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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. Okay, and remember, your days are counted dethreater. You cant just keep doing "well" (ridiculous excuse) and get stagnant in the same threat to enjoy yourself.
  2. Thats exactly how i learnt to play, facing better players and learning from their tactics. Dont even try to fool anyone in here, its pretty obvious what you want to do: keep punishing low threats and starters, boosting your ego and getting well rewarded meanwhile having a lot of fun at their expense. Thats really nasty.
  3. At some point you need to learn to play... this is exactly what drown this game, rewarding players the same for their skills and effort put into the game. Thinking for a few bad players just to milk them almost killed the game. EDIT: rewarding the same low and high skilled threats, aswell as low rank and max ranks... thats what i tried to say. Ram raid also is an issue.
  4. Yes it is, because people who gets stagnant shouldnt be rewarded. It creates the problem that we know as "dethreaters". After rank 80-100 (even less i dare to say) you should be forced to silver threat.
  5. Yes, is indeed easy to go from T to gold... so if you are going to dethreat and stay dethreated and winning, rank should be taken in account. So probably you should be silver with rewards removed when joining bronze. And all people in bronze should get their rewards greatly decreased.
  6. Excuseme sir, but is buff OR nerf. Don't try to manipulate my poll, ty.
  7. Thats a correct thing to do. -- Since there is an increase of people who tries to insult me and call my thread troll while they freely farm posts, i will remind you: 22 users who agrees that snr should be nerfed 26 users who disagree with snr getting a buff 7 users that probably dont even know what is a snr 29 users didnt understand the poll 60 users that think nerf threads are annoying But is only a minority, why anything should be done against nerf threads spam?
  8. Well it seems that the same person who hates you already gave you 4 dislikes... Anyways it does not decrease your positive profile rating so you have not much to worry. You should care about what people with critical thinking opine about your posts.
  9. Right... this guy just pick threads and do the same to farm posts and even dares to call other ppl trolls for making a poll and keeping it up. How can he even live with that level of toxicity.
  10. How to increase your post count with useless post 101: Step one: search a thread that you think is useless. Step two: shit post to bait people. Step three: answer the people who arguments against you that is not usless at all. Step four: ????? Step five: PROFIT! Seriously though, looking through Nanometic posts through the forums, clearly a troll just trying to get a rise out of anyone who is willing to bite , don't waste your time.
  11. You may want to do exercises in your free time because to be stationary for long periods is really bad for health. I am somehow interested in trucking since you are like in home, but traveling at the same time. Its like you said, a lifestyle, an interesting one. Driving at night must be really beautiful.
  12. I am not sure about this... but server fps drops? They would need more powerful machines to render the amount of weapons droped, specially fc.
  13. More: picking up powerful weapons like explsives. You need pretty much rank a lot to get them or do the joker store exploit... Imagine a guy dying with opgl and suddenly everyone is using opgl because he would die a lot. RIP fps. If this stupid mechanic gets added, i will keep buying opgl 3 slots and die a lot so everyone uses opgl lol. FC will be hell i promise.
  14. Another reason: more laziness to unlock your own weapons. If everyone keeps taking other weapons, they will have less reasons to lvl up rolls to maximum 15 (which takes how many kills? 15000?). More reasons: criminals could take ltl. For what? I dont know but thats enforcer exclusive. More: you could pick one, kill pick another, kill etc. The broken mechanic still there even if you die. Imagine a dethreater in bronze district going rambo thanks to this... Honestly, this is fun only in words... here i am to spit reality into your face.
  15. If you want some kind of statistic here it is (inb4 using the same excuse "ppl voted no for a broken mechanic, the whole idea is broken". Another reason this mechanic is not worth is because you can switch your own weapons and not leech from others effort, spent time or money spent. You got ammo cars, joker machines, mail box, yellow ammo box, supply box etc. to switch your own weapon and play like you want.
  16. You are here claiming things and wanting broken mechanics, you are the one who needs to give pros and cons about it and find the statistics of your own claims? What are you talking about legendarys??? I dont get it.
  17. What exactly prevents you to take a car, go to their car spawns, blow them and rush enemies? I really doubt you have so much troubles to find a car in this game (thats why you take care of your car and not crash it everywhere like people usually do). And if your enemy is using alig it would be better for you honestly... But it is true that sometimes can be a problem for attackers if they are not coordinated and just mindlessly rush the objective.
  18. I am not sure what you dont understand... there is nothing wrong with car spawns. Sometimes they worth to be destroyed, sometimes not because they show you possible enemies paths to their objectives. Double edge sword. Get it?
  19. How is giving defenders more troubles bad? Spawn cars are double edged swords, they can be useful for spawn or distracting enemies... as they can reveal your possible paths to your objective.
  20. Funny facts. Those unban requests are problably from players multiaccounting and ended like that. Just a recent unbanned guy got his 17 legendarys back... makes you think.
  21. "Lucky", i know people that think twice before placing a car spawn... i just try to stop it in the right place so enemies dont blow it so easily or they take more time to reach it or benefits my teams more. There is no luck in that.
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