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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Because it breaks the games current ToS.
  2. NotZombieBiscuit


    Yeah you don't get banned for that. You did something else and I bet you know what you did.
  3. I'd rather it be left as a meme gun to be honest.
  4. NotZombieBiscuit


    ill wrap you up in a bedsheet
  5. Yes, us forum goers are 100% capable of helping you.
  6. Probably just uses the same password for everywhere like a lot of people do. There have been a few APB people that got their accounts broken in to because of a database leak from another website. I can think of two off the top of my head that used the same password, got a database breach somewhere else, an APB player then used that indirectly leaked account to hack on and get it banned.
  7. Where are all the other complaints that accounts have been stolen from en mass.
  8. Blame is on you there bud. Not APB/G1/LO.
  9. The mention of mobility sling has me lead to believe you are using weapons that marksman rather than hipfire. What weapons are you using in CQC? As for tracking it comes with practice and muscle memory. One thing that can help is playing from the elbow/shoulder rather than your wrist to get a higher degree of movement and precision.
  10. I really don't see the issue here. Working towards getting any additional weapons and gear towards end levels off progression is pretty normal for games.
  11. NotZombieBiscuit


    Oysters are nice. Whats the issue.
  12. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  13. Yeah let's give half the population 400ping. Hilarious.
  14. Then why make the thread and pose questions.
  15. You're answering your own question then.
  16. That isn't how social constructs work.
  17. Might have something to do with it being the only free and easily accessible AR besides the starting STAR. Just maybe.
  18. It has always been like that in APB, and literally almost everywhere else. Welcome to the internet.
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