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Everything posted by SuperToaster

  1. Still getting consistently 2 shot at around 15m in OTW. That's still pretty damn far for a weapon that's made to excel on corners and really tight areas. If you go against anyone who knows how to remotely use a shotgun good luck killing them with anything else other than a shotgun within 20m
  2. It would be stupid to trade anything until the new trade system is in place
  3. They're saying there's a thread already for posting 3D content related to APB
  4. Seeing the high poly models for all the new weapons makes me hopeful for a big visual upgrade later on. I know pretty much every new pack since like open beta had obviously the original high poly version and then the low poly dumbed down version for APB. Aside from better looking clothing I’d love to see properly animated and high quality weapon models some day
  5. Unfortunately playing cheap is a viable strategy. Just take satisfaction in the fact that the whatever opp decides to run or camp the item is doing it because they don’t want to face you head on
  6. Nice guess I'll find out who even had me on their friends list. Played with a ton of people over the years but obviously only a fraction of a fraction of them even log on anymore
  7. As explained already, they're going to be tweaking shotguns still because they're too effective at all ranges, they just want to do things little by little. That’s good. Because before weapons would get tweaked and left that way for months
  8. I haven’t been home to test the new patch but apparently the CSG is back to being a sniper shotgun. I hope that isn’t left that way because it was pretty much the do all CQC weapon back in the day. 2 shotting people at 20-30 meters shouldn’t be a thing anymore
  9. Gamerfirst/Reloaded continuously degraded the game's performance over the eight years they had the game, never bothering to even attempt to push fixes or attempts at improvement. It's unsurprising that you're seeing increased performance on an updated client, Little Orbit has shown (through action, repeatedly) that they're actually stripping all that broken garbage back out and replacing it with stable goodness. Just look at the server performance issues, there hasn't been latency issues in over a week, game's been completely stable after they pushed their fixes... albeit with the hitreg issue sneaking in. The reason why everybody's FPS was through the roof was because it was nothing but uncustomized bambies running around. Also there may have not been latency issues but a lot of people myself included are still having major issues even staying on the game longer than an hour without dc'ing straight to the main menu
  10. It's exactly that. A quick firing shotty pistol. Shotguns are broke AF in OTW atm so nobody can properly test it
  11. I'm gonna take a guess that it's something along the lines of a shotgun-pistol that we've been teased over for years now. Looks similar to a Taurus so probably a shotty pistol for sure Excited about 3.5 being brought to OTW hopefully soon™
  12. This. People expect the game to make a full turnaround in a couple months. Ridiculous
  13. I actually liked the old threat system. Liked being able to see what specific threat level I was but I don't mind the new system. I don't agree with removing threat all together. The game has too steep of a learning curve for green to bronze level players to just constantly go up against veteran players. This is one of the things that makes new players quit the game. Matchmaking with no threat would be terrible. If you weren't in a 4-man premade already you'd be getting unfair matchups constantly. 2 golds with 2 bronzes against 4 man premade or 3 golds 1 silvers against 4 bronzes, etc... Matchmaking and threat can be tweaked for sure. We could even roll back to old threat and I wouldn't have an issue but removing it all together where you don't have a clue who is obviously a seasoned player and who isn't is a dumb idea
  14. Yeah I’m surprised this isn’t at least pinned
  15. Some dudes in APB are too competitive for their own good. I wouldn't take it to heart. Me and my friends always remind each other to NEVER underestimate a silver because they won't play like a typical tryhard and will suddenly be on your patootie with an SMG real quick
  16. Hoping we get a fix for the garbo reg soon and obv the dc issue too. It's such a noticeable difference when you go from landing every shot to barely hitting even 1 shot on somebody standing still after emptying your mag into them
  17. Been fine for me since the maintenance? It was good for me for like 2 days, I had great ping, perfect hitreg then I started getting randomly disconnected from every district. My ping is also back to being double of what it was. Matt already said one of their gms has been getting the dc issue so. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that the random dc thing is also causing my ping to be higher than usual and wrecking my hitreg but who knows
  18. That’s good to know figured my internet was giving me shit EDIT: I guess I should add I can't even play 5 minutes now without dc'ing. The pop right now on Jericho is insanely low for Friday afternoon so. I'm surprised this hasn't been addressed yet
  19. I can say that it's not just you, I have some Italian friends who have a lot of issues getting connected, and after they do, they have difficulty staying connected for long periods of time. I'm from NA and have no issues, and our other German friend we play with regularly has no issues. Weird, I’m in Arizona so I have no issues with my ping or connection I just get instantly booted to the login screen whenever the game feels like it
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