloaded and FE, did they shut down? Or er, how are they still part of APB if you guys own it now, but don't own them?
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