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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. I would honestly lift all skin restrictions (i mean legendary/normal)... i want to use glow in the dark skins in my legendarys too. Also some glow in the dark skins needs some redesign, some are really cheap done.
  2. Maybe you should go for female? They can be neutral since their hips can be greatly reduced. And chest can be really flat... you can use clothes to hide it better.
  3. Triggerbotters etc... like i said in other thread they may need new info to feed to BE and thats why they are unbanning them. Give them time to tune up this anticheat and they will clean them again... I am pissed at this too, but let it be for the greater good?
  4. I cant beleive there is people not affected by ddos ping... i understand the times some are affected and others not, but these people are not affected at all... How can it be?
  5. What makes someone so biter to do that and cheat in game? I really would like to know... But seriously, they should give some breathe to LO and see if apb is changed for better, if not they can keep on it.
  6. I kinda agree with op... i made a thread myself and see the results: I am against censoring, but these nerf threads are pretty annoying even to me (and furry avatars). That cringey twitch logo on that silver. I regret clicking that link...
  7. Even myself left the forum for a time because it was dead. Seeing 5-7 users online was pretty sad even for apb forums. That was the whole purpose of mod squads. If i find out that there are mod squads in the actual team i will go insane.
  8. Ive seen pgaw pretty hungry for mod powers. And probably someone from the old mod squads warned me for literally typing *********" ( * pretty used on forums for censoring your own words -if you see the word *smart* probably is the filtered word too-). Its funny they still are mad with me. I bet they still angry because they couldnt find my other pcs accounts xD
  9. I agree there are too much toggling. There are some trash players that cant stand getting rekt and just start triggerbotting with shotguns. its really obvious because the way they fire: instant reflex, never miss, it seems like when your character cross their crosshair they fire no matter what. I had a few teammates firing me when using my asylum skin (when they turned to me) but i am not sure if playful or accidental.
  10. I honestly likes how ntec fires, but star def feels easier. I would pick ntec over star because the longer reach, as i would pick ursus over ntec... People who mains ntec, destroys with star for a reason... EDIT: star hipfire amazingly, you wont believe how much it helps for cqc battles. Star completly rekt ntec hipfiring. EDIT2: i am just using it in asylum and is so good that i even rekt cqc weapons... i cant honestly believe people complain about this gun. Just now, and i died once because i was typing. This gun is smart and trying to buff star is a meme as nerf ntec... im done. I even got a rage whisper, i never get those lmao
  11. If you still insist into buffing the star i would say increase marksman movement speed, decrease* equip time and reload time. Those are the things i would buff on star -and i think it really needs it to be more competitive-. EDit: missed decrease...
  12. You are more able for cqc than most asault rifles with their long range atribute. I already explained this... there are plenty of range variants for each roll (i mean more effective at diferent ranges). Assault rifles (closer to longest range): aces; atac; star; ntec; ursus. I do not name the cobra because the only time i used it it was trash, even it looks like trash.
  13. Yes. No. A trap is a male that looks like a female and when you are going to get to business you find out that there is only one entrance available and something that shouldnt be there. Thats why they are called "traps".
  14. Making the star more op? What in the actual f? The star is more like a close range version of assault rifles, ntec a longer one.
  15. I see lack of game music... Only music that have been burnt in your mind, from any game but has to be good. A classic
  16. Thanks, very emotional anecdote. Once my sis forgot to flush the toilette, i was young and innocent, and then i saw that. I thought she was practicing birth.
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