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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. If a few team kills makes your k/d negative then your k/d wasn't even impressive in the first place.
  2. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile. I've honestly only come across 1 or 2 people that are sus since BE got introduced. EDIT: Keep downvoting me. It does not do anything.
  3. Honest question. How is it that everyone here in this sub group seems to improve with every render, but you on the other hand get worse with every picture?
  4. That seems like a really good idea. You should make a thread in the suggestions forum section for it.
  5. This seems like it as impacted you a lot. How does it make you feel, do you want to talk about your feelings?
  6. I switched from 4k max settings to 1024x768 4:3 potato settings.
  7. Even 'old' PC version looks better than the 'new' console version.
  8. I was talking about getting shot by shotguns, not using cover when you have a shotgun. With the old pellet system if a third of my body was poking out from cover and they shot me they would get 1/3 of their spread because I took the initiative to use cover. Now with the new system they tag me with 1/3 of my body peeking out and they get far more than 1/3 the damage. It ignores a major part of my initiative to use cover to minimize the damage i receive so there is less incentive for me to actually take cover against a shotgun.
  9. But every armas wep is either a reskin, a sidegrade, or just straight up worse than free gun?
  10. Okay, what do you think they should do? What is your current problem with the shotguns? Was making a nostalgic joke. I have not played live since the newest patch. Did your 'deal with it' posts get deleted?
  11. Let's give the CSG stupid hard damage again so we can go back to the old shotgun meta. :^)
  12. This would be nice if they go ahead and give the UI a full overhaul away from the old system and scaleform to something more uniform.
  13. I love how shotguns now ignore cover due to getting high damage from minimal pellets that tag you too.
  14. Reminder that breast cancer is not as deadly as these charities make it out to be. Please look in to a lot of them as many of them take large profits from donations and some are not even charities but just 'awareness companies' that give none of it to research. In my opinion there are far better causes that need much more attention when compared to how much breast cancer receives (Not to shine bad light on the thought behind this thread though as I think it is a good one).
  15. Just add ':^)' at the end and that was actually a pretty good joke.
  16. if he posted there the chances are high thst nobody would see it My post is more important and should deserve to be seen more so I'll make a separate thread for it.
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