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Everything posted by spher3

  1. oh god, are you here too... hey there sophie, ur not hacked, someone is probably trolling you
  2. i had this after alt tabbing out and in after some hours of gameplay, fixed it by downgrading my GPU driver back to the non-optional version. my gpu is a RX5600XT
  3. while i do understand that this is a valid issue, i believe xigncode or Riot vanguard isnt the issue here, battleye does also install a driver just as the other two mentioned AC's, idk about PUBG if it uses any of those i dont play pubg, but i do have Valorant and BDO installed and use them on a regular basis and these stutters does not exist on my setup, Ryzen 5 2600, RX 5600XT, 32gb @ 3222
  4. aah, then thats my bad i guess, i have them disabled in config, knowing the maps and contacts by hand i found the contact hud markers tedious
  5. The solution is wait for APB engine upgrade or spam Nvidia to add back 32 bit instruction set to their drivers. turing cards such as 1660ti and RTX cards dont have drivers with 32 bit support, i solved my issue by going back to the store and trading my 1660ti for a RX5600 XT
  6. this bug is really intense from nowhere, it came after mission impossible, ive had it before like, at very few times, maybe once a month if even that, now its every single day more than once, vital hud elements such as objectives and teammates, cars and enemies on Deathmatches, VIP on vips, all just dissappear until game is reset, and you cant notice it until you are already in a mission and will scuff others mission or force exit and be an patootie because of it
  7. Same, i had an outfit that is lmade to look like a onesie that i made a month ago and it was just under the limit (had to clean it up abit to make it fit the limit) and now i cant wear it because its over the limit..
  8. if you want to tell me i talk out of my patootie then come with some concrete proof of your super secret information. you clearly dont know shit. "drivers~" sounds like some layman term that developers gave you simps to THINK there is a issue with drivers. when its not. insane how people take that one simple sentence and spoonfeed what theyve been spoonfed themselves. no actual knowledge about whats going on whatsoever. gtx 400 series work on dx12 kekw. idiots thinking working on == is same gxapi == same thing. you are the idiot here. not me. all you talk is nonsense. gtfo keyboard warr. study some. talk more shit than words that matt gave the community, which is said to be drivers due to simplification for your simple minds. has nothing to do with the drivers. welcome to 2020.
  9. As a representative of the better part of the playerbase you should have some common sense as to act natural and not demeaning. do you think they slapped that sticker on you so you can be a forum patootie?
  10. Yea, one thing, Hmu when your menstruation is over mate. just because youre tired doesnt mean you can act like a complete arse. youre an spct, act like it. EDIT:not once was there said that turing cards are not using FP32 btw, all dx12 cards are known not to be very backwards compatible with dx9 only games.
  11. as many more times as it takes until its fixed, as a vast majority of computer enthusiasts is moving over to turing gpus when they drop in price within 2 coming months, fuck is up with the attitude? got a stick up your bum? FP32 is supported by all turing GPUs so id like to know where you get this magic info from? Tera is a game thats based on the very same early UE3 and also only has a 32 bit client, but it has absolutely 0 issues running on a 1660ti, riddle me that?
  12. CAN WE HAVE FIX PLES?.. on a real note this is an insane issue, at least on 1660ti i cant play a single full mission in action district without a crash. sup?
  13. proper LCDs also doesnt have the low refreshrate as they are set out to be, they infact are very capable of higher refreshrates than the common end-user LED screens, and while i do agree with that the game and its former glory was never even intended for the full HD screen, i have to make the point also that the goal with the engine upgrade is to refresh, renew, and bring it up to snuff with latter years standards, albeit not ue4. while they did say they want it to still be playable on the same variety of hardware as before, in the long run this is just not feasible, do we really want the art team to close up shop for x amount of weeks just to cater to the 0.1 percentile that wants to run the game on their mothers old microwave oven?, been acceptable doesnt have to mean it needs to still be so. technology advances, and csgo players that run the resolution does so in most cases for the sole reason that they dont want to retrain their musclememory from cs1.6, everything needs to move on at some point and this is a good time to say goodbye to 1024x768.
  14. check the file? why is everyone with broken english saying "check the file" or "battleye doesnt fix cheaters because file is open"... ive had no fps drop whatsoever since battleye pre-EAC until now. works just as craptabulous as it has always been, its apb
  15. the preference to run on 1024x768 is ancient hardware. why would you ever play that resolution if you could have high fps on something that doesnt net you black bars on any screen of this day and age, we have come a long way since 4:3 and CRT monitors EDIT: Dont press dislike because of the truth please https://gs.statcounter.com/screen-resolution-stats/desktop/worldwide it is the absolute least used resolution worldwide, falling slightly behind 1280x1024
  16. The thing is, the tons of players willing to give apb another chance are also the same playerbase thats next to nonexistant in live, and they'd rather focus on playing the broken shit that is beta because the faster beta comes to the masses the faster all underlying issues can be found and adressed, i myself have 3 different rigs, 4 if we count the shitty laptop from 2013, and i only play apb on my best rig, which wont play APB at all comes tomorrow tuesday, when my turing gpu arrives, since live has an issue with driving the game with that architecture. but i would in fact install the beta on every single one of those machines and frantically report issues both in-game wise and performance wise. the lot that are burning for this game to actually break even and finally go good again are far more dedicated than the little bunch of silvers crying hacks everytime they loose in bronze districts. reddit threads? who tf follows apb on reddit these days? and review bombing? if you are thinking review bombings are something done by punny youtubers youre way out there. review bombing wont happen since individuals that understand the true concept of reviewing should be well aware of a beta branch of a product.
  17. cant stress this enough, need a larger pool of players to find issues faster, and finding the issues faster means timeframe til it is live grows shorter
  18. just give us the beta already, isnt it 5 years in waiting now?edit: hell its 6 years now wtf?! enough time, wider public testing means a bigger pool of issues found(speeds up fixing stuff in the long run). we dont care if it blows up our computers, some players on apb seem to still run windows xp or something the way they fiddle with configs to make the game play on a steroid induced potato it wont affect live in any way, it will be a separate client dedicated to testing. and ill tell you watch the popularity of the testserver spark interest in apb and also move over most of the playerbase of live to OTW, this is what everyone has been waiting for for the last 6 years.
  19. just bought a 1660ti based build thats shipping to me as we speak... fooken amazing to read this, guess ill just not play apb for the forseeable future then :^) when did this problem arise? did it exist pre-BE`?
  20. laugh all you want, doesnt change that the rest of that is facts. they clearly lied and said they dont have any mail from matt, when they afterwards admitted they do have the mail but "didnt see due to vacation"
  21. 1st of all, look at that picture. they are just trying to come of as LO being a faker in this scenario. and the sentencing clearly says "we sent ALL info to g1" that means said purchase records doesnt exist. because they werent sent of with the full package of data already sent. but this is just another case of fellow patriotism isnt it. we are always in the wrong as long as your fellow countryman said something without proof, he just said it randomly, AFTER being bashed by a whole community, and saying "we havent got a mail" but suddenly they did have that same mail that they never had in the first place?... and being a company and end a sentence with "-.-" what are they? a bunch of twelve year olds with some stolen serverblades? some professionalism please. EDIT: to clarify, it says nowhere that they sent purchase history, they said they sent all information they have to g1. that doesnt mean they sent purchase history. you clearly just read whatever you want it to say.
  22. anyone here claiming they are subject to compensation is stupid, you DONATED money to a company, said company literally ripped you off by givin the item you bought for 100 rub to someone next to you for free, and thereby destroyed the apb innova economy, thats why you werent transfered to citadel in the first place, you had too many abusive gms, characters with higher than normal privelige, and items that never was supposed to be used by the general public. either you accept the deal, or you can keep playing the short time that nekrova and its stated 30ish conncurent online playerbase until it shuts down. and then logoff permanently. there are many citadel players that doesnt want any of you on citadel due to seeing your previous priveliges as cheating the system, i am one of them, if it were for me you all should be deleted and banned, but thats not how it works, i gladly accept you into citadel given this scenario, any other scenario and you would not be welcome and given APB unforgiving community, you would be taking endless flak just because of your server of origin. frustration is acceptable to some extent. but you are just being selfish and want your best in slot items and not-earned-for cash and priveliges staying, on a server where said stuff has NEVER existed and NEVER will. this is not innova. this is another company. understand that. you didnt buy shit from LO, not even from G1, you bought shit from innova. thereby LO is in no stance to be required to reimburse you anything. bringing any of these stupid broken items or rank 300 chars over would result in an even more broken economy than the hit the economy will take just from your insane amount of apb dollars that you actually will get transfered. this migration in one way or the other will break the economy and/or gameplay. LO is just doing their best to please the russian community, but still make sure to not totally F over the citadel community, whilst also keeping the company healthy. thats a hell of a job and if you dont see it from the companys perspective and only from yours own as a player, maybe you shouldnt chip in to the discussion because you clearly dont evaluate the situation as a whole, and only to what profits you as an individual. sorry for the harsh language but im sick of all the childish whimpering and bitching
  23. Don't cater to crybabies please. Everyone had a chance to keep the times. It wasnt like anyone worked at all times the event was held. Black desert holds events where you get a single random timewindow per day to complete said event be it bossfight spawning somewhere in the world or whatever. Sometimes you need to go out of your comfort zone to get it. This way the skin shows of dedication and or later down the line, rare value. People are offended by everything today. Don't get a skin having several hours each day to get it?-whine how stupid others were for setting a schedule for you to get it or make time to do so-... Sigh Edit: asking this in hindsight will always result in everyone without the skin to want it for free.
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