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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. You just need one thing to do to stop it but if i say it i would be considered bad. --- And op, nice you found something. Traveling in your truck must be really fun.
  2. "Rare nanos" are the ones from contacts? Is like asking support to transfer a 10 days snr you bought to another character... imagine all players spaming their desires to transfer items to support, it would be hell for them.
  3. I think you have one chance to ask for a refund, not sure now. Just send a ticket with the info about the item you bought (you know, screenies about your purchase, date etc.), server, characters names... but i doubt they need it.
  4. Thats exactly the problem, they go into oblivion without a word. I at least got an explanation about mine from Lixil.
  5. You are the first one in reporting such thing, congratz.
  6. Like liking that feature and using diferent guns from diferent players? What about the gameplay, can you enumerate the pros and cons he gave (or just pros...)?
  7. Thats what leads nonsensical threads. OP didnt even gave reasons of why he wants it added or the downsides (or pro) to add new mechanics like this... just because "i liked the mechanic, i want to play with diferent guns from diferent players". Like ey bud, buy ur skins, farm ur guns and legendarys...
  8. Well, that one it is. If you want to play diferent guns then or either switch or play more the game to obtain them, no just "ey i want a drop mechanic to user other guns xDD". ???????
  9. Why are you telling me is not rude then? How isnt taking your stuff rude? You guys make no sense ;/
  10. Why cant we take enemies cars then? Or use their clothes? Maybe steal their money or joker tickets?
  11. What posts and threads been deleted? One of my been deleted because it "would go out of hand" but no people have answered to it. ;/
  12. Can you share with me your source of information?
  13. How is not rude trying to change apb gameplay mechanic with some other? Why would i want to share my weapons with others when i die? You are just trying to force people to share their weapons. Are you able to think outside your head?
  14. So you are assuming everyone wants this added and legendary users want their effort spent in hands of everyone... yeah sounds about correct. You die 20 times, and full asylum will be using your weapon. Do you even aknowledge how stupid this sound?
  15. Oh boy you keep pushing this even farther and replace YOUR primary with anyone else... God why im even bothering reasoning with you, i already told you about legendarys example.
  16. Wow you went full psycho son. "Everyone attacks me!!!" Okay keep going on, you are showing everyone who you are. Is not like i need to expose you any further.
  17. ??? Primary... primary, what would it do to switch? What if you have secondary and primary legendarys? Its impossible not die, at some point you will allways die. What kind of logic is that? That you didnt been here for when it happened? You are registered in 2011, you cant fool no one. Meh i dont bother anymore you are obviously trolling at this point.
  18. This been discussed in the past and ended with it being removed for a reason. For example: i do not want that someone who killed me to take my legendary i spent so much time farming and enjoy it for free.
  19. How isnt that ad hominem? @Zascha You are allways trying to use the same strategy for your weightless arguments: like "remove ltl because i have no fun with it, just do it". EDIT: i am a bit lazy to look for more examples. You just try to make the other people that do not share your opinion stupid. EDIT2: and it seems that there is more people facing same consequences for not sharing your opinions... looks like everyone is wrong but you. You know how bad that sounds right?
  20. No one is mad, upset, angry, i at least do not care much about your opinion and i stated facts against you so far. Yes you do these kind of ad hominem. You are trying to argument we are attacking you because No, i am disgusted because of your subjective opinions being displayed as facts.
  21. Lol you are glad we stopped because you get completly destroyed to the point you need those ad hominems to "try" to win with your weighless arguments.
  22. Yeah... totally not really game breaking. Just another buff to defenders. Imagine the poor attackers droping their weapons and feeding defenders their weapons so they have multiple choices to corner camp xD Spend your whole magazine (droped from enemies), drop that weapon and keep firing your own... like carrying a shaw or alig. Lol trust me guys, this is not game breaking! I swear it. I know what i am talking about.
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