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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Not hard to shoot someone moving in a super predictable arch.
  2. Little Orbit has multiple development teams under them for different games/projects. And both of their other games were picked up before APB.
  3. Yeah let's not bring back Savage Mod. That was not a fun time.
  4. Yeah. How dare they suggest bringing back a minor mechanic that added variation to gameplay!
  5. Sure, it mayminimise it but we both know how autistic the APB community is so they will pry at any and everything.
  6. And sirens. And car engines. And gun sounds. And the old female landing sound.
  7. Oh no, someone editing a text file, whatever shall we do.
  8. Why don't we give the reaper the ability to jump shot. Unique idea that no one has ever done before, please no steal. EDIT: I didn't even read the opening post. LUL. I regret nothing.
  9. If you are not 255, hit 255. Other than that make a bunch of clothing stuff.
  10. Thought you were quiting apb. So why does it matter to you.
  11. 2. What would you like to see changed in matchmaking then? 3. Engine/design issue at this current point. 5. This punishes legit players more than cheaters and is a nice way to kill the game quicker.
  12. No need to thank me everyone. I saved APB. Just doing my job for the game I love. I shall now rest for today.
  13. What. Your internet has nothing to do with graphical settings.
  14. As stoopid as you are in your binary thoughts on being a neo-nazi at least you're kinda right here. I hate how people liked to conflate the 6 million numbers over and over again when it is mathematically impossible to do that in the timeframe. Not to mention the majority of concentration camps were found by Russians which lied about the discoveries and were not to be trusted, especially after they just helped Germany fuck Poland and the Baltics a bit before.
  15. I remember when I used to play WoW back in 2004-2006 I was so amazed when I saw someone wearing something super cool.
  16. Don't listen to him. He just doesn't understand the analogy properly because his father was never faithful to any monogamous relationship.
  17. Remember when previous exclusive items remained exclusive? I member.
  18. This clip is old as fuck though.
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