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Everything posted by SuperToaster

  1. Nah he just plays like a spastic. I’m the same way
  2. My whole weekend has been nothing but MHW so this is true. It's a combination of the balance patch and server lag but of course I guess the dev for MHW wasn't prepared for 200k+ active players because their servers are taking a dump too lol. At least you can still progress solo though not nearly as fun with a group
  3. Lordy make it stop. I was so excited to play with the new reg fixes and network changes but the servers just can't handle anymore
  4. This is like the 3rd time I've seen this dumb argument. "Why are you even getting in a shotgun's range in the first place?? Just don't miss your shots??" It's not like APB revolves around CQC combat where you are almost always in the enemy's face or anything. A shotgun being able to kill you in 2-3 shots at 15-20 meters is absolutely ridiculous. This makes it to where if you're not using a shotgun you're 99% going to die to one within that range unless the shotty user is absolute garbage. Carbine, OCA, anything even remotely CQC is useless against something that can kill you in a couple shots from that distance The whole "get gud" argument is stupid. This is exactly what people would say when shotguns were even MORE OP years back. When you could get sniped at like 20-30 meters. It's not balanced stop pretending like it is
  5. What Armas weapons trump their free counterparts? Most of them are reskins anyways
  6. You’re using kev 3 and complaining about the gameplay being too fast for you? Lordy
  7. Consoles have the 3.5 build which uses a much more lively color palette than current APB’s which is a slightly desaturated, bright color palette. Kinda similar to Black Desert
  8. I had this happen yesterday in FC when the servers were getting like 1-2 packet loss every other minute. Spray a guy point blank with carbine, no hitmarkers, blood, assist or anything
  9. They already said they’re going to lower the prices and agreed everything was super expensive
  10. I just got home and jumped in Baylan. My reg was just as good as it was in OTW which was almost perfect then I started to see 1-2 packet loss and then all my reg went to shit. Something's definitely iffy with the servers hope it gets fixed
  11. Reminds me of the old Fortnite double pump meta. I'm shaking atm. I’m sure they’ll revert it but I’m not looking forward to FC or missions when I get home. Good thing MHW comes out tomorrow. Can play that until shotguns go back to normal
  12. Most of the game revolves around CQC. There’s no way to “adapt” to a shotgun that can 2 shot you from 15-20 meters lol. The only way to adapt is to slap on a CSG like everyone else. Shotguns are broken AF and need to be reverted back to what they originally were before the patch
  13. Really though you’re gonna quit because of one balance patch even though they said they’re gonna keep tweaking things? Still don’t understand the point of goodbye threads
  14. Yeah CSG is back to being an OP crutch gun sadly. It felt fine before the balance patch idk why they decided to buff it
  15. Hopefully the network stuff gets smoothed out by the time I get home. I’m definitely not looking forward to all the shotgun heroes running around now that the CSG is back to being a sniper shotgun
  16. I tried to log into OTW after the last balance pass and the servers were offline apparently. Had to go off of either what my friends have told me or videos. I hope they at least tweaked back the CSG too 'cause god damn... That's gonna be trouble
  17. It's beyond obvious to everyone that the Improved Rifling changes are not even remotely ready to be pushed live. There is no reality where it makes even the slightest sense to do so, instead the only thing that makes any sense whatsoever would be to simply delay the Improved Rifling changes until the next weapon balance pass. Have to agree. After seeing some vids on the NTec with the new IR3 I would definitely say hold back the IR changes or tweak the range back real quick. I even told my friend it's going to end up being able to shred Obeyas with a 12m buff and sure enough it shreds just as quick as an Obeya. I think you guys are going in the right direction with the tweaks but the IR buff and the CSG buff should be reverted back to what they originally were before being pushed to live. CSG is WAY too strong on OTW and now NTec just shreds at any range now
  18. There's literally no districts up atm. God I hope they fix whatever is causing all the bs. I dc enough as it is when the servers are working decently
  19. This. They said a new gun and new vehicle. The gun was the showstopper which was unreleased so the obvious answer is the mirage
  20. This is what I suggested with a friend. 8-10m is a lot better than 15m. Being able to 2 shot people at 15m is ridiculous considering how fast you can shoot it and with its perfect spread Also I like the tag assist idea with the firework launcher if that’s possible to do
  21. When they tested out 50/50 mission districts somebody asked if they could be boosted to 255 so they could use mods and Lixil ended up asking if anybody else would want this too. Everybody pretty much said yes so she just jotted down names to boost to 255 after the stress test was done
  22. Did CSG's range really needed to be buffed back up? It was already strong enough as it is on the test mission district god damn. It was literally what everybody was using because it was so strong lol Anyways I'm about to test the IR changes I think you guys are heading in the right direction with those tweaks
  23. Yeah just checked I'm not 255 either. They said after the stress test but didn't specify exactly when lol
  24. Yeah whatever you guys did with the networking made my hitreg super consistent on OTW. I still DC even on the test servers sadly but not nearly as often as the live servers
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