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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. What is your ethnicity? Also don't boost your account to 255.
  2. What are you talking about. You obviously know nothing at all about game developing. Just copy and paste the APB files in to UE4 and you're done.
  3. They are already working on something similar to this.
  4. I don't think you understand what UE4 blueprints are.
  5. Please tell me some of these Engine features that can easily be used as APB mechanics.
  6. I think it was already ruined after G1 and Tiggs gave them out willy nilly.
  7. People thinking game development is just copy and pasting. JuSt ReMaKe ThE ENTIrE GamE
  8. This just convolutes things for no reason.
  9. The elf ear isn't the worst part about this picture.
  10. I don't think people know what vectors even are.
  11. I still can't get over how 'cheap/tacky' the new engine update looks.
  12. Changing mission stages to switch more often between offense and defense? Doable but a decent chunk of time. Revamping the entire mission system? Preferable but a shit load more time.
  13. Remember that one time LO bought APB and the Community Manager spent the next two weeks playing PUBG instead of learning APB, only to eventually boost their APB account to max rank.
  14. "G1 hadn't even started the engine upgrade." "LO basically had to rewrite it themselves" Something doesn't add up here.
  15. For it to finally kill the game so we can all move on with our lives.
  16. 1. Fast forwarding clips 2. Low quality graphics 3. Terrible music choice for a montage (this isn't a subjective musical opinion) 4. Lack of variety in clips 5. Lots of clips that are just not entertaining 6. Almost no editing in general 7. Almost zero timing/syncing/weaving with the music 8. Same pace; no highs/lows or changing cadance 9. Lots of just bad clips 10. No intro 11. Some clips with low framerate 12. Wearing preset clothing 13. Nothing cinematic about it 14. No outro 15. Sudden start and sudden stop 16. No transition between scenes/clips 17. No leading the viewers eye between scenes 18. Zero creativity 19. Clips against bad players 20. Just straight up not entertaining If you care about making another I'd advise you to really think about what you need to do to improve and take any feedback you can.
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