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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. Get concs, satchel charges, alig, volcano, osmaw, opgl, dmr, jg, low yields (spam them all)... etcs. Get a car with ammo and run around with concs... Talk to your team to help you to take down enmies car spawns if they are being an issue. Why you just limit yourself into "remove x that i dont like" having so many solutions?
  2. This been suggested in the proper subforum... Sadly is not the right time to change car spawners. I honestly think they are okay and they are both easy to destroy and deploy.
  3. Do not bother, he will try to make ad hominems arguments against you ALL the time.
  4. No you want attention. There, i cured your neutral reputation virginity. How does that feel?
  5. Wow the closet cheater got really mad. Alonzo will be watching u kid.
  6. Bakame! Nonsense game breaking mechanic.
  7. And i was one of them slaped. Stfu nun fetishist.
  8. 2018 and not knowing what a trap is. Well.
  9. Coding xD Knowledge on texture meshes exporting/importing and some photoshop.
  10. No bear traps... he is talking about guys like this
  11. No if you never discover he is a trap.
  12. Lol he keeps getting destroyed. You will get rekted because you are protecting something thats faulty. We exposed how it can be abused multiple ways and you keep ignoring us or minimizing its impact on the game... you are just ridiculous. And i am pretty sure those people who got banned by using these kind of tools are now getting unbanned by people who dont understand mechanics of the game (that or the other reason i gave... that they need data for BE).
  13. I completly forgot i had mails with guns and stuff... i still have those annoying yellow mods mail spam heh.
  14. I have read that lag impacts fps.
  15. The old ape species come to reclaim their territories.
  16. its easy to spot because of how fast you aim while sprinting LOL. Prepare to get banned kid.
  17. We all did/do things that look "cheaty", once... twice. But when you do it most of the time then it starts to be wrong. Some cheater know this and just toggle when necessary. And people who spent a lot of time playing, they see the same people performing the same bullshoot again and again and again over time.
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